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It is insoluble in water, miscible in every proportion with alcohol and ether.

With the halogens triethyl stibine combines with great evolution of heat, so that the ingredients can only be brought together in strongly diluted alcoholic or ethereal solutions.

Triethyl-stibine dichloride, Sb(C,H;),Cl, is obtained by heating triethyl stibine with concentrated hydrochloric acid, hydrogen being evolved. Triethyl stiline therefore behaves like a strongly positive divalent metal:

[blocks in formation]

This dichloride is a colourless, strongly refractive liquid of sp. gr. 1.54. It smells like turpentine, tastes bitter, is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol and ether.

The dibromide, Sb(C2H5),Br2, resembles the chloride, but solidifies at -10° to a snow-white crystalline mass.

The diiodide, Sb(C2Hg),I2, forms colourless needles, melting at 70°.

If an ethereal solution of triethyl stibine be exposed to the air as long as oxygen is absorbed, there remains on evaporation of the solution

334. Triethyl-stibine oxide, or antimon-triethyl oxide, Sb(C2H5)зO, as a viscous, colourless, amorphous mass, easily soluble in water and alcohol, less readily in ether.

On bringing together the oxide and diiodide of triethyl stibine in alcoholic solution, there crystallises on evaporation triethyl-stibine oxyiodide in vitreous octahedra and tetrahedra, soluble in water:

Sb(C2H)30 + Sb(C2H5)3I2 =



The same compound is also obtained by evaporation of an alcoholic solution of the diiodide with ammonia:

2Sb(C2H¿)311⁄2 + 2NH3 + OH2 = 2NH ̧I + [Sb(C2H5)31]2O. By decomposition of the oxyiodide with mercuric chloride, mercuric iodide separates, and the analogous triethyl-stibine oxychloride:

[blocks in formation]

is formed, and remains on evaporation as a very deliquescent white fibro-crystalline mass. An oxybromide of like composition is also known.

335. Triethyl-stibine Salts.-With acids triethyl-stibine oxide yields basic and normal salts.

The basic triethyl-stibine salts are generally prepared by double decomposition of the oxyiodide with silver salts, and after filtration from the argentic iodide are obtained in the crystalline form by evaporation in vacuo :

[blocks in formation]

But water appears to be taken up at the same time, so that hydrated basic salts result:

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

The normal salts are obtained from the basic, or from triethyl-stibine oxide, by addition of acids.

Sulphates.-The normal sulphate, [Sb(C2Hg)3]SO4, crystallises from the syrupy solution in small white crystals, which melt at 100°; the basic salt, [Sb(C,H),OH]2SO4, is a deliquescent gum-like mass. Nitrates. The normal nitrate, [Sb(C2H5)3].(ONO2)2, or

Sb (C2Hs)3

O.NO, 2

crystallises in large rhombic prisms, which melt at 62.5°. It dissolves readily in water, difficultly in alcohol, and explodes on heating. Its solution reddens blue litmus paper.


Basic triethyl-stibine nitrate, Sb (C2H5)3, is obtained in the form


of a radiating crystalline mass, which is not deliquescent, but is readily soluble.

336. Triethyl-stibine sulphide, Sb(C2H5),S, is readily obtained by boiling an ethereal solution of triethyl stibine with sulphur, and separates on cooling in voluminous silvery crystals, which have a disagreeable odour and melt above 100°. Dilute acids decompose it into

triethyl-stibine salts, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. The aqueous solution gives with the salts of the heavy metals precipitates of metallic sulphides, whilst triethyl-stibine salts remain in solution: (C2H5)3



+ Cu

SO2 = CuS + Sb

SO 2

337. Antimon-tetrethyl or Tetrethyl Stibonic Compounds.-A mixture of equal molecules of triethyl stibine and ethylic iodide, when covered with water, slowly solidifies to tetrethylĺ stibonic iodide, Sb(CH),I, which by recrystallisation from hot water is obtained in large prisms or needles. By means of argentic oxide it is converted into tetrethyl stibonic hydrate, Sb(C,H),.OH, a strongly alkaline syrupy liquid, which, with acids, yields neutral, readily soluble salts, which are mostly crystallisable. As they resemble those of tetramethyl stibonium in all respects, they may be passed over.

Methyl-triethyl stibonic iodide, Sb(C2H5),(CH3)I, is obtained by direct combination of triethyl stibine with methylic iodide.

Amyl Compounds.

338. By action of isoamylic iodide upon potassic stibide triisoamyl stibine is formed, which cannot be separated by distillation, but must be extracted from the product by ether; on evaporation of the filtered solution it is obtained as a transparent yellowish liquid of sp. gr. 1.133. It fumes strongly in the air, but does not inflame spontaneously. With two atoms of halogen it yields compounds which are insoluble in water.

On endeavouring to distil this body a liquid passes over which on heating to 80° evolves an antimonial inflammable gas, and leaves diantimon-tetrisoamyl :

[blocks in formation]

Sb = (CsH11)2

Sb= (C5H11)2

as a liquid not fuming in the air, but which slowly oxidises. It cor responds to the cacodyls in the arsenic compounds.


339. The only bismuth compounds yet prepared are the very unstable ethyl derivatives. By bringing together potassic bismuthide (prepared by strong heating of a mixture of twenty parts of bismuth with sixteen parts of powdered acid potassic tartrate in a Hessian crucible) with ethylic iodide, a rather violent reaction occurs. cooled mixed product:

BiK3 + 3C2H,I= 3KI + Bi(C2H5)3,


after soaking with water, is shaken with ether. The latter removes Bismuth triethyl, or triethyl bismuthine, Bi(C2H5)3, which, after mixing with water and distilling off the ether, remains under the water as a yellowish mobile liquid of sp. gr. 1·82. Its smell is extremely disagreeable; it fumes in the air and inflames spontaneously. Even

below 100° it commences to decompose with evolution of gas and separation of metallic bismuth; at 150° it explodes violently.

By slow oxidation, by long exposure of its alcoholic solution to air, bismuth triethyl is converted into bismuthous hydrate; by boiling with sulphur bismuth sulphide separates, whilst diethylic sulphide is evolved:

2Bi(C2H5)3 + 6S Bi2S3 + 3(C2H5)2S.


A dilute alcoholic solution of bismuth triethyl to which iodine is slowly added yields, by combination with the latter, not pure bismuth triethyl-diiodide, but a compound of the latter with bismuthous iodide, Bi(CH3)312,BiI, = Bi2(C2H5)315. It is still more readily decomposed by chlorine and bromine.

340. On mixing an alcoholic solution of bismuth triethyl, slightly acidified with hydrochloric acid, with mercuric chloride, mercuric ethyl-chloride separates, whilst

Bismuth ethyl-dichloride, Bi(C2H5)Cl2, remains in solution, and is obtained by evaporation of the filtered liquid in small colourless crystals. Its formation is represented by the equation :

Bi(C2H ̧)3 + 2HgCl2 = 2Hg<C2H5



+ Bi Cl

The alcoholic solution of this compound gives, on heating with potassic iodide, potassic chloride and

Bismuth ethyl-diiodide, Bi(C,H5)Ig. If the liquid be mixed with water until strongly clouded, and then heated until again clear, bismuth ethyl-diiodide crystallises in golden yellow hexagonal plates. From its alcoholic solution potassic hydrate precipitates

Bismuth ethyl-oxide, Bi(C2H5)O, as an amorphous yellow powder, which in the dry state inflames when exposed to air. Argentic nitrate gives with bismuth ethyl-diiodide together with argentic iodide

Bismuth ethyl-dinitrate, Bi(C2H)(O.NO2)2, which is obtained by evaporation in vacuo as a radiated crystalline mass, explodes at 40° and is slowly converted by water into basic bismuthous nitrate.


341. By mixing ethylic orthoborate (§ 224) with organo-zinc compounds in an atmosphere of carbonic anhydride, zinc ethylate separates, whilst an organo-boron compound is formed, which is obtained pure by distillation :

2B(OC2H)3 + 3Zn(CnH2n+1)2=3Zn(OC2H5)2 + 2B(CnH2n+1)3

Boron trimethyl, B(CH3)3, is a colourless gas of 1.93 density, and can be liquefied by pressure and cold.

Boron triethyl, B(C2H5)3, is a colourless, mobile liquid of very pungent irritant odour. Its sp. gr. is 696 at 23°. It boils at 95° and has a vapour density 3.4. It inflames spontaneously in air and burns with a green flame. It is only slowly altered by water; by hydrochloric acid on heating it is converted into ethane and

Boron diethyl-chloride, B(C2H5)2C1 :

[blocks in formation]

If air be allowed to slowly gain access to boron triethyl it absorbs one molecule of oxygen and is converted into


Boron ethyl-diethylate, BO.C2H5, a liquid boiling at 125°, and

which is at once converted by water into



Ethyl boric acid, or boron ethyl-dihydrate, B←OH. This latter


compound is removed from the aqueous solution by shaking with ether. By evaporation of the ether in a stream of carbonic anhydride the ethyl boric acid remains in the form of colourless leaves of an agreeable ethereal odour, sweet taste, acid reaction, and which begin to sublime at 40°.


342. The tetravalent element silicon combines with the alcohol radicals in four different proportions. Of the respective compounds only one series, Si(CH2n+1)4, occur as free molecules, in all the other compounds poorer in alcohol radicals the silicon being further united to tetrad saturation with negative elements (oxygen or halogen).

The respective compounds show, in accordance with the similarity between carbon and silicon, certain analogies with such organic bodies as contain a carbon atom instead of the silicon atom, but are otherwise of like composition.

Silicon tri-, di-, and monalcohol radical compounds are obtained by heating ethylic orthosilicate (§ 225) with organo-zinc compounds and sodium. The latter cannot be dispensed with, as the zinc compounds of the alcohol radicals are without action on the orthosilicates. During the reaction metallic zinc separates, and therefore it is not organo-zinc but organo-sodium compounds which effect the substitution of the O.C2H, group by alcohol radicals. The first reaction is probably :

2Si(OC2H5) + Zn(C2H5)2 + Na2 = Zn + 2NaOC2H ̧

+ 2Si(C2H5)(C2H5O)3.

By employment of larger quantities of zinc ethyl and sodium and a longer continuance of the action, the substitution is greater :

Si(OC2Hs),+Zn(C2H5)2 + Na2 = Zn + 2NaOC2H5
+ Si(C2H5)2(C2H5O)2

2Si(OC2H5) + 3Zn(C2H5)2 + 3Na2 = 3Zn + 6NaOC2H ̧

A single one of the respective products is, however, never obtained, but invariably a mixture, from which the pure compounds must be separated by fractional distillation.

Silicon Tetralkyls, Si(CnH2n+1)4.

343. These compounds, which correspond to paraffins containing a

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