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it look as if it was a brick house; and the chimneys and roof, and even the fence around, looked very natural. In the doors and windows, and in the yard all around, were the paper images. They looked as though they were alive. Some had on red coats, like soldiers, and had swords in their hands. Some had little saws and saw-horses, and stood as if they were sawing wood. One had an axe, and held it up ready to cut off a log. The images of women had neat frocks on, and stood with aprons, and pails, and wash-tubs, and mops, and knitting-work in their hands. None of them moved. But the man who made them had fixed little hinges upon their arms and feet, and had placed wires out of sight, under their clothes, which went into the inside of the house, and were fastened to a great many little wheels. These wheels were placed near each other, like the wheels of a watch, or a clock, so that if one large wheel moved, they would all move together. Sand runs down like water, when you let it out of a box. Water would have spoiled the paper wheels, but sand is dry, and the man placed a box of sand in the top of the house, and fixed it so that he could let it run down on the wheels at any time, and set them all in motion. If they moved, the wires which were fastened to them made the images move. Then, as you stood and looked at the honse, a little way off, the soldier would turn the sword around in the air. The wood-cutters made their saws and axes fly up and down. The women moved their brooms, and mops, and knitting-needles, and seemed as busy as they could be. When the sand had all run out, they stopped, until some one placed more in the box. No one knew why the man made this machine. Some thought he was a fool. But he was not. The poor idiot could never have made such images, and fixed them so as to seem to move. Probably this man had nothing to do, and wished to see if he could not make something wonderful. He certainly did not wish to earn money by it, for he gave it away as soon as it was done, without offering to sell it. But the man had a mind, or he never could have contrived it. The paper images had no minds. They only moved when the sand made them. Such images are called puppets."-pp. 12, 14,

We can cordially commend this book to the notice of parents, and all having charge of the rising generation.

Great Facts. A Popular History and Description of the most Remarkable Inventions during the present Century. By F. C. Bakewell. Houlston and Wright, London.

Difficult as it is to arrive at Facts at all, the history of Great Facts must indeed be a most interesting study. In the volume now before us, those important and remarkable facts in Art and Science which have been discovered during the nineteenth century, have been ably and instructively set forth. The selection is judiciously made, and equally well treated. The "Leviathan" steam ship, Air Engine, Stereoscope, Electric Telegraph, and Light, with many others, are explained in a pleasing and acceptable form, rendering a highly intellectual treat for the young, whilst the more matured mind may consult them with pleasure and enlightenment.

To an enquiring mind, this book will form an admirable stepping stone to more enlarged enquiries, whilst those who do not wish to appear entirely ignorant of these Great Facts, aud have not time or inclination to enter more deeply into the various subjects, will here find a series of well digested articles, that answers all the purposes of a superficial knowledge, and something more. The work is illustrated with beautifully executed engravings, and altogether is exceedingly well got up.





The teachers of Hope Sunday Schools, Chequer Alley, Bunhill Row, lately held Our numerous congregation has lost their anniversary tea meeting. Upwards a man whose life was one series of of one hundred persons sat down and charitable deeds and actions. He was partook of a very nice comfortable tea the founder of the large Hebrew school, after which a public meeting was held, Lemberg, for poor children, an orphan when J. Moreland, Esq., the Treasurer, asylum, and an infant school. The presided. A very cheering report of rabbi of the congregation, Dr. Schwathe past year was read, and there re-bachter, proposed to add to these inmains a hope that much good has been stitutions another department, in which effected by the exertions of the teachers down in that dense locality during the past year, where so much vice and misery is existing. It is to be hoped that the teachers will still continue in their work and labor of love that is set before them, and may God speed their



poor children could get their dinners. Zipper, by means of collections, succecded also in carrying out this benevolent scheme. The mourning for his death was a general one; Jews and Christians accompanied the body to its resting place, and called upon by Dr. Schwabachter, who delivered the funeral sermon, the assembly raised a very large sum as a donation to all the institutions established by the lamented Zipper. The rabbi of the Lembergian district, S. K. Ehlenberg, died on last Simchaththora. He was a renowned Talmudist, and a man of umblemished character. —Israelite


The National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church has completed its decennial inquiry into the statistics connected with church schools throughout England and Wales. The number of scholars in Church of England week-day, Sunday, and evening schools, is reported to be 1,672,445; or about 8.61 per cent. of the entire GREAT YARMOUTH.-It having been population of England and Wales. In discovered, two years ago, that more 1847, the date of the Society's previous than two-thirds of the parents of the enquiry, the per centage of the popu- children in the Sunday school connected lation under instruction in Church of with the Baptist chapel in this town, England schools was 8.25. There are lived in the habitual neglect of the at present 1,187,086 scholars in Church public worship of God, the teachers, of England week-day schools; 1,093,070 resolved to invite them to a tea meetin Sunday schools; and nearly 55,000 ing, to afford an opportunity of urging in evening schools. The number of upon them the importance of this duty. evening scholars has more than doubled The effort having been attended with a since 1847. The returns embrace considerable degree of success, a similar other particulars, especially as regards meeting was held last year, and at teachers, pupil teachers, and annual the third annual gathering, more income. The results of the enquiry than 150 parents of Sunday scholars bear striking testimony to the accuracy partook of an excellent tea, provided by of the report and tables of the census the teachers. In the course of one of of education in 1851, which were issued the addresses the following statistics of by the Registrar-General in 1854. the religious and moral condition of the


borough were given-viz., inhabitants, | cation, were given by Messrs. G. S. 36,000; houses in which intoxicating Claxton, W. Jefferson, C. Claxton, E. drinks are sold, 250, being an average Bearcock, and R. Star.


On Monday, February the 7th, the

of about one house to every thirty in the borough; number of places of worship, 27; average attendance in all the 27 places, (except during the visiting season) 7,000, at the most numerously parents of the children attending the attended service. Of the condition of Pentney Baptist Sunday school, near the Baptist denomination in the borough Swaffham, were invited by the teachers the following melancholy picture was to tea at the chapel. Sixty-two parents drawn-That the chapel in Church responded to the invitation, and were Plain was the worst located place of heartily welcomed by the teachers. worship in the town, and yet was, as After the tea a public service was held, compared with its size, the fullest at- when addresses were given to the patended of almost any place in it, and rents by the Rev. John Keed, of Camhad a larger number of communicants bridge, and teachers of the school. The than any other, with three exceptions; chapel was crowded by the labouring it had no Sunday school room, nor the class, and great interest was manifested means to obtain one. in the meeting. The school has been established seven years, and at this time numbers 82 children, and 10 teachers; an increase of 30 children and 4 teachers during the past twelve months. The first parents' meeting in connection with the above chapel was held in February, 1858; the result of which has been increased sympathy between parents and teachers, the decision of one mother for God, and the attendance of others on the Sabbath during the year, thus encouraging the teachers to continue the meeting annually, hoping that through the blessing of God many may become Christian parents, and co-operate with them in the important duty of training the young.


S. J.R.

ELY.-A large meeting of the teachers and young people connected with the Countess of Huntingdon's congregation was held last month, to witness the presentation of two beautifully bound quarto Bibles to the late superintendents of the Sunday school, who, far advanced in life, have resigned their charge into younger hands. The Rev. R. Squibb gave an address, breathing love and affection towards the children, and his happiness in having so large a band of devoted teachers carrying on the work, next in importance to the ministry. Mr. R. Clarke, secretary, in a suitable address, delivered in a very able manner, presented the volume to Miss Edwards, who in her kind, gentle way, briefly OPENING OF THE NEW SCHOOL-ROOM acknowledged the present. Mr. Sop- AND LECTURE HALL. THE congregaping, the present superintendent, then tion of Abbey Chapel have just made a presented Mr. Ellingham with the other strong united effort and bought a good copy, accompanied with an appropriate house, abutting on the chapel, for a and touching address. Mr. Ellingham parsonage house; and at the end of the feelingly acknowledged the present, and garden they have built a noble room, the kind regards with which it was 65ft. by 35ft., with a gallery for an accompanied. Appropriate addresses, infant school and three class rooms. embracing a variety of topics on edu- Here the Sunday-school children will



be taught, the week-night services ology, and suggested that working held, and lectures given to the working men should be invited to give their own classes. It was inaugurated on Monday experience. Mr. Wilson then introduced the 14th., of February, two stirring some striking remarks on penny savings' sermons having been preached the banks, in which he showed the advanprevious day by the Rev. James H. tages of their being localised, and not Wilson, of Aberdeen, and good collec- centralised. In Aberdeen there were tions made in aid of the remaining nine penny banks, each congregation portion of the debt, the greater part, by and mission having and managing its far, however, having been paid in the own institution. The Revs. Messrs. afternoon. The Rev. W. Crosbie, the Chancellor, Roberts, Payne, and Moffatt minister of the place, conducted a spoke briefly and to the purpose. After dedicatory service in the new room, or votes of thanks to the chairman, &c., great lecture-hall, when 900 people the interesting service was concluded assembled. On the Monday evening, Feb. by prayer, offered by the Rev. T. Hall 14, a public tea meeting was held in the Christian World. hall, the Mayor, Dr. Beddome, presiding; and on Tuesday evening, the 15th, the children of the school had tea in the hall, and were addressed by several friends and ministers. The hall on Monday evening was tastefully decorated by the ladies, the Mayor sending the corporation flags, and many private individuals their banners. After tea, the public meeting was held, the chair being taken by the Mayor. There were also present the Rev. J. H. Wilson, of Aberdeen, and various ministers from Southampton and other towns, and a large assemblage of friends and wellwishers to the cause. After singing and prayer by the Rev. W. Roberts, of Southampton, the chairman opened the business of the meeting by a short address. The Secretary, Mr. Crockford, then read the report, showing that all was paid but £140. The meeting was briefly addressed by the Rev. John

Tuesday, January 18th, 1859, the
teachers and children of the above
school assembled in Green Row, to
celebrate its JUBILEE. Nearly all the

scholars were present. The room was
tastefully decorated with evergreens,
garlands, &c.; the word "Jubilee" was
suspended behind the chair. The Rev.
Thomas James presided over the meet-
ing. After the children had been plenti-
fully regaled with cake and tea, &c.,
an interesting meeting was held. Suit-
able and instructive addresses were de-
livered by the chairman and some of
the teachers; and several appropriate
pieces were sung by the children. A
very pleasant evening was spent; the
the school affording joy to all.
prosperity with which God had blessed



Woodward. The Rev. James H. Wilson
of Aberdeen, then addressed the teachers
recommending them to lead, and not
drive, the children. Temperance reform
he insisted on as necessary in reclaim-
ing the masses, but urged that it should SUNDAY SCHOOL SOIREES.-On Wed-
never be forced on them. Intemperance nesday, Thursday, and Friday, the 9th,
he looked upon as a physical disease, as 10th, and 11th of February, the annual
well as a moral evil, and should be soirées in connection with the Bethel-
dealt with accordingly. He recommen- chapel (Independent) Sunday schools,
ded a course of lectures on the electric took place in the Mile Town school-
telegraph, the steam engine, and physi-room. The first evening was a gather-

[ocr errors]

gratitude for his valuable services in
leading the choir, gave some additional
interest to the occasion, associated with
the minister's appropriate remarks, and
Mr. Hutchison's becoming acknowledg
ment. A friend in the vestry slipped a
beautiful pocket Bible into the desk,
thus rendering the testimonial more
complete. This school, in its several
departments, is prospering, and exert-
ing a beneficial influence on the congre-
gation. The writer may add, that when
last here, attention was directed to Sun-
day school periodicals alike for
teachers and children-which we are
glad to observe are
now circulated

ing of the parents of the children, and poems, with the Scottish psalms and the friends and supporters of the schools; music, on the part of the church and the gatherings on the other two even-congregation to Mr. John Hutchison, ings consisted of the children and a few in token of personal esteem and cherished friends. Tea, the magic lantern, and oranges, made up the entertainments, with occasional addresses from the ministers, teachers, and other friends. On each evening the Rev. W. H. Smith, the pastor of the church, presided over the meeting, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Hooper, of Walthamstow; on Wednesday evening, the Rev. W. Hales (Wesleyan), and the Rev. J. Trewin (Bible Christian), delivered addresses. A pleasing incident, wholly unexpected, occurred during the evening of Wednesday, consisting of the presentation of a handsome time-piece by the teachers of the schools generally to Mr. William Thompson, as a token of respect, Mr. Thompson having been a teacher and superintendent in the Mile Town school forty-five years; upwards of thirty years of that time he has held the latter distinguished position.



SALFORD.-On Monday evening, February 14th, the first class of young women of the Irwell-street Wesleyan Sunday School, Salford, met for the purpose of presenting to their teacher, Miss DAVIES, a token of their grateful WALLSEND PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY and affectionate regard for her long and SCHOOL. This quiet village is four devoted service in promoting the welmiles from Newcastle-on-Tyne, and is fare of the class. After a gracefully well-known all over the country as served and excellent tea, of which begiving the name to the best sea-borne tween forty and fifty of the young coals. Here stood the eastern terminus women, with a few invited friends, of the famous Roman Wall, now for the partook, the Rev. John Clulow, on bemost part crumbled and demolished by half of the class, presented, with compli the hand of time and modern improve- mentary remarks, to Miss Davies, a ments. The attendance at the after- handsomely bound Bible and Hymn noon banquet of this now thriving Book. This beautiful present-a loveschool was numerous, while the galleries offering from the taught to the teacher and body of the chapel were well occu--was acknowledged on the part of Miss pied at the evening meeting, the Rev. Davies by her brother.

D. Wilson presiding. The children's recitations and attention to the addresses were alike admirable. The speakers were the Pastor of the Church, the Rev. W. Wilson, and Mr. E. Ridley. The presentation of an elegant writing desk, a large handsome volume of Cowper's


MERE.-More than 400 persons, formerly connected with the Congregational Sunday School, Mere, Wilts, lately accepted an invitation to partake

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