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Fiat Justitia Ruat Colum.

ideal happiness, when forced asunder by the load of guilt. "Touch not, taste not, handle mandate of a fellow mortal-let her behold the not" those articles that are obtained through inindescribable anguish of that mother thus torn justice, fraud, and oppression, by the degradafrom her home, thus compelled to leave her tion, by the mental debasement of more than family, or worse, doomed to see them sold to two millions of our fellow beings, of thousands different masters, in violation of every social, of our own countrymen, and many hundreds every sacred tie; torn forever from her cling- of our own sex. Better far is the most simple ing grasp let her for one moment imagine the food, and plain attire, with the reflection, that distress of the little group thus dispersed; and the labourer is compensated for his toil, than the lastly, let her take a view of the whole mass of choicest dainties, and richest apparel, wrung wretchedness and misery, which ever attend from the hands of our fellows, and stained with the victims of oppression, and then ask herself their blood, whose tears have fertilized the soil. if the sensitive feelings of the female heart can We shall here borrow the language of a female be excited in a better cause? if female talent cotemporary, who continues earnestly to plead can be more properly employed, than in devis- the cause of suffering humanity. "What, are ing means for improving the condition of her we to see our fellow creatures thus suffering and fellow-beings? we anticipate the answer of oppressed? Must we see, as it were, tears of every mind, not entirely estranged from every blood, wrung out drop by drop, from the crushprinciple of justice, every feeling of humanity; ed hearts of our sisters, and yet stifle the indig but we trust that among the present company, nant agony of our own bosoms, and fear to lift there will be none of this description found; up our voices in their behalf, because" many we hope you entertain more correct ideas, more senators wish not to "hear the harrowing tale exalted views we would not harrow up your of their anguish? Shall we smother the confeelings, by recounting the horrors attendant victions of conscience, and silence the promptupon slavery; you know, that oppression, ings of humanity, rather than intrude so disacrime, ignorance, and excruciating suffering greeable a theme upon" their ears? and turnare ever its concomitants. Before we pass from ing to the helpless beings, whose cause, our God this part of the subject, it may be proper to re- and our religion commands us to plead, as earmind you of the importance of abstaining from nestly as if it were our own, shall we tell them, the produce of slave labour. An intelligent as the dim eye is raised in passionate supplicawriter on this subject says, "If you knowing- tion, that we are conscious our united efforts ly, and wilfully use the produce of slave labour, would release them from their soul-destroying you are no less guilty than he who traffics in bondage, but that" our rulers are averse to the human blood. This charge is of a serious na- subject, and we like not to press it upon" their ture, and" we "would gladly persuade" our- "attention? Would you not condemn, as a selves that our "convictions are delusive; but heartless wretch, the individual who could act on mature reflection, a view of the subject thus by one single sufferer? How much less, in its different bearings, the awful truth has be- then, may we thus betray the cause of thoucome too manifest to admit of a moment's doubt. sands." What then remains to be done? What! The gloomy picture is presented to" our " why memorialize Congress in their behalfwilling sight. The terriffic monster is placed Are any fearful that it might not be accepted? full before" us-we "know his nature, and We are not certain of that, and never can be, "the object of his rage, yet" we nurture his until we make the trial; and supposing it should strength, and nurse his wrath; we "profess be rejected, that ought not to discourage us; we to disapprove his depredations, yet furnish him have the privilege of petitioning succeeding with power to commit them. Shame to" our sessions of Congress. It is the situation of the 'inconsistency!" We condemn him for his country that calls for a voice of the people, and acts of cruelty, yet willingly partake with him we, participating in the calamity that slavery of his prey;" we "even assist him in con- has produced, feel the evil ourselves, and can structing his den, and in defending him from the we silently see the situation of our brethren ?— attacks of the creatures he has destined to be Can we silently behold the heart rending pangs his victims. With these facts before" our "eyes, when the infant is torn from the arms of the how can we remain ignorant of the awful rela- mother? Can we silently view the anguish of tion in which" we "stand with this fell des- the parents when their children are separated troyer? Can" we persurde ourselves of our from them forever? Can we silently see our "innocence? Can we even excuse" our white brethren placed in jeopardy? Their suf"conduct? You will surely answer, No." ferings are sufficient already; our object is to This, however, is precisely the relation we soothe, and not irritate, but we cannot remain occupy in regard to the slave holders of the inactive; when we reflect on the subject we south; we see them with the slaves in their pos- are invigorated and nerved anew, we ask your session; we know their objectin keeping them in aid; we would move in a body; our banner is slavery; we know it is to produce articles of traf peace; we have the shield of an approving confic, which articles we purchase,and in return fur- science and implore the favour of Heaven, and nish them with commodities which nourish their || the protection of the laws of our nation that physical strength, by which they retain their her citizens may be preserved from the desolatvictims. We likewise assist them by our politi-ing effects of slavery. Were we the actual cal connexion to hold their slaves in security. sufferers, what opinion should we form of the Thus situated, are we not participants with the silence of others? We desire you to canvass slave holders in their system of oppression? and the subject before you engage in it, that none if participants in their acts, are we not in their may have occasion to look back after they have guilt also? Their guilt of what! Guilty of taken hold of the plough. We shall conclude violating the fundamental law of God! a direct with recommending that, as presenting petitions insult of the majesty of Heaven, by debasing appears one of the most effectual methods of rehis creatures, by violating the order, and de- moving this national sin, a petition be forranging the harmony of His divine govern-warded to Congress, requesting the immediate ment. Oh then, we entreat you, incur not this emancipation of our brethren.

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Fiat Justitia Ruat Colum.

The great length of two or three articles, laid off for insertion this month, which had been long on hands, again excludes several others heretofore promised. In our next number we hope to give our usual variety.

From the Liberator.

pleading the cause of colonization, for no one detests it more than I do. 1 would not be taken to Africa, were the society to make me queen of the country; and were I to move to Canada, I would not settle in the colony, but take up my abode in some of the cities where a distinction is not known; for I do not approve of our drawing off into a sepa

I believe that country to be Mexico.There is an independent nation, where indeed all men are born free and equal,' possessing those inalienable rights which our constitution guarantees. The climate is healthy and warm, and of course adapted to our nature; the soil is rich and fertile, which will contribute to our MR. EDITOR,-I am happy to learn wealth; and there we may become a peothat the sentiments of some of my Tren- ple of worth and respectability; whereas ton brethren are in accordance with my in this country we are kept poor, and of own, in regard to our locating in Mexico course cannot aspire to any thing more and Upper Canada; for, in my humble than what we always have been. I have opinion, one thing is needful for us as a been waiting to hear of some way being people, even emigration; but not to Af-pointed out, that will tend to better the rica; nor to place ourselves as a distinct present generation; but, as yet, have people any where; but to attach our- heard of nothing that appears to be perselves to a nation already established.-manent. I would not wish to be thought The government of these United States is not the only one in this hemisphere that offers equal rights to men; but there are others, under whose protection we may safely reside, where it is no disgrace to wear a sable complexion, and where our rights will not be continually trampled upon on that account. We profess to be republicans, and such I hope we are; but wherein do we show our repub-rate body any where. But I confess, I lican spirit, by sitting still and sighing for that liberty our white brethren tell us we never shall obtain; or in hoping that in some fifty or a hundred years hence, our children's children will be made free? I think we do not evince republicanism by this conduct, but verily be- I am informed that the population of lieve that the time has arrived, when we Mexico is eight millions of colored, and too ought to manifest that spirit of inde- one million of whites; and by the rapid pendence which shines so conspicuously growth of amalgamation amongst them, in the character of the Europeans, by there is every probability that it will ere leaving the land of oppression, and emi-long become one entire colored nation. grating where we may be received and treated as brothers; where our worth will be felt and acknowledged; and where we may acquire education, wealth, and respectability, together with a knowledge of the arts and sciences; all of which may be in our power-of the enjoyment of which, the government of the separate states in the union is adopting means to deprive us.

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can see no just reason why we should not cultivate the spirit of enterprise as well as the whites. They are found in every quarter of the globe, in search of situations to better their condition; and why may we not 'go and do likewise.'

I am of opinion that Mexico would afford us a large field for speculation, were we to remove thither; and who can say that the day will not soon arrive, when the flag of our colored American merchants' ships from the Mexican ports shall be seen proudly waving in the breeze of the American harbors? And shall not our sons feel proud to enlist under the Mexican banner, and support her govern. ment? Surely they will.

There is one objection, however, that may arise in the minds of some; that is, the religion of that nation being Papist; but we can take with us the Holy Bible, which is able to make us wise unto salvation; and perhaps we may be made the honored instruments in the hands of an all-wise God, in establishing the holy religion of the Protestant Church in that

Fiat Justitia Ruat Colum.

country; and that alone might be a sufficient inducement for the truly pious.

A COLORED FEMALE OF PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, January 2, 1832.

From the Friend.


When parents, fond and kind, depart,
And fortune lowers upon the child,
Oh! who shall cheer the orphan's heart,
Or gild life's dark and desert wild?
How many bosoms, torn with care,

And wrung with heaviness and grief,
Sink 'neath the burthen of despair,

And find, but in the grave, relief? Yet here in this secluded spot,

The dark child's heart is calm'd and blest; Its earlier sorrows are forgot,

And hope is kindled in the breast.

Yes, kindly bosoms wake the flame,
And bid its lustre fill the eye,
And grateful tongues to many a name
In lisping homage make reply.
Peace to this haunt! and may the love
Which makes it such a scene of bliss,
Be crowned at last, in realms above,

At the sight of Mr. Edwards, the overseer's countenance suddenly changed, and assumed an air of obsequious civility. The poor woman retired to the farther corner of the cottage and continued to weep. Cæsar never moved. 'Nothing is the matter, Sir,' said Durant, 'but that Cæsar is going to be sold.' That is what the woman is crying for. They were to be married; but we'll find Clara another husband, I tell her; and she'll get the better of her grief, you know, Sir, as I tell her, in time.'

'Never! never!' said Clara.

To whom is Cæsar going to be sold; and for what sum?'

'For what can be got for him,' replied Durant, laughing; and to whoever will buy him. The sheriff's officer is here, who has seized him for debt, and must make the most of him at market.'

'Poor fellow!' said Mr. Edwards; and must he leave this cottage which he has With Heaven's immortal happiness! S. J. built, and those bananas which he has Phila. 11mo. 25th, 1832.


One morning, as Mr. Edwards was walking in that part of his plantation which joined to Mr. Jefferies' estate, he thought he heard the voice of distress, at some distance. The lamentations grew louder and louder as he approached a cottage, which stood upon the borders of Jefferies' plantation.


Cæsar now, for the first time, looked up, and fixing his eyes upon Mr. Ed. wards for a moment, advacned with an intrepid rather than an imploring countenance, and said- Will you be my master? Will you be her master? Buy both of us. You shall not repent of it.'Cæsar will serve you faithfully.'

On hearing these words, Clara sprang forwards; and clasping her hands together, repeated, 'Cæsar will serve you faithfully.'

This cottage belonged to a slave of the name of Cæsar, the best negro in all Mr. Jefferies' possession, such had been his industry and exertions that, notwithstanding the severe tasks imposed by Durant, the overseer, Cæsar found means to cultivate his provision ground to a degreely to Mr. Jefferies, whom he found stretch

of perfection, no where else to be seen on this estate. Mr. Edwards had often admired this fellow's industry; poor and now hastened to enquire what misfortune had befallen him.

When he came to the cottage, he found Cæsar standing with his arms folded, and his eyes fixed on the ground. A young and beautiful female negro was weeping bitterly, as she knelt at the feet of Durant, the overseer, who, regarding her with a sullen aspect, repeated, he must go. I tell you woman he must go, what signifies all this nonsense'?

*An interesting little establishment in this city thus denominated, under the patronage of individuals, members of the Society of Friends, for the benefit of coloured orphans.

Mr. Edwards was moved by their entreaties, but he left them without declaring his intentions. He went immediate

ed on a sofa drinking coffee. As soon as Mr. Edwards mentioned the occasion of his visit, and expressed his sorrow for Cæsar, Jefferies exclaimed, Yes poor devil! I pity him from the bottom of my soul. But what can I do? I leave all those things to Durant. He says the sherriff's officer has seized him; and there's an end of the matter. You know money must be had. Besides Cæsar is not worse off than any other slave sold for debt.What signifies talking about the matter, as if it was something that never hap pened before! Is not it a case that occurs every day in Jamaica?

'So much the worse,' replied Mr. Edwards.

'The worse for them, to be sure,' said

Fiat Justitia Ruat Culm.

Jefferies. But, after all, they are slaves, and used to be treated as such; and they tell me the negroes are a thousand times happier here, with us, than they ever were in their own country.'

Did the negroes tell you so themselves?'

'No; but people better informed than the negroes have told me so; and, after all, slaves there must be, for indigo, and rum, and sugar, we must have.'

Granting it to be physically impossible that the world should exist, without rum, and sugar, and indigo, why could they not be produced by freemen as well as by slaves? If we hired negroes for laborers, instead of purchasing them for slaves, do you think they would not work as well as now? Does any negro, under the fear of the overseer, work harder than a Birmingham journeyman, or a Newcastle collier; who toil for themselves and their families?'

'Of that I don't pretend to judge.All I know is that the West India planters would be ruined, if they had no slaves, and I am a West India planter.' 'So am I : Yet I do not think they are the only people whose interest ought|| to be considered in this business.'

were not to be separated, their joy and gratitude were expressed with all the ardour and tenderness peculiar to their different characters. Clara was an Eboe, Cæsar a Koromantyn Negro. The Eboes are soft languishing, and timid. The Koromantyns are frank, fearless, martial, and heroic.

Mr. Edwards carried his new slaves home with him, desired Bayley, his overseer, to make out a provision ground for Cæsar, and to give him a cottage, which happened at this time to be vacant.

'Now, my good friend,' said he to Cæsar, you may work for yourself, without fear that what you earn may be taken from you; or, that you should ever be sold to pay your master's debts. If he does not understand what I am saying,' continued Mr. Edwards, turning to his overseer, you will explain it to him.'

Cæsar perfectly understood all that Mr. Edwards said; but his feelings were at this instant so strong that he could not find expression for his gratitude; he stood like one stupified! Kindness was new to him; it overpowered his manly heart; and, at hearing the word, " my good friend," the tears gushed from his eyes. Tears which no torture could have extort

• Their interest, luckily, are protected ed! Gratitude swelled in his bosom; by the law of the land; and, though they and he longed to be alone, that he might are rich men, and white men, and free-freely yield to his emotions. men, they have as good a claim to their rights as the poorest black slave on any of our plantations.'

'The law, in our case, seems to make the right; and the very reverse ought to be done; the right should make the law.'

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Maria Edgworth,

The editor of the Bethania Palladium is

informed that the circumstance of the case embraced in his query, is forgotton.



This work will henceforth be issued monthly, in the CITY OF WASHINGTON. It will be neatly printed, on fine paper, and folded in the octavo form, each number making sixteen large pages. A title page, and index, will accompa

The price of subscription will be ONE DOL LAR per annum, always to be paid in advance.

To these common-place, desultory observations, Mr. Edwards made no reply; but returned to poor Cæsar, and offered to purchase both him and Clara, at the highest price the sheriff's officer could obtain for them at market. Mr. Jefferies, with the utmost politeness to his neigh-ny each volume. bor, but with the most perfect indifference to the happiness of those whom he considered a different species from himself, acceded to this proposal. Nothing could be more reasonable' he said, 'and he was happy to have it in his power to oblige a gentleman, for whom he had such a high esteem.'

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Subscribers who do not particularly specify the time they wish to receive the work, or nomaster, or in some other way,) of a desire to tify the editor (through the medium of a postdiscontinue it before the expiration of the current year, will be considered as engaged for the next succeeding one, and their bills will be forwarded accordingly.

Any person, remitting Five Dollars to the The bargain was quickly concluded Editor, in current money of the United States, with the sheriff's officer; for Mr. Ed-will be entitled to Six Copies, for one year wards willingly paid several dollars more than the market price for the two slaves. When Cæsar and Clara heard that they

All letters, communications, papers, &c, intended for this office, must be addressed as usual, to BENJAMIN LUNDY, Washington, D. C. and forwarded free of expense.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.—Declaration of Independence, U. S. No. 4. VOL. III. THIRD SERIES.]





Enough has been said respecting the climate,

The last number of this work went to the Press while the Editor was upon a visit to a neigh-soil, productions, &c. of the Texas country, to bouring State. He was vexed to perceive that many typographical errors escaped the notice of the proof reader. Few of them, however, were of such a nature as to be misunderstood by readers in general. It is hoped that we shall not soon again find an apology of this kind to be neces



enable the intelligent reader to form a tolerably correct opinion of the advantages it holds out to the farmer and the planter. When we consider the set that many of the best markets for our flour, pork, &c. &c. (where those articles are taken under heavy duties, in some cases more than two thousand miles,) are within a very few days sail of the Texas ports; and when we consider, also, that such articles may be produced in markets without the payment of any duties whatthat country, as well as in this, and taken to those ever, some idea may be likewise formed of its commercial advantages.

But we are desirous of furnishing the reader with a general view of the policy of the govern ment in its broadest and most extensive features, as it is connected with the settlement of the terri

public, from which we make the following ex.

It appears that the "servants of the people," who by special authority act as the rulers of the District of Columbia, are not yet disposed to listen to our prayers. Whether they will ever do so, depends upon the WILL OF THEIR CONSTITUENTS. Sundry petitions, for the abolition of slavery in this District, in addition to those last mentioned, have recently been presented to Congress. Among tory in question. For this purpose, we avail ourthem, was one from Bullitt county, Kentucky, sign- || selves of the information contained in a pamphlet, ed by upwards of four hundred of its citizens. published in the year 1831, and circulated in our As we anticipated, this question will, no doubt,eastern states. It begins with an address to the receive the "go by," at the present session: yet we hope the friends of the measure will be induced, from this very circumstance, to "buckle on their armor," and renew their application at the next. We shall assuredly succeed, in time, if we hold on; and who so recreant as to abandon the cause in the hour of trial? We have gained the attention of thousands to this important subject; and we shall soon gain that of thousands more, if we firmly and actively persevere. Let none be discouraged. Truth and justice must eventually triumph, if their advocates and agents perform their duty.



"The country now called Texas, situated on the Gulf of Mexico, between the United States and the Rio Grande, and lying principally between the 28th and 35th degrees of north latitude, was first made an object of public attention by the discus. sions relating to the purchase of Florida. It was by the treaty of cession of that country, that the boundaries of Louisiana were fixed; and by many that the most healthy and fertile tract of land in acquainted with its advantages, it was thought North America was sacrificed to the acquisition of Florida, the great political object of Mr. Monroe's administration. In 1819, however, the relin. quishment of Texas, considered at that time as an To ensure success in this undertaking, THE integral part of Louisiana, was comparatively no ELECTORS MUST INSTRUCT THEIR REPRESENTATIVES; loss to those who already possessed more land and in order to accomplish this, (or, at least, to than they could settle, and who had then but little make the beginning,) let memorials and petitions knowledge of its intrinsie and local advantages, as they have been laid open by the republican gobe forwarded to both houses of Congress, from vernment of Mexico, since its emancipation from every section of the Union.-Let the tables, the the enthralling yoke of Spanish despotism. The seats, and the very aisles of their halls be stowed influence of free constitutions and of wise laws has seldom been more perfectly illustrated than with them.-Let the majesty of the people-the in the sudden development of the resources and "free, sovereign, and independent people,"-pro-advantages which this fertile country now exhib. claim in a voice of thunder that the hellish sys-its. tem of man-enslaving, and man-merchandizing, shall no longer be tolerated at the capital of the nation-no longer blast the fair fame and disgrace the most "free government" upon the face

of the earth!

tained its sovereignty in America, not only abso"The Spanish government, so long as it main

*This river was, probably, once viewed as the western limit of Texas; but, for a long time, the Mexicans have considered the river Neueces the boundary. The State of Tamaulipas borders on it.

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