What Is Christian Truth for You?Xulon Press, 2007 - 348 pagini About the Book The author draws from personal life experiences to show how Jesus Christ draws all people into seeking Him. Each time Jesus is successful in getting your attention onto Him and off yourself, He uses the opportunity to plant a seed in your mind to find Him. How many of your seeds have sprouted? You find Jesus by asking questions like, 'Is God real?' and, 'What does God want from me?' When your curiosity is aroused, you will try to gain the wisdom needed to answer those questions. Where will YOU seek YOUR truth? When you find 'Christian Truth', then you find Jesus and His plan. Upon finding Jesus, you can be 'saved' and receive your free 'gift of heaven'. So, ask yourself two questions: 1. What is Christian Truth for you? 2. Will you live that truth when you find it? About the Author This book is another Christian seed to help you find answers. Jim is a native of Ithaca, NY. He is the second oldest in a family of nine children. The family was raised Catholic. So, Jim attended a Catholic grammar school and was an altar boy in his parish. Jim's first real interest in Jesus Christ specifically, came with his ownership of a 'Sacred Heart' statue. After graduating college in NY, Jim moved to Connecticut. There he married and raised his family under the umbrella of Catholic procedures for 30 years. Then, near age 50, Jesus connected personally with Jim. Suddenly Jesus became real and was not a statue anymore. Jesus infiltrated Jim's mind and began a ten year teaching process which led Jim to: know Jesus, become personally saved, and become cognizant of what Jesus wants of His followers. Jim has been newly encouraged, by the Holy Spirit, to share this process of discovering Christ and Christian Truth with others. |
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Pagina i
... ' Work for Him 263 Ch 22 Wrapping It Up 275 Ch 23 Final Comments 303 Appendix A Quotes from Gospels of Mark - Luke John Appendix B Scriptural Path to the Sabbath 311 327 Acknowledgments ttt hanks to my wife , Glenda , for.
... ' Work for Him 263 Ch 22 Wrapping It Up 275 Ch 23 Final Comments 303 Appendix A Quotes from Gospels of Mark - Luke John Appendix B Scriptural Path to the Sabbath 311 327 Acknowledgments ttt hanks to my wife , Glenda , for.
Pagina 6
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Ne pare rău, conținutul acestei pagini este restricționat.
Pagina 15
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Ne pare rău, conținutul acestei pagini este restricționat.
Pagina 16
Ne pare rău, conținutul acestei pagini este restricționat.
Ne pare rău, conținutul acestei pagini este restricționat.
Pagina 17
Ne pare rău, conținutul acestei pagini este restricționat.
Ne pare rău, conținutul acestei pagini este restricționat.
Part OneWhat is Truth for a Christian Individual? Ch 1 1 Overview of the Christian Universe | 1 |
Path to Christian Heaven | 9 |
Recognizing Saved Christians | 21 |
Jesus Gives Directions to Saved Christians | 29 |
Converting Jesus Directions Into Action | 45 |
Christian Pledge of Allegiance? | 53 |
The Christian Ten Commandments | 65 |
The Confident Christian Individual | 77 |
How Could America Become More Christian? | 159 |
A Less Sinful America? | 179 |
American Christianity Seen in the World | 195 |
Part ThreeWhat is Truth for a Christian in the World? Ch 17 What Is Important and Not Important for Christians? | 213 |
The Greatest Christian in the World | 227 |
Views of the End Times | 233 |
Players of the End Times | 247 |
You Cannot Do Jesus Work for Him | 263 |
Part TwoWhat is Truth for a Christian in America? Ch 9 9 Christians in America | 85 |
American Christians | 99 |
American Society and Christians | 109 |
Christian Churches in America | 125 |
If Christs Church Were in America | 141 |
Wrapping It Up | 275 |
Final Comments | 303 |
Appendix A Quotes from Gospels of MarkLuke John | 311 |
Appendix B Scriptural Path to the Sabbath | 327 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
accept Jesus agenda Alec Alec Guinness America answer antichrist aware Beast power believe Bible believer Bible says biblical bridge Catholic chapter choose Jesus Chris Christ's church Christian behavior Christian quiver Christian walk coming commitment daily denominational churches earthly father enemy eternal Exodus 20 faith fight the devil find Jesus following Jesus forgive God's 10 Commandments God's Commandments gospel hear hell Holy Spirit human individual Christian Jesus Christ Jesus says John Hagee Joyce Meyer judgment day keeping the commandments leader live look Lord mandments Matthew moral movie never non-Christian parents person Planet Earth Pledge of Allegiance pray prayer Protestants rapture real Christian realize religion religious Remember repent resurrection rituals rules Sabbath salvation Satan saved Christian Scripture sheep sinners sins T. D. Jakes temptation Ten Commandments things tian Tribulation true TV evangelists understand weekly