Imagini ale paginilor


Ibrahim Pacha, his army, 269-his ap-
pearance described, 270-his intentions
as to the Morea, 270-remarks on his
invasion of Greece, 262
Idleness, the labours of, 330
India, the British empire in, 338-the
difficulties of its history removed, 339
Industry, a direction to, suggested, 105
Infanticide, prevalence of in the Sand-
wich Islands, 214

Inns, in Norway and Sweden, 59
Ireland, the hermit in, 518-her melan-
choly situation, 519

Irish, their feelings drawn away from the
general interests of the empire by their
local grievances, 521

Italy, the effect of its scenery described,

Italy, history of, difficulty for a native to
write, 497

Italian states, their situation previously to

the French revolution, 499-nobles,
their conduct favourable to the French
revolution, ib.
Jagheers, 345

Jamaica, a tour through, 307-morals of,

Jee (David), his fancy plate of a pageant
vehicle, 6

Jones (Sir William), his letter to Major
Cartwright, 246

Jonnès (M. Moreau de), his table of the
commerce of France, 543

Journal of a voyage up the Mediterranean,

[blocks in formation]

Lamballe (Princess), her secret memoirs
of the royal family of France, 314-her
letter to the King of Sardinia, 324—her
tragical death, 325

Langlès, the orientalist, 51

Language, the English, difficulty of adapt-
ing to music, 422-figurative adapta-
tion of, 377

Law, civil, of the Romans like the com-
mon law of England, 226

Leake, his historical outline of the Greek
revolution, 221

Le Brun, parallel between him and Cam-
bacérès, 49-character of, 50
Leigh (Chandos), his epistles to a friend
in town, 222

Leiton (Polly), a fair quaker, 489
L'Hermite en Irelande: ou observations
sur les mœurs et usages des Irlandois
au commencement du xix siecle, 518
Lemonnier, 52

Le Pantcha Tantra, a collection of Indian
fables, 162

Lettres inédites de Madame de Maintenon
et de Madame la Princesse des Ursins,

Levaillant, the traveller, 52
Linley (Miss), her letter written before her
public marriage, 109

Linnæus, his garden at Upsala, 67
Locusts, their ravages in South America,

London, the contrasts which it presents to
a stranger, 492

Long (Mr.) a suitor of Miss Linley, 110
Longevity, cases of, in the French obitu-
ary for 1824, 51

Longinus, remarks on, 326—supposed not
to be the author of the treatise on the
sublime, 327

Louis XVIII., 51


M'Donnell (Alexander), his inquiry into
the expediency of a free trade, 248
Machinery, used in the Coventry myste-
ries, 10

Magnetism, Segur's faith in, 491-anec-
dote of, ib.

Maharashtra, remote history of, 347
Mahrattas, the, a history of, by Captain
Duff, 337-the rise of, 344
Annals, Indian, attraction of, 337
Maitland (Captain), his narrative of Buo-
naparte's surrender, 215
Mandara country, 27

Mansions in Jamaica, description of, 313
Mantle, the, a tale, 470

Marie (Antoinette), her influence on the
events that led to the revolution, 314
-caricatured, 301-anecdote of, 455

Markland's history of the Chester myste-
ries, 2

Marmora (Albert de la), his travels in
Sardinia, 479

Mars (Mademoiselle), compared with
Madame Pasta, 121

Martyr, the, a drama, by Joanna Baillie,

Mathews, the radical reformer in Jamaica,

Mazunderan, a province of Persia, 189-

its climate, ib.-its inhabitants, ib.
Mehemet-Ali, his views on Greece, 263
Members of the House of Commons, ad-
vice to, 380

Memoires autographes de M. le Prince de
Montbarey, 449

Memoires ou souvenirs et anecdotes, par
M. le Comte Segur, 484
Memoires de M. de Falckenskiold, a
l'epoque du ministère et de la catas-
trophe du Comte de Struensée, 532
Memoires sur les événnemens qui ont pré-
cédé la mort de Joachim I., par Fran-
ceschetti, 507

Mendicants, religious, in Persia, described,

[blocks in formation]

Mohicans, the last of, a narrative of 1757,

Molech, or the approach of the deluge; a
sacred drama. By the Rev. William
Basset, 111

Montbarey (Prince de), memoirs of, 449
-character of, ib.-history of, 451
Moore (Thomas, Esq.) his selection of
national popular airs, 420-his success
in adapting words to music, 423
Mora Bernd, a German Boniface, 63
Morals, great corruption of among the
Swedish peasantry, 66

Mourzuk, an unhealthy place, in Africa,


Muller on German literature, 536
Murat, his conduct towards Napoleon,
502-his theatrical appearance, 507—
his arrival on the coast of Provence, 508
-his adventures, ib.-abandoned by

his family, 509-his arrival in Corsica,
ib.-his reception at Ajaccio, 510-his
determination to return to Naples, ib.
-his letter to Maceroni, 511-his voy-
age to Calabria, 512-his reception at
Pizzo, 513-his letter to his wife, 516
-his execution, 517

Murphy, his cure for harsh criticisms, 303
Musfeia, attack of, 29-description of, 30
Mysteries, or miracle plays in England, 1
the, of Chester, 2


Napoleon, character of, 501
Napoleon devant ses contemporains, 534
National popular airs, a selection of, by
Thomas Moore, Esq., 420
Necklace, the, history of, 319
Negroes, their situation in Jamaica, 307
their houses, 311

Nelson, an account of his death, 410
Noel (the Hon. and Rev. Gerard), his
Arvendel, or sketches in Italy, 443
Norway, its attractions, 70

Novels, American, characterized, 122
Nunziante, governor of the Calabrias, 516


O'Hara family, the Boyne Water, a tale
by, 354

Opinion, public, progress of, 382, 383
Orsino, story of, 462

Oudney (Dr.), his share in the narrative
of travels in Africa, 19

Owhyee-see Hawaii


Pageants, or dramatic mysteries, anciently
performed at Coventry, a dissertation
on, 1
Pache, character of, 44

Pandects, the, lectures on, read at Bo-
logna, before the discovery at Amalfi,


Paradura, the custom of, 481
Parliamentary history and review, 223
Paris, description of, during the consul-
ship, 36

Pasta (Madame), compared with Ma-
demoiselle Mars, 121-her acting in
Nina, ib.

Patricians, the, a German tale, 466
Paulus Parochialis ; a plain and practical
view of the object, arguments, and con-
nection of St. Paul's epistle to the Ro-
mans, 445

Pauperism in Switzerland, 102
Payments, curious old entries of, to the
players of Coventry, 9

Peasantry of Sweden, their gross immo-
rality, 66

Peers, house of, how it is to be addressed,

Pelé, a deity of the Sandwich islanders,

Philoctete, the, of Laharpe, performed in
a cistern at Cabrera, 419

Physiology, the, of the human character,

Piedmont, condition of, previously to the
French revolution, 500-its nobility
unjustly accused of pride, ib.
Piracy of music, 429—complaints of well
founded, 430

Pirates, Greek, description of, 266
Pitt (Mr.), Buonaparte's expedition to
Egypt attributed to his manoeuvres, 503
Pitt (William) Prime Minister of the
Sandwich Islands, 215

Pius VII. his character, 52-Napoleon's
treatment of, ib.

Plain Speaker, the, opinions on books,
men, and things, 113
Play-goers, their ingratitude, 302
Poetry for music, its requisites, 421
Politicians, their occasional embarrass-

ments in England, 299

Porter (Jane and A. M.), their tales

round a winter's hearth, 333

Primer, the political, remarks on, 375
Processions, religious, of Lisbon, 170
Provisions, market for, at Kouka, 24
Purchases made by barter at Kouka, 25


Radcliffe (Mrs.), her posthumous works,
280-memoir of her life and writings, ib.
Ramzaun Beg, a Persian gentleman, his
house described, 187-his account of
himself, 190

Ranking (John), his historical researches
on the wars and sports of the Mongols
and Romans, 131

Reform, proposed, of Jamaica, 310
Reform, radical, observations upon, 236
Researches, historical, on the wars and

sports of the Mongols and Romans, 131
Resht, the capital of Gheelan, described,


Revellière (Lepeaux), character of, 46
Revolution, elements of, germinating in
Russia, 18

Revolution, the, in France, causes of, 486
Revolution, French, Mignet's history of,


Revue Encyclopedique, observations on,

Reynolds (Frederick), his life and times,


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Sacrifice of human victims, 210
Sage, the chemist, 52

Saloios (peasantry), the, of Portugal,
their customs, 172

Sanctuary, the forest, and others poems,
by Mrs. Hemans, 139

San Martin (General), his compliment to
himself, 368

Sardaigne, voyage en, de 1819 à 1825.
Par le Chevalier Albert de la Marmora,
Sardinia, travels in, 480-manners, his-
tory of, ib. articles of import and ex-
port, lib.-
-causes of the diminution of
its population, 481-inhabitants of,
characterized, ib.-their usages, ib.-
their funeral ceremonies, 482
Saree, the capital of Mazunderan, de-
scribed, 188-curious tradition con-
cerning a tower existing there, 189
Satan, memoirs of, 524-description of,


Scriptures, the dissemination of, in Rus-
sia, 14

Scriptural dramas in England and Italy, 1
Scudamore (Dr.), his account of Mrs.
Radcliffe's death, 282

Sea, the, Hazlitt's description of, 433
Sebastian (King), story of, 169
Secret memoirs of the royal family of
France, by the Princess Lamballe;
edited by Madame Solari (formerly
Catharine Hyde), 314

Segur (Count), his memoirs, 484-his
motives for writing them, ib.-his dif
ferent occupations, 485

Shah Abbas, his famous causewayed
road, 186-his famous palace of Ash-
ruff, 187-the Louis XIV. of Persia, ib.
Shakspeare's romances, collected and
arranged by Shakspeare II., 443
Sharp's dissertations on the Coventry
mysteries, 1

Shaw (John), vicar of Rotherham, his
account of the state of religious know-
ledge in Lancashire, in the 16th cen-
tury, 8
Sheridan (Richard Brinsley), anecdotes of,
108-the prince regent's conduct to-
wards him explained, ib.-his trick on
Grimaldi, 306-inferior to Moore in
adapting verse to music, 424-his de-
fects exemplified, ib.

Sheridaniana: or, anecdotes of the life of
Richard Brinsley Sheridan, 108
Sisyphus, 119

Sketches of Portuguese life, manners,
costume, and character, 167
Snow, red and green, seen on the Andes,

Soane (Mr.), his specimens of German
Romance, 464

Solari (Madame), her account of herself,
316 her services to the royal family of
France, 317

Solovof, a Russian nobleman, his generous
conduct towards his vassals, 13
Sophia (the Electress), her character, 395
Spence (George, Esq.), his inquiry into
the origin of the laws and political in-
stitutions of Modern Europe, 225
Stockholm, description of, 68
Storia d'Italia del 1789 al 1814, scritta
da Carlo Botta, 496
Struensée, memoirs of, 532

Study, an essay on application to, 119
Swallow, the, and redbreast, a fable, 445
Swan (the Rev. Charles), his voyage up
the Mediterranean, 261
Sweden, its attractions, 70


Tableau statistique du commerce de la
France, 543

Tabu, the system of, in the Sandwich
Island, 204-its effects, ib.-abolished,

Tales round a Winter's Hearth, by Jane
and A. M. Porter, 333
Tales, the Stanley, 336

Tamehameha, the predecessor of Rihoriho,
late king of the Sandwich Islands, 206
Tartar Khans, their extensive dominion,

Tchad, the lake of, 27

Theatricals, private, mania for, 303
Thouin, the botanist, 52

Thun, the lake of, described, 401
Tibboo country, the, 22

Tieck (Ludwig), his dramatic criticisms,
470-his remarks on Anna Boleyn, 472
-on the true character of the historical
drama, 475-on Shakspeare, ib.-on
Schiller's Wallenstein, 476-on Schil-
ler's faults, 477-on the beautiful cha-
racter of Thekla, ib.-his analysis of
the Leuchtthurm, 478-his observations
on the ancient alexandrine, 479
Tilsit, the treaty of, its effect upon the
popularity of Alexander, 14

Tooke (Horn), his letter to Major Cart-
wright, 245

Trafalgar, description of the battle of, 410
Travels in Norway, Sweden, Denmark,

Hanover, Germany, the Netherlands,
&c., by William Rae Wilson, 59
Travels and adventures in the Persian
provinces on the southern banks of the
Caspian Sea. By James B. Fraser, 185
Travellers, English, their agreeable recep-
tion at Sockna, 20

Trenta Capilli arrests Murat, 515
Tribunals, civil, of Russia, the late revo-
lution in, 17-Alexander's attempts to
reform them, ib.

Trona, valley of, 21-name of a substance
formed at the bottom of lakes in Africa,

Truth, a novel, 446

Tuaricks, Dr. Oudney's description of, 21


Upsala, the Oxford of Sweden, 67


Vehicle, the, of the Coventry pageants, 5
Villeneuve (Admiral), an account of his
assassination, 412

Vishnou-Sarma, his fables, 162
Vivian Grey, 329

Voss, the Silesian, 465


Wales, sketches in, by the Rev. G. J.
Freeman, 328

Washington, Segur's description of, 487
Wellington (the Duke of), Buonaparte's
opinion of, 220

Wheat, price of, in several French ports
in 1824, 252

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