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water, or lemonade, a much better cordial labour are refreshing; and the mind is far than any kind of intoxicating liquor ever more cheerful, composed, and self-possessed was. I can also bear heat or cold better than in the days of infatuation, when the than formerly, and am not liable to get spirits and wine-cup met us on every sidesick either from exposure or over exertion. board, and assailed us at every table." While under the old regime, I had frequent Edward C. Delavan, Esq., chairman of attacks of illness, and some of a serious the Executive Committee of the New York nature; but since I have adopted my pre-State Temperance Society, of Albany, N.Y.: sent course, I have not found occasion to "Several years have now elapsed since I take a particle of medicine, nor have I practised total abstinence; and, during that been confined to my bed a single day." time, my health has regularly improved. For William A. Alcott, M.D., of Boston, more than twenty years I have been severely Mass., author of the Young Man's Guide, afflicted with chronic and most obstinate and editor of the Moral Reformer, Parley's constipation of the bowels; and, at times, to Magazine, &c., &c.: "At thirty-two, I aban- a degree that almost deprived me of comdoned all fermented drinks. Before I dis- fort. My physician assured me, that from continued the use of narcotic and intoxicat- original temperament, or confirmed habit, ing drinks, I was threatened with con- or the combined influence of both, he had sumption; this tendency still remains, but no expectation that I should obtain any is every year diminishing. My general thing more than temporary relief by the health has greatly improved. I think my use of medicine. But I can now state, constitution, of both mind and body, more and I do it with sincere gratitude, that juvenile than six years ago. For six years since I have abandoned alcohol, under all past, all my senses, except hearing, have its various disguises, and substituted cold greatly improved; but my hearing still re-water as my only beverage, I have been mains the same. My taste and my sight gradually and constantly improving in this are remarkable. As to taste, water, formerly particular, and that I have now scarcely a so insipid, has now a surprising sweetness. vestige of the complaint remaining. During I must add, in closing, that many circum- the year past I have sustained greater stances in which I have been placed, during mental effort than at any previous period of the last six years, have been far less favour- my life, yet my health has steadily imable to health than formerly. I was bred proved; and I recently ascertained that, to the farm till twenty-four years of age, during the same time, I had gained in and accustomed to much exercise in the weight nine pounds seven ounces more than open air. Since then, I have at times I ever weighed before." greatly neglected air and exercise; yet, I William Ladd, Esq., of Minot, Maine, have performed excessive labours; enough secretary of the American Peace Society: frequently for two ordinary men. I have "I have discontinued the use of ardent studied much by night, or rather morning, spirits for about five or six years, and the for I rise at three or four o'clock all the use of all intoxicating drinks for about two year round. I have lost nothing by my years and a half. My health has been temperance, but have gained immensely-a gradually improving ever since, and is species of property, too, which worlds of now perfectly good; but I cannot say what extraordniary stimulants would not now in- effect the abstinence from intoxicating liduce me to part with." quors may have had upon it. The 'effect The Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen, late on the capability of making great and conUnited States senator, and Chancellor of tinued efforts of body and mind,' has been the University of New York: "I have decidedly favourable. I can do nearly been favoured with your circular, re-double the mental labour which I could questing the results of my experience in formerly. On the whole, my enjoyments, the matter of entire abstinence from both mental and bodily, are much inthe use of intoxicating liquor, and, espe- creased by abstinence from all that can cially, as to its effects on my health,-intoxicate."

on bodily and mental ability, and the feel- The Right Honourable Earl Stanhope: ings of the mind. I can, from personal" I adopted the practice of total abstinence experience, bear decided testimony to the from all intoxicating liquors towards the happiest results, in all these particulars, close of the year 1831, when I suffered, as I arising from entire abstinence. For the had done occasionally, from a weakness of last nine years I have wholly abstained the stomach and a want of appetite. Since from ardent spirits, and habitually from all that time, I have steadily adhered to that fermented liquors. The last year, which habit, and I find that my general health has been the period in which I have relin- has, in consequence, been very much imquished even the occasional use of wine, I proved, and that it has very rarely been have enjoyed better health than in either of requisite for me to take any medicine, and the nine. And it is an interesting and then only such as is mild in its nature, and grateful fact to me, that protracted and moderate in its quantity. The powers of severe mental efforts can now be borne my digestion are vigorous, as well as my without weariness; bodily exercise and appetite, and I never feel heavy or heated

after dinner, but am as fit for bodily and The Rev. John Collinson, Curate of mental exertion in the evening as I am in Lamesley: "For some years I found my the morning. Although I often expose health gradually declining, and as I am upmyself to all varieties of weather, I hardly wards of sixty years of age, I laid it to the ever catch a cold, and the complaints to account of advancing years, when we may which I am sometimes, though very seldom all of us be looking forward to the solemn subject, never assume an inflammatory change that must consign our bodies to the character. My bodily strength is in- dust from whence they sprung. I was led creased, instead of being diminished, by to believe that my constitution was breakdrinking only water, and I consider that ing up, and that I was going down, step by my mental faculties are far less liable to be step, to the grave. But I was in some dedisturbed than was formerly the case.-gree mistaken. It was not so much adFrom the numerous advantages I have re-vancing years, as another, and more fatal ceived, notwithstanding my advancing years, enemy-one that casts down the young as I cannot too much recommend water drink-well as the old-that was wasting my ing for the health and strength both of the strength, and dragging me to my tomb. I mind and of the body, and consequently for have always, even from my youth, been a the enjoyment of life, and for the perform- very moderate drinker of wine, or other ance of its duties. I am aware that spiritu- liquors that contain spirit, but yet I did ocous liquors may seem to give a temporary casionally take such a quantity as most stimulus to the strength and to the appetite, gentlemen, who are never guilty of excess, but in both these respects they are very in- indulge in; but I had often remarked, that jurious; for the body is thus urged to exer- I never remembered to have received the tions which are beyond its powers, and least benefit from wine in my life. About which are followed by exhaustion and de- five years ago, my constitution grew so bility; and the stomach may thus receive weak, that I may say I was never at that more than it is well able to digest. It is a time for a moment comfortable. I felt no very salutary, and, as I have found, a very pleasure in taking food, and could not digest important precept, not to eat to the full ex- the little that I did take; and I was always tent of the natural and usual appetite, and, so giddy after dinner, that, when I rose of course, then more caution is necessary from my chair, I was in danger of falling when the appetite is factitious and exceeds to the ground. From some observations the powers of digestion. The stimulus that I made, I discovered that I was always which such liquors may, for a time, give to worse than usual after I had taken wine, the spirits, is also prejudicial, and is follow- and in proportion to the quantity I had ed by corresponding depression; but I have taken. Here was a discovery that had not derived very great benefit by taking an been divulged to me by the Temperance effervescent powder, like that of lemon and Societies (for I really knew nothing about kali, when in a state of lassitude, or when them at that time). I resolved to drink the spirits required to be revived."

no more wine, or at least no more than John Rundle, Esq., M.P. for Tavistock: the customs of society forced upon me with"I have practised total abstinence from all out appearing singular; and I found so much intoxicating drinks since the 18th of Nov. benefit from it, both mental and corporeal, 1837, and have great reason to be grateful that I determined to advance a step farther, for the excellent health which I have had and break through all the drinking customs during that period. I have sustained great of society, and take none at all. I withstood exertions, both mental and bodily, and I the persuasions of some, and, what was far have been exposed to all weathers, without more difficult, the ridicule of others, and my ever having felt any inconvenience from reward was a rallying constitution and the want of the stimulants, so frequently, comparative comfort. But I was not yet and, as I believe, so injuriously, resorted to exactly what I ought to be; there was under such circumstances. It is fair to say, still something to be done before I could I have not made much sacrifice. I was say I had such health and strength as was never addicted to intemperance, and I have not unreasonable to expect at my time of now lost all desire for what many regard as life. I had given up wine, and had found the enjoyment of intoxicating drinks." the benefit of it, but I still took malt liquor J. Brotherton, Esq., M.P. for Salford: at my dinner, and even a glass afterwards, "I have now abstained from all kinds of if I was thirsty. And can this, I asked intoxicating liquor more than thirty years, myself, be the bar that keeps me from perand am happy in being able to state, that I fect health? I will ascertain this point, and have enjoyed excellent health during that for a time try nothing but plain water. I period, and it is well known that my life did so, and the problem was solved. Ha! has not been an inactive one, either as re- have I found thee at last, O, mine enemy! gards physical or mental exertion. I can Away, away, everything that has the least bear testimony to the good effects of absti- tendency to inebriate, and leave me in nence in a great number of instances which health and comfort! From this time, I have come under my own personal obser- gradually improved in health; and I am vation." now, thank God, as healthy as most, and

healthier than many, men of my age. I night, and to preach three times every day seem to have gone back in life ten years; and during the same period; still I was able to although I well know what must be the end of undergo the labour and exertion with comtime's rapid flight, I yet feel, that, latterly, parative ease, and never felt the want of instead of advancing to the grave, I have anything intoxicating. I have conversed been marching stoutly from it. As it re- with many ministers of different denominagards my improved capability for mental tions, both young and aged, and they uniexertion, it is surely unnecessary to say, versally acknowledged, that they have been that a man who has got rid of bile and in- better able to sustain the arduous duties of digestion, and giddiness of the head, must the ministry (to some of whom they must have a much clearer understanding, and be have been truly laborious) since they have better able to exert it, than before. In fact, totally desisted from the use of intoxicatyou may give me credit for all the improve- ing liquors, than before. Very many ment, in this respect, the circumstances can others, also, in different situations in life, fairly warrant." have I met, and received their confirma

The Rev. Francis Close, M.A., of Chel- tion of the above important truth. I am tenham: "The question is, are the associa- happy in being able to inform you that tions for total abstinence consistent with the cause is still prosperous in many parts the principle of revealed truth? That the of our country. A few days ago, I reindividual practice of total abstinence from ceived a pleasing account of a beer-house all intoxicating drink is so, there can be being turned into a house of worshipno doubt; that such a practice is congenial Dagan having fallen before the ark of with health, morals, and religion, I am God. It was opened with prayer and praise most fully persuaded. Having tried it my- at an early hour on a Sabbath morning, self for the space of one year, and having and a reformed drunkard was the preacher consulted some of the most eminent of the on the occasion. Thus we see the cause faculty, I am fully persuaded every intoxi- of the blessed Immanuel prospering; and, cating beverage, as existing in the present provided we persevere zealously and faithday, is, in most cases, either a useless and fully, I have no doubt but that we shall expensive luxury, or actually injurious to have to tell of greater triumphs than these. health-stimulating but not strengthening We have the honour and privilege of pre-exciting only to occasion a collapse, paring the way of the Lord-this done, we which must be met by a new excitement. may expect his coming with power and I firmly believe that every person who sets might. That every idol may fall before an example of total abstinence will benefit him, and that the glorious day may arrive, alike himself and his fellow-creatures." when he shall be acknowledged as Lord and Rev. Septimus Ramsay, M.A., Minister of King by all nations; and, towards this, that St. Michael's, Burleigh-street, Strand, and the good cause, in which we are embarked, Secretary to the " Upper Canada Clergy may continually and increasingly prosper, Society" "By way of trial, I have four is my sincere and earnest prayer." times abstained from all intoxicating beve- The Rev. Thomas Swan, Birmingham: rages for a month each time, and then for "I am most happy to bear my humble the same period took a moderate quantity testimony to the benefits resulting from of malt liquor, or wine, and I now am able total abstinence from all intoxicating to give an opinion on the subject, founded beverages; I have practised it for more on my own personal experience. I have than two years, and never was better, tried both systems, and therefore am better never felt so little fatigue after those qualified to judge than those who have arduous labours in which I am constantly only tried one. Whilst I drank nothing engaged. It is true, I never took much, stonger than water, I could decidedly go only a little ale in the evening, and two or through more fatigue, both bodily and three glasses of wine on the Sabbath; but I mentally, than on the moderate system: am decidedly better on Monday than I I felt stronger; the body was in a much used to be, and am almost entirely freed cooler state, and less irritability in the from a spasmodic affection to which I am system altogether." liable. From my heart I wish all intoxiThe Rev. David Charles, Bala, Wales: cating drinks were used only as medicines; "To the beneficial results of the practice then, the church would arise and shine in of total abstinence from all intoxicating glory, and the world soon be renovated. liquors, the experience of thousands of my A dear friend, one of my respectable deafellow-countrymen bear ample testimony. cons, his lady, and most of the members of As far as regards myself, I can safely tes- his family, have adopted the plan, and they tify, that my health is certainly stronger, rejoice in the benefits of it every day. He and my capability, both of bodily and men- is very zealous in the cause. I wish you tal exertion, considerably greater at pre- much success in this great work. This is sent that at the time when I used those the only reform, I am persuaded, that liquors moderately. As an instance, I will benefit the mass of the people." might mention that I had, in the depth of The Rev. James Sherman, Minister of last winter, to travel for upwards of a fort- Surrey Chapel, London; "It is now six

years since I began wholly to abstain; evils that arise from a naturally defective
and though these six years have been the state of the stomachic organs. This has
most laborious of the whole of my life, sometimes risen to such a height as to
I have not had occasion, though often re- prove very serious, and to become painfully
commended, to return to the moderate use distressing for months, and even years,
of intoxicating liquor. I can individually without material intermission. For a long
and relatively speak well of abstinence. As time I was taught to believe that a cer-
a family, few enjoy better health, scarcely tain moderate portion of alcoholic liquor
ever requiring the aid of medicine or a me- was absolutely necessary, in my case, to
dical man; and the instances in my own the functions of life; I now believe this
church of wretches rescued, and exalted to to have been a great mistake. I have
happiness and usefulness, first, by adopting found no bad consequence to arise from
the plan, and then attending the house of becoming totally abstinent. I confess the
God and listening to the gospel of salvation, change was for some time a painful
cheer my heart in my ministerial labours, struggle, but that being over, I am fit for
and make me anxious that multitudes more more exercise and business, and am more
of my brethren should adopt and carry vigorous both in body and mind; but, what
out the system."
most people would doubt, I enjoy more
The Rev. J. Burns, Minister of Enon animal gratification now than I used to do,
Chapel, New Church-street, St. Marylebone: when I daily made use of alcoholic sti-
"Since I have abstained from the use of multants."

fermented drinks, I have been able to attend Joseph Eaton, Esq., of Bristol: "It is
to all my labours, both of mind and body, now nearly four years since I entirely re-
with much less fatigue than formerly. Ilinquished the use of intoxicating drinks.—
am now entirely free from the painful sen- My health at that time was much impaired,
sation of thirst, especially after the labours and was in a state that would be generally
of the Lord's day. My material system is regarded as requiring wine, or some stimu-
several pounds heavier than at any previous lant of a similar character; and, with this
part of my life, and I enjoy great comfort conviction, I had pretty regularly taken
of mind from being identified with the some, at least twice a-day, for many years.
great temperance movement, which, I trust, For some months immediately afterwards,
is destined, by the blessing of God, to be the I was occasionally engaged in travelling,
precursor of a great and mighty change in and whilst pursuing that healthful avocation,
the moral and religious aspect of our I found considerable benefit from my altered
mode of living. During some extremely hot
The Rev. Thomas Waterhouse, of Hud-weather, I was scarcely sensible of thirst,
dersfield, Minister of the Methodist New while others were suffering much from it,
Connexion: "It is nearly three years and were constantly drinking. I also en-
since I first received the temperance pledge dured the cold better than before, but the
(having previously acted upon the princi- greatest immediate advantage I experienced
ple some months by way of trial), and after was, that of my sleep being much more
that lapse of time I do honestly affirm that sound and refreshing. After a time I found,
I have found the self-denying practice to also, that a palpitation of the heart, which
be of great advantage to me. I can walk had previously been increasing, and was
with more ease, read, I think, with more becoming of an alarming character, almost
satisfaction, and preach with less fatigue entirely ceased. This is the credit side of
than formerly; especially, I do not feel, after my account with total abstinence; but about
the laborious services of the Sabbath, that twelve months from the time I altered my
weariness and listlessness in my system on mode of living, I began to suffer consider-
the Monday, which I constantly felt when ably-my flesh wasted away, and my spirits
I occasionally partook of intoxicating and strength failed to such an extent that I
drinks. If ministers of the Gospel would became seriously alarmed.
After trying
act decidedly and perseveringly upon the bitters, and tonics, which were not of the
principle above recommended, I am fully least service, I had recourse, as soon as cir-
persuaded they would not only derive incal- cumstances would admit, to the natural and
culable advantage in body and mind, but best stimulants,-travelling and exercise in
such conduct would prevent their worldly the open air, and by this means, under the
conformity to a considerable extent, raise divine blessing, my health was restored, and
them greatly in public estimation, and ren- it has continued much the same as it was
der their ministerial services more evi- before I acted on the principle of abstinence;
dently useful in the salvation of souls." but having been favoured with a continued
J. Dunlop, Esq., one of Her Majesty's exemption from palpitation of the heart, I
Justices of the Peace for Renfrewshire, and am pretty well satisfied that any apparent
author of "The Compulsory Drinking benefit I might derive from an alcoholic
Usages of Great Britain," &c.: "From my stimulant would be purchased at the expense
youth upwards I have been affected with of an over excitement of some parts of the
dyspepsia, or want of digestion, bile, flatu-system; and that it is best, on the score of
lence, hypochondria, acidity, and all the health, to continue my present course, and

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put up with occasional feelings of depres- moderation. The digestive organs act betsion." ter, they are very rarely discomposed, John Cadbury, Esq., Birmingham: "The and when out of order, easily restored by result of my own six years' experience is, very simple medicine. I sleep far better at that total abstinence from all intoxicating night, but am not drowsy at any period of drinks has conferred real and substantial the day, as I used to be under ordinary benefits on my health, mentally and bodily. circumstances-in fact, I think, I am more Before adopting this plan, I was a very mo- thoroughly awake at all times when out of derate wine drinker, averaging not more bed. I have lost a painful feeling of nerthan two wine glasses a day, and I was al-vous depression; but what has appeared to together unconscious that any possible in- me most remarkable is, the facility with convenience could result from it; on the which ordinary colds pass away. I have contrary, I seriously believed that my con- had in the morning strong symptoms of a stitution required this daily stimulus to very bad cold, running of the eyes and assist in supporting me through the usual nose to a great extent, accompanied with avocations of life. In all this, however, I slight fever, all of which have been entirely have learnt, to my happiness and comfort, removed in the afternoon. I am sure that the great delusion under which I then my mind is more placid and serene, and lived. Instead of suffering frequently from better prepared to meet weal or woe, than langour, irritability, and, at times, highly when under the influence of small daily susceptible nervous feelings, with compara- potations of beer or wine. Having distively little relish for food, particularly at posed of myself, I will proceed to my family, breakfast, I can now gratefully and I de- who, in their various capacities, will bear sire humbly to acknowledge, that all these the same testimony, except that some of unpleasant sensations have, in a great de- them have hardly known the effect of gree, subsided. My health, which at the strong drink, having been almost total time referred to was very fluctuating, has abstainers from their infancy. My sons since been uniformly good, even robust. are strong, hearty, willing, and able to Languor, from which I suffered greatly, is work; and, in fact, some of them do perunknown to me; and, as to exertion, I re- form a very large quantity of labour, and member no period of my life when I could their activity of mind is equal to that of undergo so much with so little fatigue. I their bodies. They are occupied in various have for more than two years expelled parts of the county, and wherever their lot every description of intoxicating drinks is cast, they not only do not keep their from my house (except it may be a little principles out of view, but are ready to labelled poison in the medicine chest), and embrace every suitable opportunity of my wife and servants are ready to bear spreading them. My dear wife, who was their testimony, in addition to my own, of always of a weakly constitution, and consithe benefit they have derived from giving dered a glass of wine daily as an absolute up entirely the use of alcoholic drink. My necessary of life, has found herself better three children have all been nursed by without it, and has now no faith in it as a their mother on this principle, and that to medicine."

the evident advantage of both; nor can I John Surtees White, Esq., Solicitor, Depwithhold the pleasing intelligence, that my ton, Durham: "At the age of 18, it was my valued parents, each in their seventy-first misfortune, I might add, my curse, to be sent year, have also, for many years, abstained to the city of Durham, to serve my clerkfrom all intoxicating drinks, to the percep- ship. I there soon acquired habits of intible benefit of their health. In fact, of temperance which grew with my growth, five families, consisting of thirty-nine mem- and clung to me until about two years ago, bers, only five continue the practice of when I came to the determination of abtaking wine or beer moderately, and these staining from spirituous liquors, I expefive are the most delicate and ailing mem-rienced great relief in consequence; but bers of the families: thus demonstrating, about a year ago, I determined to abstain pretty clearly, that the water drinking sys- from ale, and to join the ranks of the teetem is well suited for the aged, middle totalers. Previous to my doing so, I was aged, and young." attacked, periodically, with rheumatic afH. F. Cotterell, Esq., Bath: "I was fections of the most violent kind, bowel from a youth very temperate, and parti- complaints, &c.; but since I became a teecularly so of later years. The business in totaler I have never experienced one mowhich I am engaged, that of a land-sur-ment's uneasiness, or, with the exception of veyor, requires a large portion of mental a cold, had a day's illness. Independent of and bodily exertion. I have a large this, I have felt clearer in my head, consifamily mostly grown up, and now all (in-derably stronger, more fit for business, and cluding my wife) are total abstainers, and have, in every respect, become an altered have been so for more than two years and man.'

a half. I find my fitness for bodily and W. I. Morgan, Fellow of the Royal Colmental labour, of all kinds, greater than lege of Physicians, of Dublin; Presidentwhen I took intoxicating liquors in great Elect of the Bath District Branch of the

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