Cultural Formulation: A Reader for Psychiatric Diagnosis

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Juan E. Mezzich, Giovanni Caracci
Jason Aronson, 2008 - 288 pagini
The publication of the Cultural Formulation Outline in the DSM-IV represented a significant event in the history of standard diagnostic systems. It was the first systematic attempt at placing cultural and contextual factors as an integral component of the diagnostic process. The year was 1994 and its coming was ripe since the multicultural explosion due to migration, refugees, and globalization on the ethnic composition of the U.S. population made it compelling to strive for culturally attuned psychiatric care. Understanding the limitations of a dry symptomatological approach in helping clinicians grasp the intricacies of the experience, presentation, and course of mental illness, the NIMH Group on Culture and Diagnosis proposed to appraise, in close collaboration with the patient, the cultural framework of the patient's identity, illness experience, contextual factors, and clinician-patient relationship, and to narrate this along the lines of five major domains. By articulating the patient's experience and the standard symptomatological description of a case, the clinician may be better able to arrive at a more useful understanding of the case for clinical care purposes. Furthermore, attending to the context of the illness and the person of the patient may additionally enhance understanding of the case and enrich the database from which effective treatment can be planned. This reader is a rich collection of chapters relevant to the DSM-IV Cultural Formulation that covers the Cultural Formulation's historical and conceptual background, development, and characteristics. In addition, the reader discusses the prospects of the Cultural Formulation and provides clinical case illustrations of its utility in diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. Book jacket.


Historical and Conceptual Background of the Cultural Formulation
Psychiatric Diagnosis A Cultural Perspective
The Cultural Context of Diagnosis and Therapy A View from Medical Anthropology
HelpSeeking Pathways A Unifying Concept in Mental Health Care
On Illness Meanings and Clinical Interpretation Not Rational Man but a Rational Approach to Man the SuffererMan the Healer
On Culturally Enhancing the DSMIV Multiaxial Formulation
Cultural Comments on Multiaxial Issues
Development and Characteristics of the Cultural Formulation
Framing Research on Culture in Psychiatric Diagnosis The Case of the DSMIV
The Place of Culture in DSMIV
Using DSMIV Cultural Formulation to Enhance Psychodynamic Understanding
Introducing the Cultural Formulation to Mental Health Care in Stockholm Sweden
The Cultural Interview in the Netherlands The Cultural Formulation in Your Pocket
Clinical Case Illustrations on the Cultural Formulation
Psychosis Following QiGong in a Chinese Immigrant
Diagnosis and Treatment of Nervios and Ataques in a Female Puerto Rican Migrant

Cultural Formulation Development and Critical Review
Cultural Formulation of Psychiatric Diagnosis
Cultural Formulation and Comprehensive Diagnosis Clinical and Research Perspectives
Issues in the Assessment and Diagnosis of Culturally Diverse Individuals
Reflections and Prospects on the Cultural Formulation
Treatment of an Indian Woman with Major Depression by a Latina Therapist A Cultural Formulation
Depression and Back Pain in a Young Male Turkish Immigrant in Basel Switzerland A Cultural Formulation
Sakit jiwa Ngamuk and Schizoaffective Disorder in a Javanese Woman A Cultural Formulation
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