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In Order of Time, all the EVENTS and
DISCOURSES Recorded in the Four
Evangelifts, &c.


Some Short NOTES for the Help of Ordinary



Printed for W. MEARS and F. CLAY without
Temple-Bar, and J. HOOKE and T. WOOD-
WARD in Fleet Street. 1721.

70%. I. GO.



T has been judg'd by feveral, that a continu'd Hiftory of our Bleffed Saviour in order of Time, wholly in the Words of the Scripture, would be of greater ufe to the more ordinary fort of Readers, than Harmonies of the Evangelifts. Because that those who are not very converfant in Books, are rather confounded, than help'd, by the feveral Collumns and Breaks, which are neceffary in fuch a Work.

Such a History as here abovemention'd, the Reader mill find in the following Sheets divided only into Sections, according to the different Paffages, and Acts, of our Saviour.

The Evangelift, Chapter, and Verfe, out of which the Hiftory is tranfcrib'd; is noted all along in the outward Margin. And whenever there is occafion to change from one Evangelift to another, there is a Star [*] put to fhew where the change comes in; and the Evangelift, Chapter and Verfe, is set over against that Verse in the outward Margin.

When the fame Fact, or any Circumstances concerning our Saviour, is related by more than one, or all the Four Euangelifts; if any have a mind to turn to their Bibles, to fee how the fame things are exprefs'd by the other Evangelifts, they are refer'd by a Small Letter as [*][ ] &c. to the inward Margin, where they will find the Evangelift, Chapter, and Verfe noted.


The Age of our Saviour, and Year of his Ministry, is exprefs'd all along at the top of the inward Margin; and the place of action (as far as it could be known) is fet always in the outward Margin.

There is alfo here and there, Notes, for the Explanation of fome Words, and Customs, as for Example in Sect. II. Course of Abia.

There is annex'd a Map of the Countrys through which our Saviour travell'd; and the Places, and Towns are named the fame as in the Gospels.

It has been neceffary fometimes the better to join the Senfe to add a Word, as [and] [he] and fuch like, but the Reader will fee it makes no alteration as to the true meaning of those places, and that he may the more readily obferve it, thofe Words are always put between two. Hooks, and in the Italick Character.



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