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54. How did he open his fourth cam- 20. How was this last edict received at


55. The third battle of Darius?

56. Describe this battle?

57. Respective losses of the two armies? 58. How was this triumph sullied?

59. Fate of Darius?

60. Fate of his murderer?

61. What other country did Alexander now invade?

62. Conduct of the Lacedæmonians at this time?

63. What proofs of Alexander's respect for the ancient states of Greece are mentioned?

64. Why was Eschines banished?

65. By what route did Alexander advance
toward India?

66. What reinforcement did he receive?
67. What enemy did he meet with on the
banks of the Hydaspes?

68. How did he effect a passage?
69. How far eastward did he proceed?
70. Why did he go no further?

71. By what route did he return?
72. Course of Nearchus ?

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73. What proof of Alexander's consummate 39. Insincerity of Cassander.

wisdom is given?

74. What cut short his plan?

75. The place and date of his death? 76. To whom did he give his ring?

40. What was Ptolemy preparing to do? 41. What did Lysimachus resolve upon?

42. Whom did all acknowledge as their sovereign?

43. What murders did Cassander commit?

SEC. 3.-Dissolution of the Macedonian 44. Movements of Demetrius?


45. To what office did his father appoint


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5. How were Alexander's remains treated? 48. The consequences of this battle?

6. What projected marriage was pre- 49. How long had the mighty empire of


Alexander lasted?

7. What storm now burst upon Perdic- 50. The most enduring memorial of his

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137. The project of the exile Cleomenes?
38. How was he treated by the young king
of Egypt?




Relate the circumstances of his death?
What is said of him?

41. What now inclined all the Greeks to

SEC. 1.-The History of Macedon and
Greece from the Battle of Ipsus to the 42. Where was a treaty concluded?
Roman Conquest.

43. What is said of the Macedonian monarch?

1. Whither did Demetrius flee after the 44. With whom did he form an alliance? fatal battle of Ipsus?

2. How was he received?

3. Where did he establish himself?

45. What great crime did he commit?

46. How did the Romans find employment

for Philip at home?

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6. Of what dreadful crime was his son Antipater guilty?

7. The consequences of it?

50. Whose aid did the Athenians solicit?
51. Whither did the Romans next proceed?

8. Whose aid did Alexander, the surviving 52. Where did they fight with Philip?
son, seek?

9. The consequences of inviting Demetrius into Macedon?

10. What mighty plans did Demetrius now form?

11. Who was excited to invade his dominions?

12. The movements and fate of Demetrius ? 13. Crime of Lysimachus?

14. The consequences of it to himself?

15. By whom was Seleucus murdered?

53. Describe the battle.

54. On what terms did Philip obtain peace? 55. What proclamation did the Romans make at the Isthmian games?

56. Describe the scene.

57. How did Flaminius show his insincerity?
58. Who now declared war against the

59. By whom was he instigated?
60. What is said of his campaigns?
61. The result of the war?

16. What events took place the same year in 62. How were the Etolians treated by the

which Seleucus fell?

17. The cause of these revolts in Asia?



By whom was Sparta captured?

18 How did Alexander the Great attempt to 64. What loss did the league sustain?

Hellenize the East?

19. The result of this attempt?

65. Relate the circumstances of his death.

66. How was his fate avenged?

20. By whom was Ptolemy Ceraunus, king 67. Philip's cruelty to his son Demetrius ?

of Macedon, slain?

21. The progress of the Gauls?

22 Where did they finally settle?

68. His death, how occasioned?

69. The first act of Perseus, his successor? 70. Where was he defeated by the Romans?

23. Who now obtained the vacant throne of 71. How was he treated?


24. The confederate cities of the Achæan


72. The effect of the eclipse of the moon on the two armies?

73. How did the Romans treat the Achæans? 25. What led to a new revolution in Mace- 74. What led to the destruction of Corinth? don?

26. What led to the death of Pyrrhus ?
27. Who regained the throne of Macedon?
28. What cities now joined the Achæan

29. What revolution took place in Sparta ?
30. What brought about a counter revolu-

31. Conduct of Cleomenes?

32. By whom was he defeated?

33. What rekindled the flames of war?
34. Of what imprudence was Aratus guilty;
and its consequences?

35. Against whom was war now declared by
the Achæan league?

36. What commercial war was going on at the same time?

75. What is said of Athens?

SEC. 2.-History of the Kingdom of Syria under the Seleucida.

1. What advantage did Seleucus gain by his victory over the satraps of Media and Persia?

2. What further additions did he make to
his territories in four years?

3. How far did he penetrate India?
4. What advantages did he gain by his
treaty with Sandracottus?

5. The seat of his government?
6. Why was this an unfortunate choice?
7. What cities did he found?
8. Why did he invade Europe?

His end?

10. His successor?

51. The fate of Seleucus, his son ?

11. Mention the several wars in which he 52. How was he avenged?

was engaged, and their results.

12. Why was his son and successor called Theos?

13. Why did he begin to lose the provinces of Upper Asia?

14. The conditions of his treaty with Ptolemy?

15. How did he suffer for fulfilling them? 16. Who succeeded him?

17. What war did his mother's crime bring on him?

18. Progress of Ptolemy?

19. What did he gain by this expedition ?
20. What enemies now rose against Seleucus?
21. The result of these wars?

22. The fate of Seleucus?

23. To whom was Antiochus the Great indebted for his crown?

53. How did the Syrians treat the entire family, and why?

54. To whom did they offer their crown? 55. The fate of Tigranes?

56. The last of the Seleucidæ, and his fate? SEC. 3.-History of Egypt under the Ptolemies.

1. Who was the wisest statesman among the successors of Alexander?

2. How did he conduct himself in Egypt? 3. His patronage of literature?

4. What people flocked to Alexandria; and why?

5. What is the Septuagint, and why so


6. What works did he erect?

7. Describe the college of philosophy?

24. How was he deceived by his prime 8. Its reputation and permanence?


25. How did the rebel forces act when An

tiochus marched against them?

9. The material for writing previous to papyrus?

10. What is papyrus?

26. The fate of the prime minister and his 11. Its influence on literature?


27. In what wars was Antiochus now engaged?

28. In what important expedition did he engage, in conjunction with the Bactrian monarch?

29. Who prevented him from conquering Egypt?

12. Why was not parchment substituted for

13. How was Egypt strengthened?
14. Popularity of the son of Ptolemy Lagus?
15. His successor, and his administration?
16. What channels of trade were opened?
17. What pernicious habits did Philadelphus

30. On what occasion did the Romans a 18. second time interfere? 19.

31. By whom was he instigated to treat them with disdain ?

32. What battle laid him prostrate at their

33. Of what countries did they deprive him?
34. His end; and his successor ?
35. The fate of Seleucus IV.?
36. What did the Jews say of this event?
37. His successor, and his surnames?
38. How did he provoke universal hatred?
39. The cause of his war with Egypt?
40. Its progress and results?

41. What treachery was practised toward

42. Who prevented him from taking his revenge?

43. What resolution did he now attempt to carry out?

44. The results of his wild project?

45. Who succeeded him?

46. Under what circumstances did he lose
his life?

47. The fate of the usurper Balas!
48. What withheld Demetrius from march-
ing against the usurper, Tryphon?
49. What was his success?

50. The vicissitudes of fortune he expe-

What mission did he send to Rome?
Of what benefit was this mission to

20. Character and deeds of Ptolemy Ever-

21. Character of Ptolemy Philopater?
22. What illustrious persons did he put to

23. His folly at Jerusalem?

24. Of what crimes was he guilty?
25. What circumstance saved Egypt from
being involved in the Syrian war?
26. Character of Ptolemy Epiphanes?
27. Character and deeds of Ptolemy Philo.

28. His successor, and whom did he marry?
29. His character, and deeds?
30. The history of his sons?
31. What illustrious daughter of Ptolemy
Auletes became queen of Egypt?
32. Her fate, and that of her kingdom?
33. What is said of Alexandria?

SEC. 4.-History of the Minor Kingdoms in
Western Asia.

1. The principal kingdoms formed from the
the fragments of the Macedonian mo-
narchy in Western Asia?

2. The history of Pergamus, and its kings? 3. What invention do we owe to them?

4. What became of their library? 5. The history of Bithynia?

6. The most illustrious monarch of Pontus? 7. His character?

8. With whom did he provoke a contest? 9. Of what act of cruelty was he guilty?

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10. Of what Grecian city did he make him- 14. How did the war between the Parthians

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20. His reverses, and return to his country? 23. 21. His misfortunes and death?

22. What is said of Cappadocia, and of its


23. What is said of the two Armenias? 24. What first gave celebrity to Rhodes? 25. Describe the siege.

26. What was erected in commemoration of this siege?

27. The conduct of the Rhodians in the war between Antiochus and the Romans?

28. How were they afterwards treated by the Romans?

29. What king attacked them?

30. Their conduct in the civil war between Pompey and Cæsar?

31. How were they treated by Cassius? 32. How, by Claudius Cæsar, and for what cause?

33. How, by Vespasian?

SEC. 5.-History of Bactria and Parthia.

The line between ancient and modern history, in Asiatic annals?

SEC. 6-History of Idumea, and its Capital, Petra

1. From whom were the Edomites descended?

2. The advantages of their situation? 3. Its capital city, and its situation? 4. Describe it.

5. The prediction of Jeremiah? 6. The ports and commerce? 7. By whom were they subdued? 8. The Scripture account of Hadad? 9. With whom were the Edomites frequently at war?

10. Who were the Idumeans, and the Nabatheans?

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1. In what respect did the Bactrian king- 13. dom differ from those described in the preceding sections?

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How came the name of Idumean to become extinct?

How was Petra ruined? 15 Recite the prophecy of Isaiab? SEC. 7.-History of the Jews, from their Return out of the Babylonish Captivity to the Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus.

1. How many Jews returned to their native land, after the decree of Cyrus? Their governor?


3. The Jewish tradition relative to this return?

4. Application of the Samaritans ?

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17. What work was completed under his directions?

18. What sect arose about this time? 19. Their doctrines?

20. What version of the Scriptures was made
at this time in Egypt?

21. Who attempted to Hellenize the Jews?
22. Conduct of Simon, and of Onias?
23. How did Onias lose the priesthood?
24. State of the nation under Jason's ad-
ministration ?

25. Conduct of Jason?

26. Of his brother Menelaus? 27. Cause of Onias' death?

28. Cause of the riot in Jerusalem?

29. How were the deputies to Antiochus treated?

30. How did the Syrians show their sense of this atrocity?

31. Conduct of Jason during the Syrian invasion of Egypt?

32. Antiochus' dreadful cruelty towards the Jews?

33. His awful profanity?

34. His edict, and its execution?

35. His cruelty towards the fugitive Jews?
36. The effect of their noble constancy
37. Brave conduct of Mattathias?

38. How did the wars of the Maccabees
commence ?

39. Whom did Mattathias appoint his suc


40. The origin of the name," Maccabees." 41. Exploits of Judas Maccabeus?

42. How long had the temple been in the hands of the heathen?

43. Conduct of the Jewish army as it came in sight of Jerusalem ?

53. History of his successor, Alexander Jannæus ?

54. History of his two sons?

55. Conduct of Antipater?

56. To whom was the decision of the crown left ?

57. Conduct of Aristobulus?

58. Conduct of the Jews, after he left Jerusalem?


Who was now supreme in Jerusalem? 59. How did Pompey treat Jerusalem? 61. Conduct of Antipater?



How was he rewarded by Cæsar?
The condition of Judea during the civil

wars of the Romans after the death of
64. Whom did Antony make king of
Pompey ?
65. Why were the Jews opposed to him?
66. Instances of his cruelty?

68. His successor, his history?
67. Age of Herod at his death?
69. Feelings of the Jews on the occasion of
Pilate's entering Jerusalem?

70. How did Pilate provoke a fresh insurrec-
tion ?

71. The state of society in Judea during his administration ?

72. What forerunner of Christ now appeared
in Judea, and how was he received?
73. How old was our Lord when he began
to preach?

75. Wicked conduct of Herod Antipas ?
74. What occurred at his baptism?
76. His conduct toward John the Baptist?
77. For what pretended crime was Jesus



How long after his resurrection did he
continue with his disciples?

How many persons were converted by
St. Peter's preaching, on the day of

80. The disinterested conduct of the Chris-
81. Who was the first Christian martyr?
tian community?
83. End of Pontius Pilate?
82. History of Paul's conversion?
85. Which of the Apostles did he put to death?
84. History of Herod Agrippa?
86. His end?

44. The circumstances of the death of 87. Condition of Judea after his death?


45. His funeral?

46. His successor ?

47. What privilege did he obtain from the Syrian king?

48. The inscription on one of his coins, which has been preserved?

49. His death, and successor ? 50. Acts of his administration?

51. His treatment of the Pharisees?

52. His successor, and the cause death?

88. Who were the Sicarii?

89. Conduct of Felix?

91. Festus' treatment of St. Paul?
90. His treatment of St. Paul?

92. Conduct of Florus, the last governor of

93. Conduct of the Jews?

94. Why did the Christians retire to Pella,
at this time?

95. Who was sent against the Jews?

of his 96. The three parties in Jerusalem, and their


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