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many such cases may be found as trophies in the most glaring sin, and in forgetfulness of success. We had many instances of of, and even blasphemy against, God, are members who have signed the moderation now, I hope, convinced of sin, and clothed, pledge becoming drunkards. The society and in their right mind, and sitting at the tolerated and sanctioned the use of fer- feet of Jesus. The results of our labours mented drinks, and by these they were are felt in all directions-in clothing the betrayed into habits of intoxication." poor, in bringing comfort to many a wretch

G. B. Browne, Esq., of Halifax: "In ed wife, and food to many a starving child. 1832 we formed a temperance society on The publicans also, and the brewers, feel our the moderation pledge: the effects were encroachments on their profits. I am told scarcely visible; no drunkards were re- that we have reduced the consumption of claimed, and not many reduced their daily ale and porter nearly one half. Our conconsumptions of wine and porter.-In 1835 sumption was 200,000 barrels per annum; the total abstinence pledge was introduced. so that, in this alone, we save the poor la-The first society dwindled away, and the bouring families £100,000 a year at least." teetotalers gained strength, and now reckon T. Beaumont, Esq., Surgeon, of Brad700 members, among whom about one ford: “Here the first moderation society hundred are reclaimed characters, several was formed, and here there was no want of of whom are become truly religious." zeal, talent, or piety, in the working of that Mr. John Cadbury, Birmingham: "The system; and yet, in nearly five years, we moderation system was zealously and ar- did not succeed in reforming one solitary dently advocated for many years in this drunkard. When the plan of total abstitown, and enrolled those of high rank and nence was first promulgated, it was repudiwealth among its numbers. We laboured ated and rejected by most of our temperand laboured to induce the working-classes ance friends; so that when it came to be toleto come amongst us, and so they did to a rated, even much less cordially accepted, limited extent; but with all our industry, many of our old supporters left us. But in distributing tracts, visiting poor drunk- since this system has been in operation, we ards, and holding meetings, the interest have recorded more than two hundred cases sank away, until the existence of a tem- of men who have, by the blessing of God, perance society was only in name. The become delightful monuments of the infinite introduction of total abstinence principles superiority of the one system over the other. acted like an electric shock on the working- With very few exceptions, these persons classes, who at once saw truth, safety, and have joined themselves to some church, and certainty of the remedy; and very soon become reputable members of the society. the moderation society sunk into oblivion, It has now been ascertained, by an overwhilst the teetotal system became rooted whelming mass of evidence, that in all cases, and grounded in the minds of hundreds of and under all circumstances, in all countries, faithful converts, amongst whom were very and in all conditions of life, the entire disuse many men of drunken, dissolute habits. of all alcoholic beverages is attended with On the moderation system I never knew the most decided benefit." one drunkard reclaimed; whilst, on the III. Details of the operations of temperteetotal plan, we have hundreds who were ance societies.-In America, the success of once drunkards, now, not only sober men, temperance operations has been most manigood husbands, and kind fathers, but regu- fest. "Within nine years,

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says Dr. lar frequenters of a place of worship. To Humphry, President of Amherst College, be short: total abstinence is the only cure; U.S.," there were formed, within the difand that it is safe, experience has amply ferent states, seven thousand temperance soand abundantly proved. I do not know of cieties; one embracing a majority of mema single instance of any individual having bers of both Houses of Congress, and the suffered from relinquishing the use of these whole including nearly a million and half things-no, not even the worst drunkard, of members. Upwards of three thousand from giving them up at once." distilleries were stopped, and given up; J. Cropper, Jun., Esq., of Liverpool: and more than five thousand merchants "We found in Liverpool, after working the and dealers in spirits relinquished the old society for some time, that little good trade, which was deemed immoral, and resulted. We could point to few instances hurtful to the best interests of the commuof permanent good. It was no difficult nity. No spirits were allowed to be used thing for men to agree to abstain from spi- in the American navy or army; and about rits; they could still go to the tavern and twelve hundred merchant-ships were navienjoy their company and their all; and those gated without the use of intoxicating who were reformed then, were so by prac- drinks; five thousand actual drunkards tising the new plan-entire abstinence. were known to have been reclaimed, and Now, we have thousands in Liverpool who made sober men; and, in the county of observe entire abstinence, and the results Plymouth, there was not a single seller of are, in many instances, delightful. We have ardent spirits left." many hundreds who from living in wretchedness, (though earning good wages,) and

The total abstinence principle, which has not long been introduced into the United

States, has, within the last year or two, ning day and night, and six large breweries effected most gratifying changes. The in successful operation. Now, but one or annual report of the American Temper- two distilleries are at work, with but limited ance Union, for 1842, contains some strong employment. In Pennsylvania 1,500 stills proofs of success. The number of pledges were in operation in 1815; now only 15 taken in the United States during the past remain. The town of South Kingston, state year, chiefly from among hard drinkers, of Rhode Island, with a population of 3,718, tipplers, and drunkards, was estimated at has no licensed place of any kind where inover half a million; 30,000 of these were toxicating liquors are sold. In the state of in Kentucky, 60,000 in Ohio, in all the New York, in 1825, there were 1,149 distilWest, 200,000, of whom every seventh man leries at work; in 1835, they were reduced was reported as a reformed drunkard, and to 337. In 1840 this state had only 206 every fourth man a reformed tippler. In distilleries, which manufactured annually Boston 20,000 had signed the pledge, of whom 2,710,110 gallons of poison. At Boston the 13,000 were total abstainers. In central mayor and aldermen have resolved to liand western New York 50,000. In New cense no persons to sell spirituous liquors York city 16,000. In Philadelphia, and the the ensuing year. The same spirit is spreadregion round about, 20,000. In Pittsburgh, ing among the municipal officers in various 10,000. From the returns which had been parts. E. C. Delavan, Esq., the distinmade, the number of reformed drunkards guished philanthropist, speaks in yet stronger was estimated at over 50,000. "The re- terms, in a letter written towards the close port," says the Journal of the American of 1842: "The whole land," he remarks, Temperance Union, for June, 1842, " presents a variety of testimony from various quarters, showing that the reformed men have generally kept their pledge inviolate; that there has been an extraordinary restoration of health and physical power, of self-respect and moral tone, mental acumen, and natural affection; and that the work of reform has removed domestic misery, and want, and degradation, and been the direct cause of happiness to thousands of families beyond, perhaps, any similar occurrence in the history of man." In Lancaster, five years before, there were seventy distilleries, most of which, if not all, had two stills run

"from one extremity to another, is aroused; high and low, rich and poor, join hand and hand in this great and glorious enterprise. The reformation of drunkards is one of the most astonishing incidents on record. At least 100,000 have been reformed within the past two years; and the work is rapidly going on; and it is now my belief, in ten years we shall not have a thousand drunkards in the United States. The children are all growing up right: nothing is more common than to find the children of the rich and influential uniting in the pledge, while their parents give no sign.”

The following statement of the quantity of rum, brandy, gin, and wine, imported into Boston, will illustrate the change generally taking place in the drinking habits of the people of the United States:

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The quantity of rum, brandy, gin, and wine imported in 1842, compared with

1839 shows a decease of 526,721 gallons, or about 56 per cent.

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The quantity of domestic spirits exported to foreign ports

In 1839 was 227,755 gallons
In 1840

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408,589 ditto.

In 1841
In 1842


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785,045 gallons 430,965 ditto.

The Boston Evening Gazette, for De- remarkable, has not been attended with cember 31st, 1842, remarks, on these state- equal success. The consumption of these ments, that besides this remarkable dimi- drinks, which are used by the rich, has nution, a much larger proportion of what is imported or distilled here is used in medicine, and for manufacturing and scientific purposes, than at any former period.

been reduced to an encouraging extent. Spirit drinking, however, has unfortunately not been reduced. The following tables will exhibit a considerable diminution in In Great Britain the change, although the consumption of malt liquors:—


The number of licenses granted

In 1839


In 1841



Decrease in two years



Quarters of malt made

In 1840


In 1841


5,307,147 4,520,501


5th, 1840, the number of gallons taken out for home consumption was 2,212,465; in the corresponding quarter, however, of 1842, it was only 1,682,548, being a reduction of 529,917 gallons in three months. This wonderful reformation still advances with rapid strides.

2. The influence of the temperance operations on education, morals, religion, good conduct, and the general welfare of the people.A gentleman interested in the progress of temperance, and who kept open an evening school for the benefit of persons in his employ, having to determine, in the winter of 1840, whether he should continue it open

or 6,292,528 bushels, forming more than in the summer, requested them to fill up a one-seventh part of the entire quantity form containing certain particulars respectmade in 1840. The depressed state of ing their progress in reading, writing, and trade, and the consequent existence of arithmetic, and to state whether they were poverty among the labouring classes will, desirous of attending the school during the of course, have had considerable effect on period in question. The conclusions at this change. Much of it, however, has which he arrived from the returns made, an been produced by the rapid diffusion of analysis of which he gives in full, were as total abstinence principles. follows:


Messrs. Shaw and Maxwell, wine mer"1. That total abstinence from all intoxichants in London, in their annual circular, cating drinks increases the desire of learnstate that the consumption of wine during ing in the proportion of more than three to the last year (1842) has fallen off upwards of 300,000 gallons. Port wine, which fifty "2. That of those who cannot write their years constituted 70 per cent. of all wines names, more than three to one of the drinkconsumed, has fallen to 32 per cent. This ers prefer ignorance, whereas all the teetostatement was made in August of the same talers are desirous of learning. year.

In Scotland the temperance reformation has effected an important change in the drinking habits of the people. The decrease of public houses in Aberdeen, for example, has been most remarkable.

In 1837 there were 870 public-houses 1838 ditto 627 ditto

1839 ditto
1840 ditto

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[blocks in formation]

Mr. Dunlop relates an interesting circumstance in connection with education and being a decrease of 471 houses for the sale which the temperance movement first betemperance, in reference to the locality in of strong drink in Aberdeen since the for- gan in North Britain, in 1829. The town mation of the total abstinence society in in question contained at that period under that city. 35,000 inhabitants. The temperance artiIn Ireland, the temperance operations, zans instituted a mechanics' library, (now under the auspices of Father Mathew, have divided into two sections,) which has, chiefly been conducted on a large scale. No praise through their own exertions, gradually of the writer can add to the honourable progressed until it now amounts to thirtydistinction to which that great and good five hundred volumes.

man has attained. The result of his la- "At Messrs. Lepper's mill, in the neighbours are yet unknown; and this distin- bourhood of Belfast," remarks the Dublin guished apostle of temperance will be Temperance Herald, "a school is now held, handed down to posterity as the great the teachers of which are reclaimed drunkbenefactor of his country. The blessing of ards; and one of the operatives there stated God has manifestly attended his exertions. that he could put his hand on a hundred A return recently made to the House of children now receiving instruction there, Commons of the spirits taken out for home who, a short time since, were either idle or consumption in Ireland, from the 5th of mischievously employed, and destitute of January to the 5th of April, 1842, and the instruction." corresponding periods of 1840 and 1841, exhibit an enormous decrease in the use of Eaton in his address to the Society of "In the course of one year," remarks Mr. ardent spirits. In the quarter ending April Friends, 1839, "the increase in the number

of the Sabbath-school children in the exten- in the outward condition of many in that sive and populous parish of Halifax, was city and the neighbourhood, through teecomputed to be at least three thousand, a totalism, remarks: "These outward sympcircumstance that was mostly attributed toms of improvement have been attended to the operations of the total abstinence so- with, or more properly speaking, occasioned ciety." by, corresponding personal and mental ad"At Camborne, in Cornwall," remarks vancement. The revival of spiritual adthe same benevolent individual, " during vantages has become an object of solicithe course of a few months, eighty children tude. Sunday schools and places of worwere admitted into the Weslyan Methodist ship are called for and are being erected in Sabbath-school, all of whom, it was ascer- many places where there were none before, tained, had been previously prevented from and additions made to those previously exattending in consequence of the drinking isting. As the depositary of the Durham habits of their parents. In most of the Auxiliary Bible Society, I have issued cases," continues Mr. Eaton, "the parents more Bibles and Testaments, during the had not been what is generally termed in- last three or four months, than in several temperate drinkers, but, as is usually the years previously. That this improvement case with the labouring poor, their limited is owing to the temperance reformation means of support had been grievously mis- there can be no doubt, as the state of applied under the delusive notion that a affairs, in other respects, remains precisely considerable quantity of strong drink was as it was before." necessary to enable them to perform their The statements of clergymen, in various daily toil." parts of the kingdom, might be extended Instances of this kind have of late years at considerable length. The testimonies of been frequent in their occurrence. Sun-ministers of different denominations are day schools, mechanics' institutions, and equally conclusive. other places of instruction, have received The Rev. David Charles, of Bala, in considerable accession of their numbers in Wales, remarks, in reference to North those towns where temperance principles Wales: "In some districts the cause has have made much progress. been, I might almost say, universally emThe morals, religion, good conduct, and, braced, and the blessings consequently have of course, general welfare of the people, been proportionably greater. In others, it have increased in proportion to the success has met with much opposition, and the beof the temperance cause. It would be im-nefits have been proportionably less. Our possible, however, to enter into this subject district contains five parishes, the populaat length. The powerful facts now on re- tion of which may be rated at about 6,000. cord, illustrative of these points, cannot fail Out of these, the number of pledged abto excite no less astonishment than grati-stainers is about 5,000. The number of tude, that God has so signally blessed the those united to Christian churches, and are operations of the society. A few facts only full members, is about 2,600; and out of are selected by way of illustration. this as many as 600 have joined the churches At a late annual festival of the Penzance during the last year, and are now contotal-abstinence circuit, the Rev. H. E. sistent members thereof. The great sucGraham, rector of Ludgvan, preached to cess of the Gospel amongst us is mainly the society; and, in reference to the occa- attributed to the Lord's blessing upon the sion, he has observed that "it was impos-operations of the total abstinence societies, sible for any person to witness the thou- which have been, in a remarkable degree, sands going to the house of God that morn- the means of preparing the minds of the ing, without their minds being impressed people for the reception of the Gospel, and with the sight. That day they had seen of leading them to seek for more than the many in the house of God who were once immediate benefits of total abstinence, even bad fathers and bad husbands, and of the salvation of their undying souls. In whose moral improvement we could not Merionethshire alone, the churches of Christ have cherished the slightest hope, but who have had cause to rejoice, in that about are now reclaimed, who have had the cou- 2,000 during the last year have cast in their rage to give up what twelve months ago lot with them, and made a public profession of they believed to be necessary, although it the Lord Jesus Christ; and it has been was destroying their bodies and souls, and frequently remarked, that in those places are now able to stand forward and testify where the total abstinence cause has been to their improvement in health and mind, zealously embraced and proposed, there has and domestic circumstances. It was pleas- the Spirit been more remarkably poured ing to see the influence of the society have from on high, and the revivals more powera religious tendency, to see so many thou-ful. This is a fact which cannot be denied. sands go up to the house of God, to ac- The glorious work still goes on-the Lord knowledge the Lord in his work." is amongst us of a truth-whole neighbourhoods ask their way towards Zion with their faces thitherwards.""

The Rev. P. Penson, Vicar of St. Oswald's, in the city of Durham, after alluding to the great improvement which had taken place

"There are hundreds," says the last

report of the Wigan Total Abstinence the day, that their wives or families may Society, "who formerly were a pest to this attend."

town, who are now clothed, and in their A seventh secretary states: "Nearly all right minds, and with their little ones resort- our reclaimed drunkards attend places of ing to the house of God." worship."

"The number of members enrolled in An eighth secretary says: "Out of 105 two years," says a writer in Cornwall, in reclaimed in this district, we have eighty1840, "is upwards of 40,000. There are four in Christian communion; and we have added to the Christian churches 5,000; of reason to believe, that had it not been for reclaimed drunkards not less than 2,000. the indifference and example of Christian The annual report of the Birmingham ministers, every one who has been reTotal Abstinence Society, for 1838, states claimed would have been united in Chrisas follows: "During the past year, a very tian communion." careful scrutiny has been made, as to the A ninth secretary remarks: " Many who moral and religious condition of those who were formerly strangers to the house of have become members of the society, the God are now regular in their attendance

result of which is truly gratifying, and en- on the means of grace." couraging. There are, at the present time, A tenth secretary says: "Those who have registered in the society's books, 177 indi- been reclaimed by the instrumentality of viduals, once known as dissolute drunkards, the society, and have joined Christian Sabbath-breakers, terrors to their families, churches, are walking consistently, and now not only consistent members of tee- evidence by their outward conduct that they totalism, but 170 of whom are regular fre- are changed by divine grace.” quenters of places of worship."

The secretary of a society in the north of England writes: "Great numbers attend the house of God, and are greatly reformed in their walk and conversation, but have not yet entered into church-fellowship. We have hundreds of sailors also, belonging to the port, who are consistent members; and out of the number of pilots (seventeen), six are teetotalers."

An eleventh secretary observes: "The cases of the reclaimed, who have become professing Christians, are so numerous, that very many sheets of paper would be required to give an account of them."

A twelfth secretary says: "The abstinence principle with us has had a very beneficial effect, in a religious point of view. Many, who have been brought back to the paths of moral rectitude, have likewise come under the influence of the Holy Spirit, and have become professing Christians, and heirs of eternal happiness in the kingdom of God."

The secretary of a society in Devon remarks: "We have a great many who, before the adoption of our principles, were totally careless and indifferent on the all-important subject of religion; but are now deeply It would be easy to extend these testimointerested in their immortal welfare, and nies to an almost unlimited amount. Thouconstant attendants on the means of sands of similar documents are now on regrace." cord, exhibiting the wonderful influence which temperance principles have on religious welfare.


Another secretary observes: "We have twenty of the reclaimed in Christian communion, of whom eighteen are such as Mr. Dunlop, not long ago, took considerhave gone into the very depths of intem- rablepains to investigate the influence of the perance, and two-thirds of them were temperance reformation on religion. He backsliders from religion. They are now divided the reformed drunkards connected the most respectable ornaments of our so- with the societies into three classes. ciety, are diligent in business, fervent in Those who make no profession of religion spirit serving the Lord." at all, and whose reformation was merely A fourth secretary writes: "It would external as regards their habits. 2. Another take a volume to describe all the good that class, who admitted the agency of God in has been done here in reclaiming intempe- their amendment, acknowledged that they rate characters. There are, however, those could not remain temperate without his who have been joined to religious societies grace, and had become, it may be, somefour times each, and have become pests to what regular attendants on public worship, the town, through drink. but who, since or even members of Christian congregathey have joined the teetotal society, tions. 3. A class who had undergone a have adorned the doctrine of God their much greater and decided change, who had Saviour." abhorred their former ways, who acknowA fifth secretary says: "All our re- ledged the mercy of God in Christ to the claimed drunkards (40) make some profes- chief of sinners, who had become men of sion of Christianity. I believe we have prayer in secret and in their families, had neither infidel, deist, nor socialist in our joined Christian congregations, and whose society." lives had not only been strictly consistent

A sixth secretary says: "All our re- with these professions, but who had lived formed drunkards attend places of worship in this manner such a length of time as regularly, or stay at home some part of might justify all cautious and experienced

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