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are of the same breed; see, however, what a* difference education has made between them."


Dr. Franklin was born at Boston, in America: at a very early age he was placed under one of his brothers, who was a* printer; he made a rapid progress in that art, so useful to mankind; and, ever since that time, felt an attachment for the press", which lasted as long as he liveds. Franklin was a philosopher from his earliest youth, without being conscious of it; and his genius, ever active, was preparing those great discoveries in science" which have since associated his name with that of Newton; and those political reflections which have placed him by the side of a Solon or Lycurgus2.

Soon after his arrival at Philadelphia, he found means to draw togethera some young men, in whom he perceived a disposition to improve their mind; they established a small club, where every member, after his work was over, and on holidays, brought his stock of ideas on divers subjects, which were afterwards submitted to discussion. This society, of which the young printer was the soul, has been the source of every useful establishment in that province to promote the progress of sciences, the mechanical arts, and particularly the improvementh of the human understanding. Higher employments, at length, called Franklin from hisk » Le Docteur Franklin ;- dès sa plus tendre jeunesse ;P placer chez;-q des progrès rapides;r le métier d'imprimeur; toute sa vie ;-t première;- sans qu'il s'en doutât; - dans les sciences; associé son nom à ;-y à coté ;- et d'un Lycurgue;-a de rassembler ;-b de cultiver ;-c société ; d les jours de fêtes ;-e donner ses idées ;-f discuter entr'eux; -8 pour encourager les sciences;-h la culture ;-i Des emplois plus élevés ;-k hors de son;

country. In the year 1766, this printer was called to the bar of the House of Commons', and underwent that famous interrogatory, which placed the name of Franklin as high in politics as it was before in natural philosophy. From that time he defended the cause of America with a firmness and moderation becoming a great man. The United States, having obtained their independence, adopted each its own form of government, retainings, however, almost universally, their admiration for the British constitution. Franklin now stept forward as a legislator, disengaged the political machine from multiplied movements which rendered it too complicated, and reduced it to a simple principle, that of a single legislative body, thus forming the tie" which alone could give it strength and durability. Having given law to his country, Franklin again undertook to serve it in Europe, by negociating treaties with several powers. From France he returned to America: during three years he was President of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, and his last act was a grandb example for those who are employed ind the legislation of their country: in the Convention that established the new form of the fœderal government, he had dif fered in some points from the majority of the members; but, when the articles were ultimately decreed, he said to his colleagues: "We ought to have but one opinion; the good of our country requires that the resolution be unanimous," and he signed. He died in the year 1790. As an author, 1 Chambre des Communes;-m il subir ;-n dans un rang aussi élevé en ;- politique ;-P il être déjà ;-- digne de ;r leur propre forme;conservant ;-t -t à cette époque paraître ;— il débarrasser ; le nœud;- Après avoir donner des ;-y entreprendre de nouveau de ;-2 en négocier; Pensylvanie; blaissa un grand ;-c à ceux ;—d employer à ;—e différer dans quélques points avec ;


his writings bear invariably the marks of his observing genius and mild philosophy. He wrote several short tracts for that rank of people who have no opportunity for study, and whom it is yet of so much consequence to instruct; he was well skilled in reducing useful truths to maxims easily retained', and sometimes to proverbs or little tales, adorned with those simple and natural graces which acquire a new value when associated withTM the name of their author. The whole life of Franklin, his meditations, and his labours, have all been directed to public utility; but this grand object, which he had always in view, did not shut his heart against private friendship: he loved his family, and was beneficient. In society he listened more than he talked, and was somewhat impatient of interruption; he often praised the custom of the Indians, who always remain silent some time before they give an answer to a question, shewing thereby much more senset than the Europeans, for, in the politest societies in Europe, the shortest discourses are commonly interrupted by an over eagerness to" answer. Franklin died universally regretted; the epitaph inscribed on his tomb-stone, and which was composed by himself, is worthy of him, and shows his fond belief in a life to come, when, as he expresses it in2 an ingenious simile, "he shall appear once more ina a new and beautiful edition, corrected and amended by the Author."

f classe de gens;—g qui n'avoir pas les moyens d'étudier ;—h et qu'il importer cependant tant de ;-i très habile à ;—k en maximes; propres à se graver aisément dans l'esprit ;-m ornés de; quand on les associe à ;- diriger vers;-P ne fermer point son cœur à;-- quand on l'interrompre; garder toujours le silence; avant que de répondre à ;--t bon sens ;- dans les sociétés du meilleur ton; l'impatience de ;-x tombe ;y sa foi consolatrice; ce qu'il exprimer par; de nouveau



EVERY thing contributed to inspire the Romans with martial ardour. The continual wars they had to maintain against their neighbours, made the art of ward necessary and familiar to them; and, even the ploughe, which constituted their usual employment, prepared them fors military toil. Rural occupations harden and fortify the soldier; whereas, the trades practisedi in towns are only fit to enervate him. Fatigue cannot discourage him who exchanges the plough for the sword. The Roman soldiers were accustomed to walkm, in five hours, twenty and sometimes twenty-four miles"; and, on the march, they carried sixty pounds weight. Young Romans, of every condition, hardened themselves by martial exercise, after long races on foot or on horseback, they threw themselves, covered with sweat, into the Tibert, which they swam across! It was thus officers and soldiers were formed", and "the Roman youth," says Sallust, as soon as they were able to carry arms, learnt the art of war, by performing in camps the most arduous tasks". They prided themselves not in giving feasts or submitting to pleasure, but on having beautiful arms and horses: no difficulty discouraged such men, and no enemy inspired them with fear; their courage rendered them superior to all; emulation fired their mind, and to distinguish b CHEZ ;-c cà inspirer aux Romains une ;-d rendre le métier de la guerre ; e le labeur même ;-f faire ;- les préparer aux; - travaux ;-1 que l'on exercer ;-k ne font que l'énerver;1 la charrue ;- m de faire; milles de chemin;- en faisant route;-P les exercices militaires,—q à pied ;—r à cheval;— ⚫ couverts de ;-t Tibre ;- traverser à la nage;—" qu'on former; qu'elle être ;-y en s'exercer dans le camp aux plus rudes travaux ;- Elle ne se piquer pas de donner des ;-a ou de se livrer aux plaisirs ;-b d'avoir; animer leur âme;


themselves by some noble action was all their ambition. It was thus they endeavoured to secured the esteem of their countrymen: in this they conceivede true nobility to consistf. The soldiers, thus hardened from their earliest youth, enjoyeds good health; and the Romans, who waged warh in so many climates, do not appear to have suffered much by illness; whereas, it often happens in our days, that armies, without having fought, disappear in a single campaign.

d chercher à acquérir ;-e c'est en quoi ils croire que consister la véritable noblesse ;- jouir ; qui faire; les maladies; au lieu que ; de nos jours.


"My friends, (said Rasselas) I have seriously considered our manners and our prospectsTM, and find that we have mistaken" our own interest. The first years of man must make provision for the last. He that never reflects, never can be wise; perpetual levity must end in ignorance; and intemperance, though it may fire the spirits for an hourt. will make life short or miserable". Let us consider that youth is of no long duration; and that, in maturer age, when the enchantments of fancy shali cease, and phantoms of delights dance no more about us2, we shall have no comforts left but the esteem of wise mena, and the means of doing good. Let us therefore stop whilst to stop is in our power; let us live as men who are sometime to grow old,

m vues ;-n nous nous égarer sur;- vrais intérêts;-P pourvoir; une légèreté perpétuelle; aboutir à ;- ranimer les ;-t moment; doit abréger la vie ;-u ou la rendre misérable; prestiges;-y les plaisirs illusoires;-- s'envoler ;gens vertueux ;-b tandis qu'il est en notre pouvoir de nous arrêter ;-c qui devoir vieillir un jour ;

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