The Plays of William Shakspeare, Volumul 1Printed and fold by J.J. Tourneisen, 1900 |
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Pagina 17
... feven fhillings per acre , and produced 70l . per annum . If we rate the New - Place with the appurtenances , and our poet's other houfes in Stratford , at Gol . a year , and his houfe & c . in the Blackfriars , ( for which he pay'd ...
... feven fhillings per acre , and produced 70l . per annum . If we rate the New - Place with the appurtenances , and our poet's other houfes in Stratford , at Gol . a year , and his houfe & c . in the Blackfriars , ( for which he pay'd ...
Pagina 51
... feven plays , four of which had peared in Shakfpeare's life - time with his name in the ti- tle - page , viz . Pericles , Prince of Tyre , 1609 , Sir John Old- caftle , 1600 , The London Prodigal , 1605 , and The Yorkshire Tragedy ...
... feven plays , four of which had peared in Shakfpeare's life - time with his name in the ti- tle - page , viz . Pericles , Prince of Tyre , 1609 , Sir John Old- caftle , 1600 , The London Prodigal , 1605 , and The Yorkshire Tragedy ...
Pagina 70
... feven or eight years old , and fo fond alfo of Shakfpeare , that whenever he heard of his arrival , he would fly from fchool to fee him . One day an old townf- J above 2000l . Dr. Ratcliffe 6000l . and Sir Francis Watson his whole ...
... feven or eight years old , and fo fond alfo of Shakfpeare , that whenever he heard of his arrival , he would fly from fchool to fee him . One day an old townf- J above 2000l . Dr. Ratcliffe 6000l . and Sir Francis Watson his whole ...
Pagina 75
... feven years old when his father - in - law died ; or fome one of the family of Hathaway . Mr. Thomas Hathaway , I believe Shakspeare's brother - in - law , died at Stratford in 1654-5 , at the age of 85 . There was a Thomas Jones an ...
... feven years old when his father - in - law died ; or fome one of the family of Hathaway . Mr. Thomas Hathaway , I believe Shakspeare's brother - in - law , died at Stratford in 1654-5 , at the age of 85 . There was a Thomas Jones an ...
Pagina 106
... feven years old at the time of Shakfpeare's death . He died at Strat- ford in July 1657 , aged 68 ; and his elder brother William died at the fame place , Jan. 30 , 1666-7 , aged 80. Mr. Tho mas Combe by his will made June 20 , 1656 ...
... feven years old at the time of Shakfpeare's death . He died at Strat- ford in July 1657 , aged 68 ; and his elder brother William died at the fame place , Jan. 30 , 1666-7 , aged 80. Mr. Tho mas Combe by his will made June 20 , 1656 ...
Termeni și expresii frecvente
againſt alfo almoft ancient appears baptized becauſe beſt cenfure circumftances comedy confequence confiderable copies criticifm criticks daughter defign defire dramatick edition editor Engliſh expreffion faid fame fatire fays fcene fecond folio feems fenfe feven feveral fhall fhew fhould fince firft firft folio firſt fome fometimes ftage ftand ftill ftory fubject fuch fufficient fuppofed Hart hath hiftory himſelf houfe iffue impreffion inftances inftead John John Barnard Jonfon juft King Henry King Lear laft leaft leaſt lefs likewife loft MALONE moft moſt muft muſt Nafh neceffary obfcure obferved occafion Othello paffages perfon players plays pleaſe pleaſure poet poet's Pope praiſe prefent preferved printed publick publiſhed quarto reader reafon reft Regifter Romeo and Juliet Shak Shakspeare Shakspeare's STEEVENS Stratford Stratford-upon-Avon thefe themſelves theſe thofe Thomas Thomas Quiney thoſe thought tion Titus Andronicus tragedy tranflated uſed whofe William Winter's Tale words writer