America at the End of DaysXulon Press, 2006 - 340 pagini Satan's plan was to establish America as headquarters of a socialist, one-world government. God's plan was to take the gospel to the world. What do God's prophets see for the immediate future? (Christian) |
Chptr Title Page Introduction | ix |
The Call | x |
A Cry for Freedom | 15 |
Gods Example for the Nations | 23 |
Who God Chooses as King | 49 |
Dissolution of Gods Chosen Nation | 55 |
Christopher Columbus and the Discovery of America | 59 |
America During the Early Years | 67 |
Spawning Thousand of Deadly Serpents | 149 |
Christian Resistance in Early America | 157 |
Blood Oaths and the Death of Captain Morgan | 163 |
Planning for Three World Wars | 175 |
The Rothschild Factor | 185 |
A Stranglehold on Americas Money | 195 |
The Socialist Explosion During the 20th | 207 |
Aiding and Abetting our Enemies | 221 |
Expansion and Dissension with England | 83 |
The Revolutionary War | 91 |
The Fall | 101 |
Paganism and the Secret Societies | 105 |
America the New Atlantis | 115 |
The Illuminati | 127 |
The Fight for our Children | 247 |
The Judgment | 257 |
The Coming Revival | 313 |
The End of This Age | 321 |
Concluding Thoughts | 329 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
20th century Abraham America Anatoliy Golitsyn angel army attack bank became become began begin believe Bible says bless British called CHAPTER China Christ Christian Church Clinton colonies Columbus coming Communists concerning curse David David Wilkerson Democratic Doublespeak earth Egypt England established Europe eventually evil father Federal finance flood French Revolution Germany God's Word happened Ibid Illuminati Indians International Bankers Internationalists Islam Israel Jesus Jews John McTernan Joshua killed king knew Korean land later live look look and learn Lord Masons ment military million named nation Nazi Germany never pagan Pat Robertson Paul Warburg President promise prophets religion Remember revealed Revolution Rick Joyner Rockefeller Rothschild Russia Satan secret societies ship Socialism Socialist Spirit Squanto Tal Brook taxes teach tells things tion told truth United vision wanted Washington wealth Weishaupt World Order