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(3) Requests the Secretary-General to assist the Council and its subsidiary organs by providing factual surveys and analyses of world economic conditions and trends.

9. Implementation of Economic and Social Recommendations

[In this resolution the General Assembly calls upon all Members of the United Nations to carry out all recommendations of the General Assembly on economic and social matters and recommends that the Secretary-General report annually to the Economic and Social Council, and that the latter report to the General Assembly, on steps taken by the Members to give effect to recommendations of the Economic and Social Council and to recommendations of the General Assembly on matters falling within the Council's competence.

The General Assembly adopted this resolution unanimously on October 31.] The General Assembly,

(1) With a view to the creation of conditions of stability and wellbeing, to the promotion of social progress and better standards of life, taking account of the fact, well established by experience, that prosperity is indivisible and requires the co-operation of all Member States within the framework of the United Nations.

(2) Calls upon all Member States to carry out all recommendations of the General Assembly passed on economic and social matters.

(3) Recommends, furthermore, that in fulfilment of Article 64 of the Charter of the United Nations the Secretary-General report annually to the Economic and Social Council and that the latter report to the General Assembly on steps taken by the Member Governments to give effect to the recommendations of the Economic and Social Council as well as to the recommendations made by the General Assembly on matters falling within the Council's competence.

10. Study of Factors Bearing Upon Establishment of an Economic Commission for the Middle East

[In this resolution the General Assembly takes note of the resolution adopted by the Economic and Social Council requesting the Economic and Employment Commission to study the general problems connected with the establishment of regional commissions; takes note of the decision of the Economic and Social Council to establish an ad hoc committee for the purpose of studying the factors bearing upon the establishment of an Economic Commission for Latin America; and invites the Economic and Social Council to study the factors bearing upon the establishment of an Economic Commission for the Middle East.

The General Assembly adopted this resolution by a vote of 43 to 0, with 4 abstentions, on October 31.]

The General Assembly,

(1) CONSIDERING the interest of the United Nations in problems relating to the economic development of all under-developed regions;


(2) TAKING NOTE of the resolution adopted by the Economic and Social Council during its fifth session requesting the Economic and Employment Commission to study the general problems connected with the establishment of regional commissions as a means to promote the aims and purposes of the United Nations;

(3) TAKING NOTE with satisfaction of the decision by the Council at that session to establish an ad hoc committee for the purpose of studying the factors bearing upon the establishment of an Economic Commission for Latin America;

(4) TAKING NOTE of the general favorable reception given to the proposal for an Economic Commission for Latin American by the Second Committee;

(5) RECOGNIZING that co-operative measures among all the countries of the Middle East can be of practical assistance in raising both the level of economic activity and the standard of life in the Middle East and in strengthening the economic relations of these countries both among themselves and with other countries of the world, and that such measures would be facilitated by close co-operation with the United Nations and its subsidiary organs as well as with regional organizations in the Middle East such as the Arab League;

(6) Invites the Economic and Social Council to study the factors bearing upon the establishment of an Economic Commission for the Middle East.

11. Agreements With Specialized Agencies

[On November 15 the Assembly passed a resolution approving the agreements between the United Nations and the following specialized agencies: the World Health Organization, the Universal Postal Union, the International Telecommunication Union, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the International Monetary Fund. There was no opposition, but the Soviet Union abstained in the vote on the agreements with the Bank and the Fund.]

The General Assembly

Resolves to approve the agreements with the World Health Organization (A/348), the Universal Postal Union (A/347), the International Telecommunication Union (A/370 and A/370/Add.1), the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (A/349) and the International Monetary Fund (A/349);

Approves the insertion in the agreements relating to the World Health Organization and the International Telecommunication Union of the article regarding the use of the laissez-passer of the United Nations (A/348/Add.2 and A/370/Add.1); and

Requests the Economic and Social Council to report on the action

taken in pursuance of these agreements as provided in the last paragraph of General Assembly resolution 50 (I) of 14 December 1946 so that the Council and the General Assembly may, if necessary, and after consultation with the said agencies, formulate suitable proposals for improving collaboration.

12. Relations With and Coordination of Specialized Agencies and Work Programs of the United Nations and Specialized Agencies

[By unanimous vote on November 20 the Assembly called upon Member States to take measures to insure on the national level a coordinated policy of their delegations to the United Nations and to the different specialized agencies, in order to achieve full cooperation among them; requested the Economic and Social Council to consider urgently the future steps which could be taken to develop effective coordination; called upon the specialized agencies under the terms of their agreements with the United Nations to present reports on their work programs to the Economic and Social Council and on their budgetary estimates to the Secretary-General; and requested the Secretary-General in consultation with the specialized agencies to study measures for improved budgetary coordination.]

HAVING EXAMINED the report of the Economic and Social Council, (document A/382) and the interim report of the Secretary-General on the budgetary and financial relationships between the United Nations and the specialized agencies (document A/394/Rev. 1);

HAVING HAD ITS ATTENTION DRAWN to the interim report of the Coordination Committee to the Economic and Social Council (document A/404), which deals with budgetary and financial relationships of the United Nations and the specialized agencies and related programme matters;

CONSIDERING that it is essential, in order to prevent overlapping of activities and duplication of effort, to develop more effective coordination in the economic and social fields among the organs and subsidiary organs of the United Nations, among the United Nations and the specialized agencies, and among the specialized agencies themselves, and to provide means for assessing the relative urgency and importance of projects;

CONSIDERING that it is desirable without detriment to essential activities to minimize the financial burden imposed upon Members by the activities of the United Nations and the specialized agencies; and

CONSIDERING that these results can most effectively be achieved by mutual application of the agreements between the United Nations and the specialized agencies, and development of the methods of co-operation foreseen in General Assembly resolutions 50 (I) and 81 (I):


The General Assembly therefore

1. Calls upon Members to take measures to ensure on the national level a co-ordinated policy of their delegations to the United Nations and the different specialized agencies in order that full co-operation may be achieved between the Organization and the specialized agencies, and, in particular, to instruct their representatives in the governing bodies of the specialized agencies to use every effort to ensure the transmittal of reports, programmes of operation, and budgets or budgetary estimates referred to in paragraph 3 of this resolution; 2. Commends the Economic and Social Council, the Secretary-General, and the specialized agencies for the steps already taken, including the establishment of a Co-ordination Committee, to achieve programme and administrative co-ordination among the specialized agencies and the United Nations; and requests the Council to give constant attention to the factor of the relative priority of proposals, and to consider as a matter of urgency the further steps which should be taken to develop effective co-ordination of the programmes of the United Nations and its subsidiary organs and the specialized agencies; 3. Calls upon the specialized agencies, as appropriate under the terms of their respective agreements with the United Nations:

(a) To present each year to the session of the Economic and Social Council preceding the opening of the regular session of the General Assembly their reports on past activities and their programmes of operations for the subsequent fiscal year to enable the Council to promote the most efficient and practical use of the resources of the United Nations and the specialized agencies, by recommendations concerning the definition of responsibility for specific projects and concerning priorities for action;

(b) To transmit their budgets or budgetary estimates for 1949 and for each year thereafter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations before 1 July of the preceding year in order that the SecretaryGeneral may incorporate these budgets or budgetary estimates as information annexes in his annual budget estimates for transmittal to the General Assembly, together with such summaries as he may deem appropriate and useful;

4. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the specialized agencies through the Co-ordination Committee and in consultation with the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, to prepare a report for submission to the Economic and Social Council and the third regular session of the General Assembly with recommendations concerning:

(a) Measures for achieving greater uniformity in presentation of

the budgets of the United Nations and of the specialized agencies with a view to providing a basis for comparison of the several budgets;

(b) The fiscal year and schedule of meetings of the specialized agencies in their relation to the procedures envisaged in paragraph 3 above;

(c) The feasibility of improved budgetary co-ordination between the United Nations and the specialized agencies; and

5. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the specialized agencies through the Co-ordination Committee and where appropriate, the Advisory Committee, to promote the development of similar budgetary, administrative and financial practices in the United Nations and the specialized agencies.

13. False or Distorted Reports

[This resolution invites the Governments of Member states to study such measures as might with advantage be taken on the national plane to combat, within the limits of constitutional procedures, the diffusion of false or distorted reports likely to injure friendly relations between states, and to submit reports on this subject to the Conference on Freedom of Information. The resolution also recommends that the Conference on Freedom of Information study, with a view to their coordination, the measures taken or advocated in this connection by the various states.

The General Assembly adopted this resolution unanimously on November 15.1

The General Assembly,

CONSIDERING that, under Article 1 of the Charter, Members are bound to develop friendly relations amongst themselves and to achieve international co-operation in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental liberties,

CONSIDERING that to attain this end it is essential to facilitate and increase the diffusion in all countries of information calculated to strengthen mutual understanding and ensure friendly relations between the peoples,

CONSIDERING that substantial progress in this sphere can be achieved only if measures are taken to combat, within the limits of constitutional procedures, the publication of false or distorted reports likely to injure friendly relations between States:

Invites the Governments of States Members

(1) To study such measures as might with advantage be taken on the national plane to combat, within the limits of constitutional procedures, the diffusion of false or distorted reports likely to injure friendly relations between States;

(2) To submit reports on this subject to the Conference on Free

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