Princes and Peoples: France and the British Isles, 1620-1714: An Anthology of Primary SourcesMargaret Lucille Kekewich Manchester University Press, 1994 - 257 pagini This anthology focuses on Britain and France in a period critical to their development as great powers. Its emphasis is on the regions and nations of which these two states were composed, rather than on the monolithic states. The documents illustrate many facets of their history, from the personal to the constitutional and, in particular, reflect the development of absolutism in France and of limited monarchy in England and other parts of the British Isles. Additionally, the documents indicate the social, religious and political trends that influenced the direction of change. Some of the documents have been drawn from unpublished 17th- and early 18th-century sources, and a number are translated from French for the first time. |
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Instructions for levying the poor rate in the parish of St Martin | 4 |
Howells Familiar Letters from Edinburgh and from Dublin 1639 | 21 |
An extract from Abraham van der Doorts catalogue of | 27 |
The speech of Oliver St John in the ship money case 16378 | 33 |
Abraham de Wicquefort describing the Fronde 1648 | 40 |
The Venetian Ambassador on the Origins of the Ormée 1652 | 43 |
The Report of the Baron de Lanta on his visit to the Court 1657 | 50 |
The Humble Petition and Advice 1657 | 57 |
The Exclusion Bill 1680 | 163 |
Proclamation of the Duke of Monmouth on taking the title of king | 165 |
Scots Act of Security 1704 | 166 |
The Code Paysan Brittany 1675 | 169 |
Articles of Impeachment against Henry Sacheverell 1710 | 171 |
Colberts Summary of royal finances 1680 | 172 |
SaintSimon describes Louis XIV and his court | 174 |
The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes 1685 | 177 |
Society and culture 16201714 | 63 |
The Just Defence of John Lilburne 1653 | 77 |
Pierre Bayle Concerning Obscenities 1699 | 84 |
Richard Baxters Account of his Ministry 164760 | 90 |
A Letter Concerning Toleration by John Locke 1685 | 97 |
Sexual offences before the ecclesiastical courts at Stratfordupon | 99 |
Visitation articles of the Diocese of Hereford 1662 | 101 |
A Magistrate at work in Restoration England 166388 | 103 |
Objections to ship money in Kent 1637 | 106 |
Avoidance of the taille at Lyon 1634 | 107 |
A peasant revolt of Saintonge and Angoumois 1636 | 108 |
The duties of the Intendants Colberts instructions 1680 | 110 |
The Clubmen of Dorset and Wiltshire 1645 | 112 |
The articles of the Ormée of Bordeaux 1651 | 114 |
Recommendations for sustaining peace of the Highlands 1684 | 115 |
A Charge to Quarter Sessions 1692 | 117 |
Instructions for building houses in the Grande Rue at Richelieu | 120 |
Extracts from the Register of Passports for Vagrants in Salisbury | 121 |
Regulations for the Hungerford Almshouses at Corsham | 122 |
Edict of Louis XIV for the founding of the first Hôpital Général in Paris 1656 and 1662 | 126 |
B Edict of 1662 | 127 |
An Act Against Conjuration Witchcraft etc 1604 | 128 |
29 | 129 |
Statement of Marie Nicaise | 131 |
The family troubles of William Stout 16911709 | 133 |
Bossuet and Beuvelet on marriage and the family A Bossuet on marriage and the family 1687 | 134 |
B Beuvelet on marriage and the family 1669 | 135 |
Sir Robert Filmer In Praise of the Virtuous Wife n d | 139 |
38 | 150 |
Parliaments and kings 16601714 | 153 |
39 | 159 |
Three Official Letters from Colbert A To Chamillart Intendant at Caen | 161 |
To Ménars Intendant at Paris | 162 |
The Test Act 1673 | 181 |
The Declaration for Liberty of Conscience 1687 | 184 |
The Bill of Rights 1689 | 186 |
Scots Acts Anent in relation to Peace and War 1703 | 191 |
Two NuPieds poems of 1639 | 197 |
B To Normandy | 199 |
on royal authority 1631 | 201 |
Extracts from de Morgues writings in defence of the Queen | 203 |
Speech by Charles I to the Lords and Commons 1626 | 204 |
Sir Robert Filmer extract from Patriarcha c 1640 | 205 |
Mary Astell A Serious Proposal to the Ladies 16947 | 206 |
An Agreement of the People 1647 | 207 |
Thomas Hobbes Leviathan 1651 | 209 |
Extracts from Louis XIVs Mémoires A Louis XIV on obedience to the king c 1667 | 212 |
Louis XIV on war peace and prestige 1710 | 213 |
Bossuet on the Divine Right of Kings A From a Letter to Louis XIV 1675 | 214 |
B From Polity drawn from Holy Writ 1709 | 215 |
B Of the Court ii | 216 |
Of the Sovereign and the State ii | 217 |
A The abilities of the King | 218 |
B The Kings manners and tastes | 219 |
The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes | 220 |
The King with his armies | 221 |
Pierre Bayle The Great Contest of Faith and Reason 1686 | 222 |
Letter to Louis XIV c 1694 | 225 |
Two contemporary pamphlets A Pamphlet by Andrew Fletcher 1697 | 228 |
B Pamphlet by John Toland 1698 | 229 |
a letter of 1665 | 231 |
Stage directions by Thomas Shadwell for his production of | 237 |
Sir John Bramstons account of the debates of the Kings speech | 243 |
Soldiers as salt smugglers 1711 | 249 |
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
Princes and Peoples: France and British Isles, 1620-1714 : an Anthology of ... Margaret Lucille Kekewich Vizualizare fragmente - 1994 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
aforesaid army authority Boulonnais Catholic century Charles Christian church civil command concerning confess consent Council court Cromwell crown declare documents dominions doth duke Edict Edict of Nantes enemies England English enjoy Épernon established Estates Estates of Parliament extract faith favour France Frondes give hath Henry Sacheverell honour husband Ireland James John John Lilburne John Locke justice King King's kingdom labour land letter liberty live London Lord Louis XIV Madame de Maintenon Majesty Majesty's marriage Mary Mazarin ministers monarchy Monsieur never noble oath offence officers Paris parish parlement Parliament Parliament of Scotland peace person Pierre Bayle political poor present prince Protestant province punished Putney Debates rebellion reign religion revolt Richelieu royal Saint-Cyr Scot Scotland Secondly ship money Source subjects taxes thereof things Thomas Thomas Rainsborough town Translated from French Union unto virtuous wherein wife William witchcraft woman women word