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votional, practical and doctrinal subjects. Of the superior excellence both of his discourses and his expositions the public has now an opportunity of judging; nor have the two volumes of the former, which made their appearance in 1805, failed of obtaining the approbation of persons who are signally qualified to decide upon their merits. Every other part of the pastoral office was discharged by Mr. Kenrick in a very exemplary manner. To the improvement of the young people of his congregation, his time and studies were particularly dedicated; and his services for their benefit, and for that of the poorer members of the society, can never be forgotten.

In his support of some valuable public institutions in Exeter Mr. Kenrick was active and decided: in distant quarters of the kingdom, too, his character gave him no inconsiderable share of influence and reputation.

As a tutor, he was eminently punctual and vigilant, judicious and affectionate, impartial and persevering: he encouraged, instead of controlling, the inquiries of his pupils; and gained their love, without forfeiting their respect.

It will justly be concluded that such a man appeared with great advantage in the scenes and offices of domestic life. Regularity and order, piety, affection and harmony, reigned in his family. His treatment of his children was particularly distinguished by good sense and kindness; and to the sincerity and warmth of his friendship, to the amiableness of his temper and the gentleness of his manners, several will bear their testimony, with tears of regret and gratitude.

In the year 1786 he married Mary daughter of Mr. John Waymouth of Exeter: by this lady he had six children, five of whom survive; but at the birth of the last of them he lost the mother. During the year 1794, he formed an union with Elizabeth second sister of the Rev. Thomas Belsham; a connection which has fully ensured to his promising young family the continued benefits of maternal tenderness and wisdom.

If those who enjoyed the best opportunities of knowing Mr. Kenrick, and who have the strongest reasons for lamenting the loss of him, are soothed and gratified by this imperfect memoir, or if any are hence inspired with an ardent desire to imitate, as they are respectively able, his example, the wishes of the writer are accomplished.

J. K.


THE common translation has been taken as the basis of this Exposition, and variations from it are distinguished by Italic characters and inverted commas; the additions to it, in the form of glosses, &c. being in Italics, but without inverted commas. Thus in Matt. iii. 10, the words, "lieth at the root," are a corrected translation of the Greek words answering to " is laid at the root," in the common version; but the words, being put there ready for use, not being distinguished by commas, are to be understood as merely an explanation. When an erroneous translation of the same word or phrase occurs frequently in close connection, the deviation is seldom noticed, except in the first instance.

From the twenty-sixth chapter of Matthew to the end of the first volume, the inverted commas have been accidentally omitted; but the reader will easily perceive where they should have been inserted.


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1. In those days, while Jesus was yet at Nazareth, came John the baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judæa;

John derived the surname of the Baptist from the circumstance of its being one of his principal functions to baptize those who came to him. When we are told that he came, we are to understand, by that phrase, that he had a special commission from God as a prophet; and it is only an abridgment of another phrase, coming forth from God, which frequently occurs in the other evangelists; or coming into the world.----The place where he made his first public appearance, in that character, was the wilderness; not a country entirely a desert, and destitute of inhabitants, but more thinly peopled than the rest of Palestine: for we find, from the book of Joshua, xv. 61. 62. that there were several cities and villages in it. In this country, which was also the place of his birth, John opened his commission, and first preached to the people.

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