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(Public Law 89-73)

AN ACT To provide assistance in the development of new or improved programs to help older persons through grants to the States for community planning and services and for training, through research, development, or training project grants, and to establish within the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare an operating agency to be designated as the "Administration on Aging".

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Older Americans Act of 1965".

(42 U.S.C. 3001 note)



SEC. 101. The Congress hereby finds and declares that, in keeping with the traditional American concept of the inherent dignity of the individual in our democratic society, the older people of our Nation are entitled to, and it is the joint and several duty and responsibility of the governments of the United States, of the several States and their political subdivisions, and of Indian tribes to assist our older people to secure equal opportunity to the full and free enjoyment of the following objectives:

(1) An adequate income in retirement in accordance with the American standard of living.

(2) The best possible physical and mental health which science can make available and without regard to economic status.

(3) Obtaining and maintaining suitable housing, independently selected, designed and located with reference to special needs and available at costs which older citizens can afford.

(4) Full restorative services for those who require institutional care, and a comprehensive array of community-based, long-term care services adequate to appropriately sustain older people in their communities and in their homes, including support to family members and other persons providing voluntary care to older individuals needing long-term care services.

(5) Opportunity for employment with no discriminatory personnel practices because of age.

(6) Retirement in health, honor, dignity-after years of contribution to the economy.

(7) Participating in and contributing to meaningful activity within the widest range of civic, cultural, educational and training and recreational opportunities.

(8) Efficient community services, including access to lowcost transportation, which provide a choice in supported living


arrangements and social assistance in a coordinated manner and which are readily available when needed, with emphasis on maintaining a continuum of care for vulnerable older individuals.

(9) Immediate benefit from proven research knowledge which can sustain and improve health and happiness.

(10) Freedom, independence, and the free exercise of individual initiative in planning and managing their own lives, full participation in the planning and operation of communitybased services and programs provided for their benefit, and protection against abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

(42 U.S.C. 3001)


SEC. 102. For the purposes of this Act—

(1) The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Health and Human Services, expect that for purposes of title V such term means the Secretary of Labor.

(2) The term "Commissioner” means, unless the context otherwise requires, the Commissioner of the Administration.

(3) The term "State" means any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands1, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

(4) The term "nonprofit" as applied to any agency, institution, or organization means an agency, institution, or organization which is, or is owned and operated by, one or more corporations or associations no part of the net earnings of which inures, or may lawfully inure, to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.

(5) The term "Indian" means a person who is a member of an Indian tribe.

(6) Except for the purposes of title VI of this Act, the term "Indian tribe" means any tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community of Indians (including any Alaska Native village or regional or village corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (Public Law 92-203; 85 Stat. 688) which (A) is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians; or (B) is located on, or in proximity to, a Federal or State reservation or rancheria.

(7) Except for the purposes of title VI of this Act, the term "tribal organization" means the recognized governing body of any Indian tribe, or any legally established organization of Indians which is controlled, sanctioned, or chartered by such governing body. In any case in which a contract is let or grant made to an organization to perform services benefiting more than one Indian tribe, the approval of each such Indian tribe

1 Section 904(a)(2) of P.L. 102-375, 106 Stat. 1306, attempted to strike "Virgin Islands" and insert "United States Virgin Islands" but could not be executed because it referred to paragraph (2) instead of this paragraph.

shall be a prerequisite to the letting or making of such contract or grant.

(8) The term "disability" means (except when such term is used in the phrase "severe disability", "developmental disabilities", "physical or mental disability", "physical and mental disabilities", or "physical disabilities") a disability attributable to mental or physical impairment, or a combination of mental and physical impairments, that results in substantial functional limitations in 1 or more of the following areas of major life activity: (A) self-care, (B) receptive and expressive language, (C) learning, (D) mobility, (E) self-direction, (F) capacity for independent living, (G) economic self-sufficiency, (H) cognitive functioning, and (1) emotional adjustment.

(9) The term "severe disability" means a severe, chronic disability attributable to mental or physical impairment, or a combination of mental and physical impairments, that

(A) is likely to continue indefinitely; and

(B) results in substantial functional limitation in 3 or more of the major life activities specified in subparagraphs (A) through (G) of paragraph (8).

(10) The term "assistive technology" means technology, engineering methodologies, or scientific principles appropriate to meet the needs of, and address the barriers confronted by, older individuals with functional limitations.

(11) The term "information and referral" includes information relating to assistive technology.

(12) The term "Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands" includes the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau.

(13) The term "abuse" means the willful

(A) infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation, or cruel punishment with resulting physical harm, pain, or mental anguish; or

(B) deprivation by a person, including a caregiver, of goods or services that are necessary to avoid physical harm, mental anguish, or mental illness.

(14) The term "Administration" means the Administration on Aging.

(15) The term "adult child with a disability" means a child who

(A) is 18 years of age or older;

(B) is financially dependent on an older individual who is a parent of the child; and

(C) has a disability.

(16) The term "aging network" means the network of-
(A) State agencies, area agencies on aging, title VI
grantees, and the Administration; and

(B) organizations that—

(i)(I) are providers of direct services to older individuals; or

(II) are institutions of higher education; and

(ii) receive funding under this Act.

(17) The term "area agency on aging" means an area agency on aging designated under section 305(a)(2)(A) or a State

agency performing the functions of an area agency on aging under section 305(b)(5).

(18) The term "art therapy" means the use of art and artistic processes specifically selected and administered by an art therapist, to accomplish the restoration, maintenance, or improvement of the mental, emotional, or social functioning of an older individual.

(19) The term "board and care facility" means an institution regulated by a State pursuant to section 1616(e) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.Č. 1382e(e)).

(20) The term "caregiver" means an individual who has the responsibility for the care of an older individual, either voluntarily, by contract, by receipt of payment for care, or as a result of the operation of law.

(21) The term "caretaker" means a family member or other individual who provides (on behalf of such individual or of a public or private agency, organization, or institution) uncompensated care to an older individual who needs supportive services.

(22) The term "case management service"

(A) means a service provided to an older individual, at the direction of the older individual or a family member of the individual

(i) by an individual who is trained or experienced in the case management skills that are required to deliver the services and coordination described in subparagraph (B); and

(ii) to assess the needs, and to arrange, coordinate, and monitor an optimum package of services to meet the needs, of the older individual; and

(B) includes services and coordination such as

(i) comprehensive assessment of the older individual (including the physical, psychological, and social needs of the individual);

(ii) development and implementation of a service plan with the older individual to mobilize the formal and informal resources and services identified in the assessment to meet the needs of the older individual, including coordination of the resources and services(I) with any other plans that exist for various formal services, such as hospital discharge plans; and

(II) with the information and assistance services provided under this Act;

(iii) coordination and monitoring of formal and informal service delivery, including coordination and monitoring to ensure that services specified in the plan are being provided;

(iv) periodic reassessment and revision of the status of the older individual with

(I) the older individual; or

(II) if necessary, a primary caregiver or family member of the older individual; and

(v) in accordance with the wishes of the older individual, advocacy on behalf of the older individual for needed services or resources.

(23) The term "dance-movement therapy" means the use of psychotherapeutic movement as a process facilitated by a dance-movement therapist, to further the emotional, cognitive, or physical health of an older individual.

(24) The term "elder abuse" means abuse of an older individual.

(25) The term "elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation" means abuse, neglect, and exploitation, of an older individual. (26) The term "exploitation" means the illegal or improper act or process of an individual, including a caregiver, using the resources of an older individual for monetary or personal benefit, profit, or gain.

(27) The term "focal point" means a facility established to encourage the maximum collocation and coordination of services for older individuals.

(28) The term "frail" means, with respect to an older individual in a State, that the older individual is determined to be functionally impaired because the individual

(A)(i) is unable to perform at least two activities of daily living without substantial human assistance, including verbal reminding, physical cueing, or supervision; or

(ii) at the option of the State, is unable to perform at least three such activities without such assistance; or

(B) due to a cognitive or other mental impairment, requires substantial supervision because the individual behaves in a manner that poses a serious health or safety hazard to the individual or to another individual.

(29) The term "greatest economic need" means the need resulting from an income level at or below the poverty line. (30) The term "greatest social need" means the need caused by noneconomic factors, which include

(A) physical and mental disabilities;

(B) language barriers; and

(C) cultural, social, or geographical isolation, including isolation caused by racial or ethnic status, that

(i) restricts the ability of an individual to perform normal daily tasks; or

(ii) threatens the capacity of the individual to live independently.

(31) The term "information and assistance service" means a service for older individuals that

(A) provides the individuals with current information on opportunities and services available to the individuals within their communities, including information relating to assistive technology;

(B) assesses the problems and capacities of the individuals;

(C) links the individuals to the opportunities and services that are available;

(D) to the maximum extent practicable, ensures that the individuals receive the services needed by the individ

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