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Fiat Justitia Ruat Cœlum.

ticut? Are there no spare missionaries to be sent to Canterbury?

From the Liberator.

The persecutors of Prudence Crandall have placed an indelible seal upon their infamy! They have cast her into prison! And into the very cell occupied by WATKINS the MURDERER!! She was arrested at Canterbury, Conn., on the 27th ult., and examined before Justices Adams and Bacon, and by them committed to take her trial at the next session of the Superior Court, at Brooklyn, in August.

And for what is she imprisoned? For presuming in this republican and christian land, to instruct young ladies of color! Yes, let it be remembered, that Miss Crandall has been immured in prison in America! for attempting to instruct the ignorant and oppressed!!

the zealots who would place the sword and torch in the hands of the slave; as the fomentor of the bloody and revolting atrocities of Southampton; as an outlaw at the South, presented by the Grand Juries, and hunted with heavy prices for his apprehension. The print in question constitutes of itself a conclusive proof of the propriety and justice of our positions. We merely notice it, however, to mark how far those who garb their madness or their guilt beneath the robe of philanthropy and religion, and preach insurrection, murder, and rapine by the grace of God, can call in the aid of calumny and low abuse to shield them from exposure or opposition.

He is about as knowing in the concerns of this paper, and as veracious in his statements, as the celebrated Mrs. Trollope in her description of the city of New York and its population. She calls it a And who are the authors of this infamous pro- neat little city containing something like one hunceeding? They are the friends of the American dred and forty or fifty thousand inhabitants, mostly Colonization Society, and have made their appeal black. They all carry dirks or daggers, and make to that association for countenance and support! no scruple of stabbing any body that happens to These proceedings are designed to break down offend them as they pass along the streets. On the spirit of benevolence by which P. Crandall is one occasion the people became so much alarmed influenced, and to cause her to relinquish her pur- at the demonstrations made by these sable citizens, pose. But her persecutors have made a gross that they fled for their lives, on board the only two miscalculation. They have measured her virtue by steam boats belonging to the place, one of which their own standard of selfishness and cupidity, runs to New Orleans, on Long Island, and the and the result will be disappointment. They have other to Brooklyn on Lake George. Now if the sowed to the wind, and they will reap the whirl-geography and statistics of Mrs. Trollope are not wind. The threats and contumely and persecu-as accurate as the facts stated by the veritable tion by her adversaries, will add strength to her editor of the "Intelligencer," who will hereafter resolution, and firmness to her purpose. She will place confidence in the demonstrations of mathehave the sympathy and support of all christians maticians? Hear him again in one of his most who deserve the name, the favor of a righteous exalted strains of pathetic eloquence, describing, in God, and the reward of a peaceful conscience.-glowing language, and with the precision of Mrs. The name of Andrew T. Judson will be remem- Trollope, the objects, and tendencies, and design bered with the same feelings with which we conof abolitionists. template the characters of Cataline, Nero, and Captain Cid, and all those enemies of the human race, whose little souls were inaccessible to the expansive influence of benevolence.

Truc, we have examples of negro revolt, of the midnight conflagration, when the blood of the men hissed in the flames of their homes, and the shrieks of the women were heard above the shout "See Judson damned to everlasting fame," a of the slaves-scenes of lust, cruelty and horror, over which the arch fiend himself might sicken; beacon to future generations to guard against but they were contracted in extent, and momenthose narrow prejudices and vindictive passions, tary in duration. Ours will spread over a contiwhich degrade a man below the condition of anent, and destroy a people, and that people our savage, and render him a nuisance and a curse to the community in which he lives.


own brethren.

Such are the scenes which modern“ philanthropy" would conjure up. She would wade to her purpose through a sea of kindred blood, cheer on the hell-hounds of civil war, and, in her horrible triumph, while the shriek of an expiring land The editor of the Philadelphia "Daily Intelli-rung in her ears, wave above the smoking slaughgencer" is an astonishing adept in the rules of logic, as well as profoundly learned in the knowledge of passing events. Take the following article as an evidence of both.

ter the red banner of " Philanthropy."


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In sober earnest, we think it a waste of time and intellect to attempt to reason with such a ‘crazy fanatic”—("I thank thee Jew for that The Genius of Emancipation, a print condemn word.") If Garrison was half as crazy," we ed to an unenviable fame beneath the auspices of should think him a fit candidate for a lunatic asGarrison, the crazy fanatic, has discharged upon sylum. It is rather unfortunate for such prophets, our head a torrent of violent and vulgar abuse.—that all the leading abolitionists in our country, We cannot allow our columns to reverb the frenzied vituperations of a personage so unfortunately whether Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist or Quacelebrated-celebrated as the wildest or worst of ker, are, almost to a man, opposed to war, upon

Fiat Justitia Ruat Cœlum.

66 com

has gone forth-slavery is universally acknow-
ledged to be a moral evil, and God now
deeds of wrong and violence, in a language that
mands men every where to repent" of their former
is felt and understood by every slaveholder, and
his abettors, in this country. The axe must be
laid to the root of the corrupt tree, and every yoke
must be broken, and the oppressed set free.-
There is no half-way house between right and
wrong-no middle path of expediency between
justice and injustice. "He that is not for us is
against us"--he that is not in favor of immediate
abolition, is an abettor of slavery.

principle both offensive and defensive. They believe that all wars and violence, and bloodshed are forbidden by the religion of Jesus Christ. They wish to exert only a moral influence upon public opinion, by presenting clearly and forcibly to their fellow citizens, the obligations of christian duty, which commands us to love our neighbor, to do good and not evil, to break every yoke, and to let the oppressed go free. The ravings of fanaticism, the phrenzy of enthusiasm and folly, or the impotent threats of wicked and designing men, will I have just read an editorial article in the never drive them from their post, or silence their Presbyterian" of the 17th inst. a religious paper, denunciations of slavery, until the monster is dri-published in Philadelphia, and edited by a clergy. ven from our land, and Ethiopia shall be permit- remarks. The writer begins by saying that aboman, which will serve to illustrate the preceding ted unmolested, "to stretch forth her hands untolition and colonization "are not opposed to one God," and return thanks for deliverance from bondage.



another." It happens, however, as the writer proves in the same paragraph, that the advocates of African colonization, are generally hostile to By the way, we would observe, that we could the friends and advocates of universal emancipanot find it in our heart to "discharge abuse upon tion, and deprecate and condemn both their printhe head" of the deluded and "crazy fanatic," ciples and their actions. But hear him. whose incoherent ravings we have briefly noticed. Vermont Chronicle says truly, that the abolitionWe feel too much compassion for his pitiable case ists seem not to know what they would do." I will tell him (the same that has been repeated a thouto be angry with him. We notice his wise say-sand times over by abolitionists) what they "would ings, to show to our readers the quality and spirit of our adversaries, and the degree of rationality which they exhibit. We think the sacrifice of a good conscience a sufficient punishment, and the condemnation of all the wise and the good, a very hard bargain. We, however, feel a little idle curiosity to know the amount of his fee-the price at which he has sold his conscience. But perhaps we have no business to pry into such secret matters.

For the Genius of Universal Emancipation. "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land ye dwell." Joshua xxiv. 15.

There is, perhaps, no disposition more to be dreaded, more to be deprecated, than that which seems scarcely to know what to say or whereof

to affirm-half Jew-half Ashdod-a cake un-
turned-baked on one side, and raw on the other.
Such men are broken recds, which never can be
relied upon. They

"Give an opinion as though they gave it not,
And what they remember seem to have forgot."
On some questions, doubt and uncertainty and in-
decision are innocent and allowable-but of all
questions of a moral or religious character, that of
slavery is one upon which there is the least room
for doubt or indecision. There is no question by
which the moral principles of men may he more
certainly tested than this. The time is past when
men could plead ignorance as a paliation for their
toleration of slavery. We admit that the time has
been when the enormities of the system, its cruel-
ty and injustice and demoralizing effects, were not
so well understood as now. The attention of man-
kind had not been drawn to the subject so fully as
of latter times. I am willing to admit that "the
times of this (comparative) ignorance God may
have winked at." But that time is past. Light

do"-they would have every man to repent of his
sins and obey the gospel-to do justly and love
mercy-to undo the heavy burdens and let the
oppressed go free-to bind up the broken hearted
and break every yoke. But let us see the cloven
foot more plainly. Here it comes.
"What they
have done, it is still harder to find out. They have
dance of ink, and a quant. suff. of gall; they have
made a prodigious outcry; they have shed abun-
denounced slaveholders, and colonizers, societies,
and colonists; but what have they done?" Sure
enough! what have they done? Is it necessary to
tell the learned editor of the "Presbyterian," a
clergyman, a preacher of the gospel, a theological
student, what abolitionists have done? Has this
great moral and political evil been so long staring
us in the face, and threatening to overwhelm us
with confusion and anarchy and nullification, and
yet this minister of that religion which commands
us to do to others as we would that they should
do to us, does not know what abolitionists have

done for its removal? Let him consult the history
of our own country, and he will learn that while
the idle shepherds were sleeping at their posts,
and suffering the wolves to range unmolested
among the lambs of the flock, abolitionists have
freed seven of the old thirteen states from the
curse of slavery, and added five new states to the
number of those from which slavery is forever ex-
cluded. If he is still at a loss to know what abo-
litionists have done, let him ask the three hundred
and fifty thousand free people of color in the Uni-
ted States, by what means they obtained their
liberty. If he is not yet satisfied, let him examine
into the origin of the schools which have been es-
tablished all over the free states, for the education
of colored children, and inquire who were the
founders of them. After making these inquiries,
let him hold his peace about abolitionists, till he
and his colonization friends have done something
better than sound their own praise, and slander
abolitionists. If any wish to know-what coloniza-
tion men have done to improve the condition of
the African race in this country, and to allay pre-
judice against them, let them inquire of Prudence

Fiat Justitia Ruat Cœlum.


Crandall of Canterbury, Connecticut, and she can those opposers of slavery in the abstract—who, like probably give some information directly in point. the men at the oar, look one way, and pull ano. But, says this writer, "We are advocates of Af-ther. "I would that they were either cold or hot" neither cold nor hot, I rica." (Very well.) "We are (for want of any but because they are thing better) advocates of colonization." Yes- will spue them out of my mouth.” "for want of any thing better." Well, go on. "We abominate slavery in all its forms." Yes, but the Colonization Society "abominates emancipation in all its forms"-except on condition of expatriation, which condition cancels the benefit, and makes the proffered boon an insult, rather than a blessing. Freedom, with such a condition an"We abominexed, is a contradiction in terms.

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A letter has just been received from B. Lundy, in which he says, "do the best for our cause, but do not strike our flag." No, not while a slave exists on the soil of the United States. It is now

nearly thirty years since the writer of this note drew the sword, and threw away the scabbard.But, "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but spiritual." Our flag is UNIVERSAL EMANCIPATION-Our armour, justice and religion-our wea. pons, truth and the precepts of the gospel-and our aim, the restoration of all men to their unali. enable rights.

nate slavery in all its forms." Well, what next? "We pray for the abolition of it." Hold there.We cant stand all that. It is carrying the joke too far. Pray" for the abolition of slavery, and abuse and slander those who are laboring with the devotion of martyrs, for its accomplishment. That smells too strongly of hypocritical cant and imposture. There was a description of men among the Jews 1800 years ago, who could make long prayers standing at the corners of streets to be seen This flag we will never strike-this armour we of men; but who bound heavy burdens upon men's shoulders, which they would not move with will never lay aside-these weapons we will ne one of their fingers. By their fruits men are to ver abandon, till the end at which we aim is acbe known. Put your shoulders to the wheel-complished-till the goal for which we are stri. join in efficient, active labors for the removal of this evil, and then we have faith to believe your prayers will be heard. Well, "We pray for the abolition of it." "Would to God the abolition of it could be immediate." Would to God all men

were christians-in fact, as well as in name, and slavery would cease immediately. "Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and Sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity; even the solemn meeting. Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth; they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them. And when you spread forth your hands, I will hide mire eyes from you; yea, when you make many prayers, I will not hear; your hands are full of blood. Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil, learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow." Isaiah i. 13-17.

ving is reached, or the days of our probation are numbered. The spirit of the Lord is moving up. on the face of the waters. He has commanded light to shine out of darkness—a host of laborers in the righteous cause are enlisting under the banners of Universal Emancipation, who will wage war in righteousness, against spiritual wickedness in high places, till the enemies of freedom and of man are driven from the field, or surrender at discretion.


From a Letter received from a friend in Ohio.

"We greatly desire thy encouragement with that of all those who have embarked in the glorious cause of Universal Emancipation; for a glorious cause it is, and we believe it will eventually triumph, notwithstanding all the strong opposition, it may meet with. We live in a land where the prejudice against the colored population appears to run very high. Their privileges here being more curtailed than in some of the eastern states;* and the number very small who seem prepared fully to espouse their cause. But still we feel bound to persevere, and endeavour at least to cleanse our own hands from the stain of our brothers' blood. Reflecting on the present state of things in our beloved country, and the cold indifference with which the subject is treated by many of its highly professing inhabitants, often brings to mind the case of Meroz as mentioned in scripture; attended with a fear if the people are not generally more faithful to the call which hath gone forth, to arouse us from our beds of ease and luxury, and break the yoke from off the necks of the sons of Af rica, who have been long greviously oppressed with

We will quote but one sentence more from this writer. It is his closing malediction. "But the 'FIRE BRAND' of the Liberator' and the like incendiary and rabid agitators, will free not one wretch, while it renders morally certain the aggravated misery of thousands." We have given it literally, with capitals and italics as in the original. We do not think, however, that the language quoted is very becoming a clergyman to use towards one who has devoted his life to the cause of religion, justice, and humanity. The word incendiary is misapplied. The Liberator neither sets houses on fire, nor promotes quarrels. He is a man of peace, who believes all war and violence to be forbidden by the gospel. He wishes to see the heathen of our land converted to christianity: and the first step to this conversion is to show them that they are not christians. But such is commonly the spirit shown towards abolitionists, by those who ("for want of any thing better") * Did the writer of this letter ever hear of a town are in favor of colonization-by those who are opposed to slavery in the abstract, but whose zeal in CONNECTICUT, called Canterbury, or of a young is kindled into wrath when they see a devoted woman named Prudence Crandall? If he did, he christian laboring for its abolition. Faithful are must acknowledge that of all examples of preju the reproofs of a friend, but the kisses of an ene- dice run mad, that of Andrew T. Judson, Esq. & my are deceitful." Heaven preserve me from Co. takes the lead.

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Fiat Justitia Ruat Cœlum.

and unfounded prejudice against a colored skin, which has so generally diffused itself into every class of society.

in our borders, that a curse will indeed attend this land of professed freedom. But oh, for the Society of Friends-the people who have long been prefessing to bear a faithful testimony against It would require no lengthened train of arguthis inhuman traffic. But as a body what are we ment to demonstrate the utter inconsistency of doing? How many thousands of our members such views, with the principles of human natureare daily furnishing the very means which up with the feelings and motives which ordinarily holds the odious system with all its cruelties.-influence the actions of men--and to prove by Had the society steadily progressed in this noble numerous facts, derived from a reference to the cause, from the days of that devoted servant of the records of the past, that effects precisely the reLord, John Woolman, how different would things verse of those anticipated, would ensue from the have been amongst us. Indeed we sometimes adoption of judicious, just and speedy measures doubt whether there would by this time, have been for the emancipation of the whole slave population one slave remaining within these United States. of the United States. When reflecting on those things it often brings to mind the expressions of that illustrious statesman, Thomas Jefferson, when he says, "I trem- || ble for my country when I remember that God is just, and that his justice will not sleep forever."* May not the slave system be compared to a machine of which the consumer of the products is the mainspring? And if this be the case may we not well tremble for our society? O then, let every soul who hath put their hand to the plough look steadily forward, humbly beseeching the Lord of the harvest that he will be pleased to send forth more laborers into his vineyard.

It is not my intention, in the present communication, to do more than illustrate the correctness of these views by relating an incident which oc curred a short time since in the city of Baltimore; and which was mentioned to me, by one of the parties concerned.

A respectable tradesman extensively engaged in business in Baltimore, held eight or ten slaves which he had received, by inheritance-he had been always accustomed to rely on their labor in conducting his business affairs, which required an unusual degree of manual operation-he had never been accustomed, like his neighbors, to "hire hands," and thought that he was saving a handsome sum of money thereby.

last, found every thing behindhand, and was determined if possible, to seek a remedy. He applied to an intelligent and friendly neighbor engaged i. the same business; told him of his difficulties, and requested most urgently his advice.

For the Genius of Universal Emancipation. He was however constantly perplexed with the Slaveholders, and their apologists, in opposing carelessness and inaction of his men, and particuthe principles and measures of those, who feel it larly of a slave named Charley, who, on account a duty to exert their best energies against the of his strength and honesty was his main depennefarious system which they uphold, always resort dence. Charley would be lazy in spite of the corto the argument of expediency. However just rections of his master-he would often feign sickand correct, say they, may be the principles advo-ness, say he could not work, &c. is master, at cated by Abolitionists, however consistent with humanity and the demands of justice, yet their practical operation would inevitably produce the most appalling and destructive results-the social relations of society would be annihilated, the political ties of the nation would be broken asunder, and plunder, rapine and murder would commence their dark and portentous reign. The very suggestion, say they, of devising plans for total and speedy emancipation, is chimerical and absurd; and none but fanatics, and disturbers of the peace of society would advocate it-It is indeed curious to observe, the hideous phantoms, which the excited imaginations of prejudiced men, are capable of forming, to suit their particular notions on this subject—and it is equally painful to perceive what extensive currency such unfounded assumptions have obtained among the great mass of society in this country. It can be accounted for in no other way than by supposing that the impetuosity and confidence of those who proclaim such doctrines, have overcome by a sudden impulse, the main mass of the community-acting as they do in unison with that deeply rooted


This sentiment of Thomas Jefferson is very fine in theory. But it would have been enhanced a thousand fold, if he had practiced what he preached. Precept without example, is like faith without works-it is dead-DEAD as a loathsome carcass from which we turn with disgust. Jefferson could write very wisely on the evils of slavery, but he never manumitted his slaves, nor promoted manumissions among his neighbors. Hence his beautiful and eloquent dissertations loose all their value, and fall powerless and lifeless from his ED. G. U. E.


His neighbor soon told him, that he was not astonished at his trouble-Charley, said he, is a slave-he feels himself unjustly oppressed; he sees his friends around him engaged in the same kind of work, and receiving the customary wagessupporting their families comfortably and happily; while he is doomed to drag on day after day, without the hope of reward, with nothing around him to cheer and enliven him. The fault, my friend, is your own; you have, by the cruel act of extorting dried up every source of his enjoyment; you have from him, the work of his hands without reward, taken from him every motive to action-he feels that he is a slave. Manumit him, and I will pro

mise, that your difficulties will cease. At this the master hesitated. Well, said he, I must confess there is some truth in what you say-and if Charley does not improve soon, I really think I must take your advice-though Charley is worth a good deal of money, I dont like to part with him.

Wait no longer, my friend, now is the time while the thing is fresh in your mind--depend on it, you will feel better when you have done it, and Charley will become an industrious and useful Iman to you. Put the question to yourself-how would you act if placed in Charley's situation? would you not feel depressed and degraded, and consider your master very cruel? And then if he were suddenly to release you, and place you on a level with the hired laborer, and retain you in his employ at good wages; would you not feel full of gratitude, and do every thing to please him? Certainly you would.

Fiat Justitia Ruat Cœlum.

You are right, said the slave-holder-I see the || had hoped that ere now he had been shown the abforce of your remarks-I will go at once and pro-surdity of his fears, the inconsistency of his ascure papers of manumission for Charley. In a sertions, and how completely he has failed in each few hours the business was accomplished. attempt to prove his positions. And until he can Charley was called by his master, presented produce proof more substantial, than the array of with his papers of freedom, and at once entered harsh epithets, or the studied display of highly as a hired laborer with his former owner. wrought pictures of robbery, murder, etc. he need His delight at this unexpected act, was of course not be astonished if the credence he expects his great-his heart overflowed with gratitude-every assertions to recieve, is withheld. He has blown spring was set in motion-his spirits were anima- the trumpet lustily enough,—and it is no fault of his ted with new and powerful incentives, and his if the nation do not catch the alarm, shoulder the body as speedily obeyed the impulse of his will. || knapsack,-and "trudge off to the far west," disHe became from that time a most industrious and tancing the adventurous pioneers, and scarcely aluseful man, executing his master's orders with lowing a halt until the last ridge of mountains be alacrity and dispatch. past, and the friendly Pacific extends its waves to greet their arrival; and (should they be pursued even thus far, by the "appallingly formidable" host of enemics) to bear them on the bosom of its quiet waters to some peaceful shore, where sable complexions shall not offend the sight, but white men* exclusively possess the soil, and enjoy the

The change in Charley's movements were soon apparent to his master-he discovered that he could perform much more work than formerly, that he was never sick and lazy, but always ready to do what was required of him-this quickly convinced him that he had promoted his pecuniary interests by the course pursued.

But this was but a small part of his pleasurethere was a secret, inward self-satisfaction produced by the act, which far outweighed every other feeling-and induced him at once to manumit all his remaining slaves.

* But where alas! shall they flee upon the "quiet waters" of the Pacific, to find the land where "white men exclusively possess the soil?" Not to India, for there her hundreds of millions of natives who possess the soil, are black! Not to the eas

After completing the business to his satisfac-tern archipelago, for the numerous population of tion, he called on his neighbor to return him his hearty thanks for his advice.

I have, said he, through your agency, seen the cruelty and iniquity of holding a fellow creature in bondage-I am now astonished when I look back, to think that I could have been guilty of so enormous a crime. I have now washed my hands of it, and feel a degree of self-approval, the pleasure of which, I cannot describe. I declare to you, sir, that if any man in Maryland were to come forward now, and offer me the most valuable slave in the state, and accompany the offer with $1000 on condition that I would retain him in bondage, I would instantly reject the offer.

these islands are almost black! Not to any one of the ten thousand islands which are scattered over the vast extent of that mighty ocean, for not one of them is possessed by white men! Nor to the "celestial empire" of China, for her three hundred millions of inhabitants are neither white nor black. Neither would a voyage along the south-western coast of Asia, or up the Arabian or Persian gulfs, bring the ill-fated wanderers in contact. with any but swarthy, tawny, colored human skins. Alas! where shall they flee! If the color of the skin is to be the criterion of safety, the "white men," must occupy but a small share on this terraqueous ball. More than one-third of the human race are

are tawny, occupying all the different shades of color, from the whiteness of the northern European, to the blackness of the southern African and Hindoo.

Such instances of reformation are not surpri-black-three-fourths of the remaining two-thirds sing-and if they would become general among slave-holders, it is easy to perceive that ere long our country would be relieved from the greatest of its present evils. Let the consciences of slave. holders become aroused to the enormity of their guilt--and we are not at all concerned for the utter annihilation of the evil which they are perpetuating,

For the Genius of Universal Emancipation. In the forty-eighth number of the "Philadelphia Intelligencer," appeared an editorial article, wherein great pains is taken to impress the minds of the readers with the idea, that, the colored residents in that place have been, and are still devising measures to effect the emancipation of the slaves, and the extirpation of the whites; and that in these designs they are assisted and encouraged by the friends to immediate emancipation,-nay more, (ridiculous idea!) that the abolitionists, with "incendiary torches" in their hands, "traverse not only the free but the slave states," sowing the "seeds of discontent" among the slaves; and preparing them for insurrection, and rapine, and murder, and contempt for, and violation of all the laws of justice, the requisitions of humanity, and the sacred restraints of religion." Had not the idea been held up by the conductor of a public journal, 'tis really so absurd that it would scarcely deserve a passing notice. But coming from such a source, I

The whites are less than one-eighth of the population of the earth. They are almost exclusively confined to a small portion of western Asia, the British Islands, the northern and eastern states of North America, and Canada. The inhabitants of southern Europe are not white. The Italians, the modern Greeks, the Turks, the Spaniards, Portuguese, and a large part of the French and Germans are very tawny, some of them quite dark. Even in the United States, where the silly prejudice against a dark skin is stronger and more inveterate than in any other country on the face of the earth, we are fast verging towards the swarthy color of the "red men," who were the aboriginal inhabitants of this quarter of the globe.

Go to the city of Washington during the sittiat of Congress, and observe the various hues which are presented to the eye in the halls of the capitol. You

may there distinguish the representatives from the northern, the southern, and the middle states by a difference of complexion-and this difference will be more strongly, and deeply, and indelibly marked a generation or two hence than now.Nothing is more supremely silly and ridiculous, or more grossly wicked and anti-republican, than the rule which presumes to graduate the rights and privileges of a human being by the color

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