(A) TYPE OF ENTITY.-The Commissioner shall award under this subsection (i) four grants to State agencies or area agencies on aging; and (ii) two grants to nonprofit organizations with a proven record of providing (I) services related to retirement of older individuals; or (II) specific pension rights counseling. (B) PANEL.-In awarding grants under this subsection, the Commissioner shall use a citizen advisory panel that shall include representatives of business, labor, national senior advocates, and national pension rights advocates. (C) CRITERIA. In awarding grants under this subsection, the Commissioner, in consultation with the panel, shall use as criteria— (i) evidence of commitment of an agency or organization to carry out a proposed pension rights information program; (ii) the ability of the agency or organization to perform effective outreach to affected populations, particularly populations identified as in need of special outreach; and (iii) reliable information that the population to be served by the agency or organization has a demonstrable need for the services proposed to be provided under the program. (3) APPLICATION. (A) IN GENERAL.-To be eligible to receive a grant under this subsection, an entity shall submit an application to the Commissioner at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Commissioner may require, including, at a minimum (i) a plan for the establishment of a pension rights information program to serve a specific geographic area; and (ii) an assurance that staff members (including volunteer staff members) have no conflict of interest in providing the services described in the plan. (B) PLAN.-The plan described in paragraph (1) shall provide for a program that (i) establishes a State or area pension rights information center; (ii) provides counseling (including direct counseling and assistance to individuals needing information) and information that may assist individuals in establishing rights to, obtaining, and filing claims or complaints related to, pension and other retirement benefits; (iii) provides information on sources of pension and other retirement benefits, including the benefits under programs described in subsection (a)(1); (iv) makes referrals to legal services and other advocacy programs; (v) establishes a system of referral to State, local, and Federal departments or agencies related to pension and other retirement benefits; (vi) provides a sufficient number of staff positions (including volunteer positions) to ensure information, counseling, referral, and assistance regarding pension and other retirement benefits; (vii) provides training programs for staff members, including volunteer staff members of the programs described in subsection (a)(1); (viii) makes recommendations to the Administration, the Department of Labor and other local, State, and Federal agencies concerning issues for older individuals related to pension and other retirement benefits; and (ix) establishes an outreach program to provide information, counseling, referral, and assistance regarding pension and other retirement benefits, with particular emphasis on outreach to women, minorities, and low-income retirees. (d) TRAINING PROGRAM. (1) USE OF FUNDS.-In carrying out the projects described in subsection (b), the Commissioner shall, to the extent appropriations are available, award a grant to an eligible entity to establish a training program to provide (A) information to the staffs of entities operating pension rights information programs; and (B) assistance to the entities and assist such entities in the design of program evaluation tools. (2) ELIGIBLE ENTITY.-Entities eligible to receive grants under this subsection include nonprofit private organizations with records of providing national information, referral, and advocacy in matters related to pension and other retirement benefits. (3) APPLICATION.-To be eligible to receive a grant under this subsection, an entity shall submit an application to the Commissioner at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Commissioner may require. (e) DURATION.-The Commissioner may award grants under subsection (c) or (d) for periods not to exceed 18 months. (f) REPORT TO CONGRESS.— (1) PREPARATION.-The Commissioner shall prepare a report that (A) summarizes the distribution of funds authorized for grants under this section and the expenditure of such funds; (B) summarizes the scope and content of training and assistance provided under a program carried out under this section and the degree to which the training and assistance can be replicated; (C) outlines the problems that individuals participating in programs funded under this section encountered concerning rights related to pension and other retirement benefits; and (D) makes recommendations regarding the manner in which services provided in programs funded under this section can be incorporated into the ongoing programs of State agencies, area agencies on aging, multipurpose senior centers, and other similar entities. (2) SUBMISSION.-Not later than 30 months after the date of the enactment of this section, the Commissioner shall submit the report described in paragraph (1) to the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Labor and Human Resources of the Senate. (g) ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES.-Of the funds appropriated under section 431(a)(1) to carry out this section for a fiscal year, not more than $100,000 may be used by the Administration for administrative expenses in carrying out this section. (42 U.S.C. 3035r) PART C-GENERAL PROVISIONS AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS SEC. 431. (a)(1) There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out the provisions of this title (other than the provision specified in subsection (b)) $72,000,000 for fiscal year 1992, and such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 1993, 1994, and 1995. (2) Not less than 1 percent of the amount appropriated under paragraph (1) for each fiscal year shall be made available to carry out section 202(d). (b) There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out section 411(e), $450,000 for each of fiscal years 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995. (c) No funds appropriated under this title (1) may be transferred to any office or other authority of the Federal Government which is not directly responsible to the Commissioner; (2) may be used for any program or activity which is not specifically authorized by this title; or (3) may be combined with funds appropriated under any other Act if the purpose of combining funds is to make a single discretionary grant or a single discretionary payment, unless such funds appropriated under this title are separately identified in such grant or payment and are used for the purposes of this title. (42 U.S.C. 3037) PAYMENTS OF GRANTS SEC. 432. (a) To the extent the Commissioner deems it appropriate, the Commissioner shall require the recipient of any grant or contract under this title to contribute money, facilities, or services for carrying out the project for which such grant or contract was made. (b) Payments under this title pursuant to a grant or contract may be made (after necessary adjustment, in the case of grants, on account of previously made overpayments or underpayments) in ad vance or by way of reimbursement, and in such installments and on such conditions, as the Commissioner may determine. (c) The Commissioner shall make no grant or contract under this title in any State which has established or designated a State agency for purposes of title III unless the Commissioner (1) consults with the State agency prior to issuing the grant or contract; and (2) informs the State agency of the purposes of the grant or contract when the grant or contract is issued. (42 U.S.C. 3037a) RESPONSIBILITIES OF COMMISSIONER SEC. 433. (a) The Commissioner shall be responsible for the administration, implementation, and making of grants and contracts under this title and shall not delegate authority under this title to any other individual, agency, or organization. (b)(1) Not later than January 1 following each fiscal year, the Commissioner shall submit, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate, a report for such fiscal year that describes each project and each program— (A) for which funds were provided under this title; and (B) that was completed in the fiscal year for which such report is prepared. (2) Such report shall contain— (A) the name or descriptive title of each project or program; (B) the name and address of the individual or governmental entity that conducted such project or program; (C) a specification of the period throughout which such project or program was conducted; (D) the identity of each source of funds expended to carry out such project or program and the amount of funds provided by each such source; (E) an abstract describing the nature and operation of such project or program; and (F) a bibliography identifying all published information relating to such project or program. (c)(1) The Commissioner shall establish by regulation and implement a process to evaluate the results of projects and programs carried out under this title. (2) The Commissioner shall (A) make available to the public each evaluation carried out under paragraph (1); and (B) use such evaluation to improve services delivered, or the operation of projects and programs carried out, under this Act. (42 U.S.C. 3037b) TITLE V-COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT FOR OLDER AMERICANS SHORT TITLE SEC. 501. This title may be cited as the "Older American Community Service Employment Act". (42 U.S.C. 3001 note) OLDER AMERICAN COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM SEC. 502. (a) In order to foster and promote useful part-time opportunities in community service activities for unemployed lowincome persons who are fifty-five years old or older and who have poor employment prospects, the Secretary of Labor (hereinafter in this title referred to as the "Secretary") is authorized to establish an older American community service employment program. (b)(1) In order to carry out the provisions of this title, the Secretary is authorized to enter into agreements with public or private nonprofit agencies or organizations, including national organizations, agencies of a State government or a political subdivision of a State (having elected or duly appointed governing officials), or a combination of such political subdivisions, or tribal organizations in order to further the purposes and goals of the program. Such agreements may include provisions for the payment of costs, as provided in subsection (c), of projects developed by such organizations and agencies in cooperation with the Secretary in order to make the program effective or to supplement the program. No payment shall be made by the Secretary toward the cost of any project established or administered by any such organization or agency unless the Secretary determines that such project— (A) will provide employment only for eligible individuals, except for necessary technical, administrative, and supervisory personnel, but such personnel shall, to the fullest extent possible, be recruited from among eligible individuals; (B) will provide employment for eligible individuals in the community in which such individuals reside, or in nearby communities; (C) will employ eligible individuals in services related to publicly owned and operated facilities and projects, or projects sponsored by organizations, other than political parties, exempt from taxation under the provisions of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, except projects involving the construction, operation, or maintenance of any facility used or to be used as a place for sectarian religious instruction or worship; (D) will contribute to the general welfare of the community; (E) will provide employment for eligible individuals; (F)(i) will result in an increase in employment opportunities over those opportunities which would otherwise be available; (ii) will not result in the displacement of currently employed workers (including partial displacement, such as a reduction in the hours of nonovertime work or wages or employment benefits); and (iii) will not impair existing contracts or re |