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but the Apostle was a mortal like ourselves." He showed them also that Mohammed's death was foretold in the Koran. At length, he quelled the tumult, and quieted the people. Mohammed was buried under the floor of the room in which he died, at Medina.

Samuel. Mother, can you tell us something more about the character of Mohammed?

Mother. He was the most successful Impostor that ever lived. His natural abilities were very great. He had travelled much, and was well acquainted with human nature. In the arts of insinuation and address, he was without a rival. His temper was cheerful, and his manners easy. He was pleasant and familiar in conversation. He possessed, in a remarkable degree, the art of gaining friends, and securing their affections. But the most remarkable trait in his character was, that he always appeared to be convinced that he was the man of God. He never forgot the inspired character which he had assumed. Never, even in his most unguarded moments, even with his wives and familiar friends did he say or do any thing which might lead them to suppose that he did not believe what he taught. This was, perhaps, one of the

principal means of his success.

Every thing

that happened, he would turn to his account. Being subject to epileptic fits, he pretended that, while under their influence, he was seeing visions. He also had a wen between his shoulders, which he called the seal of prophecy. But, after all that has been said, it must be confessed that the hand of God was manifest, in giving such singular success to his designs. I do not mean that God approved his conduct. But the Arabs were idolaters; and the Lord might justly give them over to be deceived by Mohammed, as a punishment for their sins. The kings of Persia were proud Pagans, and the most bitter persecutors of Christians. The churches throughout all the Eastern Empire, particularly where the Gospel was first preached, had now become exceedingly corrupt and wicked. Thus Mohammed became the scourge of God, both to his open enemies and his apostate people.

Samuel. But what was Mohammed's moral character, mother?

Mother. It was exceedingly polluted. He pretended to have particular revelations, by which he was allowed to practice vices which were denied to his followers.


Why, mother, did he think he could make wrong right, and bad good, in this way?

Mother. By the Koran, all Mussulmen, are forbidden to have more than four wives; but Mohammed was allowed to have as many as he pleased. Among other privileges denied to his followers, he was allowed to commit murder, in all the sacred territory, even in Mecca.

Elizabeth. How could he be so wicked as to pretend that God would grant him the privilege of committing murder?

Mother. Strange as it may seem, whenever he wished to indulge himself in any immoral conduct, he would publish a new chapter of the Koran, allowing him the privilege; and this satisfied his deluded followers.


Can you give an acconnt of the taking of Mecca? What did the neighboring tribes do, when they heard that Mecca was taken? What happened in the ninth year of the Hejirah? Can you give an account of the death of Mohammed? What was Mohammed's natural qualifications? What was his moral character?


The immediate successors of Mohammed.

Samuel. Mother, did Mohammed's religion spread any more after his death?

Mother. Yes; after Mohammed's death, Abubeker was appointed Caliph,

Caroline. What is a Caliph, mother? Mother. The Caliph, with Mohammedans, is just what the Pope is with the Papists. The Pope pretends to take the place of St. Peter, and to be the representative of Christ on earth. The Caliph is the representative of Mohammed. They both maintain absolute power, both in civil and religious matters. The followers of Mohammed now thought themselves bound, if possible, to extend their religion. throughout the whole world. Abubeker showed great respect for the memory of the Prophet. He appeared to be convinced of the truth of his

mission, and was very exact in observing every ceremony of his religion. His soldiers were full of enthusiasm. They considered themselves as so many missionaries. They despised death, because they believed that, if they died in the service of the Prophet, they would go immediately to Paradise. Their camps were like great mosques, where prayers were performed at appointed hours. No licentiousness or tumults existed in the armies. Fanaticism had taken such deep hold of their minds, that the great object of spreading the new religion seemed to swallow up every other.

Elizabeth. O, mother, I wish Christians were as devoted to the cause of missions for the spreading of the Gospel.

Mother. It would be a glorious thing if they were; but I hope they never will be found using the same means. It is a mournful fact, that the Mohammedans and Papists have been more zealous in missionary efforts than Christians now are. But I hope soon to see the church wake up to her duty, in this respect. So devoted are the Mussulmen to the new religion, that they were ready to obey, at a moment's warning, the orders of the Caliph. Abubeker wrote to

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