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PRESIDENT DAVIES' SERMONS, in the editions which have been heretofore published in this country, have been preceded by the following discourses: (1.) A sermon entitled "The disinterested and devoted Christian, preached at Nassau Hall, Princeton, May 28, 1761; occasioned by the death of the Rev. Samuel Davies, A.M., late President of the College of New Jersey, by Samuel Finley, D.D., President of the said college," on Rom. xiv. 7, 8. (2.) A brief "Appendix" annexed to the above sermon, containing some of the leading facts in the life of President Davies. (3.) Two sermons entitled, "Divine Conduct Vindicated," preached at Haberdashers' Hall, London, March 29, 1761, on the decease of President Davies, by Thomas Gibbons, D.D. (4.) An essay on the character of President Davies, by Rev. David Bostwick, M.A., of New York.

In issuing a new edition of these sermons from the press, it has been thought best to omit these discourses; to arrange the facts in regard to the life of President Davies which they furnish; to add such other facts as could be obtained from other sources, and to suggest some considerations which might illustrate the nature of the ministry which is demanded in the present age. Much of the matter found in the discourses prefixed to the former editions has little relevancy to the questions which are asked

respecting President Davies, and would be of little use to those who might desire to avail themselves of the aid which may be derived from the study of his writings, in qualifying themselves for the work of the ministry.

In preparing this Introductory Essay, I have been materially aided by the "Notes" on the life of President Davies in the Appendix to the Baccalaureate Discourses of the Rev. Dr. Green, delivered in Nassau Hall, and also by several interesting communications addressed to me by the Rev. William Hill, D.D., of Winchester, Virginia. In the communications which Dr. Hill had the kindness to make for this Introductory Essay-to whom I desire in this manner to make most grateful acknowledgments he has presented views of the state of religion in Virginia before the time of Mr. Davies' settlement, and of the effects of his labors, of great interest. No man living has had better opportunities of being familiar with the character and effect of Mr. Davies' labors; and I am thankful that I am permitted to be the instrument in this manner of preserving so many valuable reminiscences of his life. The communications of Dr. Hill are preserved mainly in his own language.

The Reverend Samuel Davies was born on the third day of November, A.D. 1724, in the county of Newcastle, then in the province of Pennsylvania, but now in the state of Delaware. He is supposed to have been of Welsh descent, both by his father's and mother's side. His father was a farmer, who lived with great plainness and simplicity, and who supported the character of an honest and pious man.* He died, says Dr. Hill, when Samuel was young. His mother survived him but a short time. She was a woman of eminent piety, and of very superior natural powers of mind; and the distinguished piety and usefulness of her son, is one among the many instances which have occurred where the prayers and example of a pious mother have been signally blessed.

He was an only son. By maternal feelings and vows he had been devoted to God; and the name Samuel was given to him by his mother, as an expression of the same feelings which had

"He was a man of small property, of intellectual endowments rather below than above the common level, of unpolished manners, but of a blameless life."-DR. GREEN.

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led to the bestowment of the name on the distinguished prophet. 1 Sam. i. 11. He remained with his parents until he was about ten years of age, and was taught by his mother, there being no school in the vicinity. His progress in these early years is spoken of as such as to attract attention, and as indicating uncommon promise. During this period of his life, it is not known that he had any impressions of special seriousness. He is described as a boy of uncommon sprightliness; as demeaning himself with propriety, and as making rapid progress in his studies.

At about ten years of age, he was sent to an English school at some distance from his father's, where he continued two years, and made great progress in learning. Away from his father's home, however, and lacking the counsel and example of his pious parents, his mind became more careless on the subject of religion. Yet he was then in the habit of secret prayer, particu larly in the evening. The reason why he did this, as he stated in his diary, was that "he feared lest he should perhaps die before morning." It is remarkable, also, in his prayers at that time that "he was more ardent in his supplications for being introduced into the gospel ministry, than for any other thing."

The first twelve years of his life, however, he afterwards regarded as having been wasted in the most entire negligence of God and religion. At about this period of his life, it is probable, he was brought to see his need of a Savior, and to devote himself to the service of that God to whom he had been consecrated by the vows and prayers of his mother. Of the exercises of his mind at that time, little is now known. The influence of his mother's example and prayers, and of the fact that he had been early devoted by her to God, is known to have produced a deep impression on his own mind. In a letter addressed by him many years after to a friend in London, he says, "That he was blessed with a mother whom he might account, without filial vanity or partiality, one of the most eminent saints he ever knew upon earth. And here," says he, "I cannot but mention to my friend an anecdote known but to few, that is, that I am a son of prayer, like my namesake Samuel, the prophet; and my mother called me Samuel because, she said, 'I have asked him of the Lord.' This early dedication to God has always been a strong inducement to me to devote myself to him as a personal act; and the


most important blessings of my life I have looked upon as immediate answers to the prayers of a pious mother."

What was the immediate means by which his mind was awakened and which led to his conversion, and what were the mental exercises through which he then passed, are now unknown. No record that I have been able to find, has furnished any light on a question of so much interest. Dr. Green remarks of him that "he was so deeply impressed with a rational sense of his danger as to make him habitually uneasy and restless, till he obtained satisfactory evidence of his interest in the forgiving love of God. Yet he was afterwards exercised with perplexing doubts, for a long season; but at length, after years of impartial, repeated self-examination, he attained to a settled confidence in redeeming grace, which he retained to the end of life." At what time he connected himself with the church is now unknown. It is supposed to have been when he was about fifteen years of age. His conversion was soon succeeded by a purpose to devote himself to the service of God in the ministry.

He was not favored with a liberal education at a Collegiate Institution, but his preparation for the ministry was made in a more private manner. A considerable part of his classical and theological education was acquired under the care of Rev. Samuel Blair, at Fog's Manor, in Chester county, Pennsylvania. Mr. Blair was an eminent preacher as well as scholar, and several distinguished men in the Church, besides President Davies, received their education under his instruction. His academy was designed mainly to train young men for the ministry, and the course of instruction embraced both the classical and theological departments. Mr. Davies was then probably somewhat less than fifteen years of age. It is supposed that his poverty prevented his remaining there for a longer period. It is an interesting fact that while there, he was supported, in part, as will be mentioned in another place, by funds contributed by the very people of Virgi nia, among whom he was afterwards settled, but to whom he was at that time wholly unknown. Dr. Finley remarks of him, "His love to God, and tender concern for perishing sinners, excited his eager desire of being in a situation to serve mankind to the best advantage. With this view he engaged in the pursuit of learning, in which, amidst many obvious inconveniences, he

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