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Israelis Jerusalem, appealed to "world Jewry" for an Intensification of the anti-communist and anti-Soviet hysteria.

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In our days the main direction of the subversive actions of Zionism and of its tool the Israell secret services, against the Soviet Union is the conduct of wide Ideological subversions directed at convincing the world public of.."the existence of anti-Semitism" in the USSR. In this the following alms are pursued: to undermine confidence in the West in the democratic character of the Soviet system and to try to find pro-Zionist and anti-Soviet elements in our country and to conduct subversive work with their help. Considering the Soviet Union as "the third Jewish community in the world" (after the USA and Israel), the Zionist centers have made it their goal to lure one million Jews out of the USSR. This adventure has failed: from 1945 to 1977 from the USSR only 142 thousand persons of Jewish nationality have gone to the West.

On the other hand, it is known that many Jews, who left the USSR for Israel and for other capitalist countries, after some time insistently beg to be permitted to come back. It is significant that the main reason for such a sharp "change of mood" in most of the Jews, according to their statements, was a disappointment of the material kind, the crash of their hopes to get rich in "the world of equal opportunities". In other words, what made them leave the USSR was not some sort of a "discrimination", as the imperialist propaganda tries to present it, but the hope of making profits, of getting rich.

As the Israeli newspaper, the "JERUSALEM POST MAGAZINE", wrote recently, many Immigrants, "In particular Russian Jews, believed in the El Dorado overseas, thinking that the streets there are paved with gold. And now they write approximately 40,000 letters every month to their relatives and acquaintances in the USSR, in which they tell little good about life here". Things are also hard for the former Soviet citizens In Western Europe, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. And not only because there are enough of the unemployed there without them. Things are hard also for those who are materially well off. Even they cannot adapt themselves to the world of cash and profits, to the bourgeois way of life in which the social principles and moral norms to which Soviet people have become accustomed are distorted.

Zionism leads In the provocative campaign of Imperialism "in defence of human rights" and it helps to turn the Ideological struggle Into a "psychological war", fraught, as the Secretary General of the CC cf the CPSU and Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, comrade L.I. Brezhnev warned in his replies to the French paper "Le Monde" In June of 1977,

with very serious consequences.

The main "theoretical" foundation of the Zionist strategists of the "psychological war" has become the principle of the "exclusivity of Jews" as an ethnic group, a principle that has its roots in Judaist racism.

The Zionist-Israeli Secret Services, when they recruit accomplices or agents, strive to play on the nationalistic feelings among certain groups of Jews, subjecting their "blood brothers" to a suitable brainwashing and speculating on the "special" sufferings of the Jews and contrasting them (in accordance with the postulates of Judaism) with all of mankind. They implant Into Jews the idea that they allegedly find themselves in the hostile surrounding of anti-Semites in every country and that the carrying out on their part, on the part of the Jews, of any Intelligence, subversive or terrorist act, a "duty" towards "world Jewry" and towards Israel.


As an "ideological" foundation is also used the concept concerning the alleged existence of a "world extra-territorial Jewish nation", part of which are alleged the Jews of Israel and also, the principles proceeding from that concept of "double citizenship" "double" (or even multiple) loyalty. These concepts, that were repeatedly exposed, including in the materials of the Comparty of Israel, serve as the "theoretical" foundation for the practical activity of the Zionist-Israeli Secret services in many countries of the world. Proclaiming The Idea of "double loyalty", the Zionists demand from the Jews of any State to defend first and foremost the interests of Israel and not of the country of their residence.

This concept is not merely a private opinion of one or another Zionist writer or group of writers. It has been officially adopted by the ruling circles of Israel from the moment of the creation of that State. In a speech made on August 8, 1951, Ben Gurion, speaking about the duties of "world Jewry" to Israel, said: "This means to give help to Israel, no matter whether the government of the country to which Jews living in it are subjugated, wishes this or not...". Speculating on Israel's "security", the Tel Aviv Zlonists openly appeal to the Jews of the entire world to get into the ranks of the pro-Israeli "Fifth Column". This concept was put into the foundation of the Israeli legislation, In particular, In the "Law of Return", adopted in 1950, one of the provisions of which deprives a Jew of his right to immigrate to Israel "if he engages in activity pernicious for the Jewish people or may represent danger to the health of the people or a threat to the security of the State". Commenting upon this provision, one of the modern Ideologists of Zionism, P.Jinevsky, "explains "its sense in the

following manner: "Causing harm to the Jewish people in any part of the globe may result in consequences in Israel for the one gulity. Naturally, this provision spreads on the non-Jews as well. When It punished Eichman, Israel showed a typical example of the right it has assumed to Impose Its judgement on non-Jews".

Such an Interpretation of the "Law of Return" and its corresponding application mean that Tel Aviv assumes the "right" to violate the sovereignty of any State and to pass judgement on any persons, both Jews and non-Jews, of any citizenship, if they should decide In Israel that the persons Involved "cause harm" to the Jewish "people".

As far back as March 1972, the Israeli Authorities dragged through the Knesset (the Parliament of Israel) an amendment to the criminal code of the country, in accordance with which they spread Israel's jurisdiction... over the entire globe. At present, according to this amendment, the Tel Aviv agents can "legally" seize a citizen of any country, bringi him to Israel and try him (!) for "causing damage to the security or economy of Israel".

In this way the Israell agents acquire the "legal" possibility for rendering pressure and using blackmail in relation not only to Jews, but practically In relation to any inhabitant of the planet, because a refusal to collaborate with the Zionist-Israeli services may be interpreted by the agents of these services as "causing harm" to the Jewish "people", with all-the consequences proceeding from this.

In addition, the Zionists demand an International recognition of the status of "one Jewish nation", obliged to bow to "the country of Zion" and to obey two centers, where are located the leading organs of the "World Zionist Organization": to the occupied by Israelis Jerusalem and to New York. They demand the recognition that Israel has a special "international mission" and they also demand a special status for its diplomatic representations abroad in the aims of supporting constant contacts with Jews. The activities of the Zionists and of their movement, which have lost all restraint, are beginning to undertake forms and scales that carry a threat to the sovereignty of other States.

Demanding "self-isolation" from the Jews, the Zionists want to turn the Jewish communities in various countries into their well secured rear, into "Fifth Columns" dispersed all over the world, that are supposed to conduct an active subversive work.

Zionist Ideologists Identify Israel with Zionism, just as they

Identify Zionists with Jews. In their propaganda campaign, they insistently assert that everyone who comes out against the Zionist Ideology and political practice, against the policy of Tel Aviv, Is an enemy of Israel and an antiSemite.

Zionism is the enemy of all mankind, including the people of Israel, because it is a rabid opponent of the policy of the relaxation of International tension. It is not by chance that the agents of the Military-Industrial Complex in the US Senate come out as zealous advocates of the expansionist course of the government of Israel and fan up war hysteria:

The development of political events in the world, in the last few years proves that the world reaction, Imperialism and its integral part Zionism, suffer one defeat after another. The Zionists have failed to put under their control the majority of the Jewish population of our planet. And in Isarael, as it was noted at the XVIII Congress (1976) of the Comparty of that country, "there have appeared considerable forces that assess the situation realistically". The communists of Israel come out in favour of uniting in one front of the forces of peace and of political realism, against the aggressive policy of the government of Begin-Dayan, for the liberation of all the Arab lands occupied by Zionists and for the satisfaction of the legitimate rights of the Arab people of Palestine.

Inspite of the feverish activity and the support of the Influential circles of the USA, Zionism, as all the reactionary movements in history and as Imperialism as a whole, have no future. However, the intrigues of the Zionists must be resolutely exposed and given a firm rebuff. The struggle for peace, social progress and freedom of peoples in our days is indivisibly connected with the struggle against the ideology and the political practice of Zionism.

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DISCRIMINATION AGAINST JEWS ENROLLING AT MOSCOW UNIVERSITY, 1979 Discrimination against Jews enrolling in Soviet schools of higher learning is practiced through a system worked out in fine detail for lowering the marks of Jews. To make this system work, a sufficient number of corrupt examiners is necessary. Unfortunately, such dishonest personnel are available.

Our Document No. 73, under the same heading as this one, explained that it is difficult to demonstrate discrimination against Jews, though it is widespread and evident, since the official documents proving it, if they exist at all, are kept top secret. We believe the best proof lies in comparing what happens to individual groups of Jews applying for admittance to similar groups of applicants of other ethnic nationalities.

This effort was undertaken in a study of two groups of applicants by mathematicians B. I. Kanevsky and V. A. Senderov, who taught in special physics and mathematics schools. One group consisted of 47 students, none of whose parents or grandparents were demonstrably Jews. The other group consisted of 40 students whose parents or grandparents were Jews.

Of the first group, 40 students were accepted for the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of Moscow University. Of the second group, only six.

This Document is by way of a foreword to the results of the study by Kanevsky and Senderov, appended.

It should be explained that children of mixed marriages have the right to choose for themselves the ethnic nationality of either of their parents, which is registered in the internal passport compulsory for every Soviet citizen from the age of 16. Application forms include the question of nationality, which must be filled in clearly, in large letters. Though no question is asked about the nationality of one's parents, their names and patronumics must be given, as well as their place of work, thus making it possible to discover the ethnic origins of any applicant for three generations back.

An analysis of the appended material leaves no doubt concerning the purely racist standards of the enrollment commission. For instance, out the 17 applicants registered as Russians, but with one Jewish parent, only three received passing marks, though 10 of them had won prizes in high level mathematics Olympiads. Of the 17, three were accepted; two of them were children of professors of the Department, while the third had special privileges, having finished school with Gold Medal honors.

The fact that a Jewish grandparent affected marks follows from the failure of applicants Vegrina and Stalgorova, who finished school with the highest mark in mathematics and had won prizes in the Moscow Mathematics Olympiad. Vegrina won the prize three years running; in her graduating class she also won the prize of the branch of the National Mathematics Olympiad. Both girls were failed in their first exam for entrance to the University-written math. Their complaints and formal appeals produced no results.

The zealous racism of the examination commission sometimes caused misunderstandings. One student's outward appearance looked suspicious to the examiners. He unfairly drew a “3” mark for written math, and a "2" for oral work. When his mother was able to submit a detailed family tree for three generations back, proving there were no Jews in the family, his marks were improved to "4" and "3". The students of both these groups had finished special physics and mathematics schools, where the training is considerably above the average level of those accepted in the Mechanics and Math Department at the University. Many of these applicants had won prizes in top-rank math and physics Olympiads. In the first group, _14 students had taken prizes in math Olympiads, four of them more than once. The total number of prizes won in Moscow and national math Olympiads by this group is 26. The respective figures for the other group are 26, 11, and 48.

The contrast between the figures 40 and 6 is eloquent enough. However, the actual discrimination of Jews, and of non-Jews whose background is not pure enough, is far greater. Those failed in the second group should not be compared with the well prepared and deservedly accepted students of the first group, but with average students who passed the entrance exams to the Mechanics and Math Department successfully. Jewish boys and girls of the same level of training have no chance of being enrolled. The total number of Jews and of Russians of insufficiently pure ethnic background enrolled this year is no more than 10 out of a total of 475.

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