Ir is presumed that every teacher will be supplied monthly with the
Notes on the Scripture Lessons, and that he will, by the study of them,
and by regular weekly attendance at the preparation class, make himself
master of the subject, and thus be thoroughly prepared to teach the
lessons for the day.
It should be remembered that, in consequence of the limited space
at command, in some cases a large portion of the lesson selected for the
elder classes is necessarily omitted. The teacher, therefore, may have to
introduce the subject, or supply a connecting link in the middle. When
a short line is inserted, it is to show that either the selection is from
two separate chapters, or the continuity of the reading is broken. This
gives a larger scope in the selection, and with care will make the lesson
more interesting both to the teacher and scholar.
1. The children should be encouraged to commit to memory during the
Iweek the Golden Text and the Lesson Verse.
2. Each scholar being provided with the lesson, the teacher should
announce the appointed subject, and briefly introduce it in a lively and
attractive manner, by the aid of some well-chosen illustration which
shall naturally lead on to the main facts or doctrines of the lesson to be
taught; thus tending to secure for it the interest and attention of the
3. The lesson may then be read by the scholars simultaneously or indi-
vidually, the teacher reading a portion in turn.
4. The teacher having previously divided the lesson into sections ac-
cording to its character and meaning, the first section should be read
again, and, by suitable questioning, explanation, and illustration, its
meaning made plain to the scholars. The other sections should be dealt
with in a similar manner. Examination by questions should follow each