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their own unworthiness will have rendered your fervent prayers of no avail, and they will be undone for ever. At the same time, let them be assured that the favourite attribute of the Almighty is mercy-mercy for which no one might presume to hope but through the powerful merits of a crucified Redeemer. Mercy is promised to repentance. God hears the prayers and sorrows of the meek, the contrite, the heart-broken penitent. In the hour when most they need Almighty aid, in the "hour of death, and in the day of judgement," God will be with


Believe me,

Your very affectionate Father.







THOUGH I have endeavoured to condense as much useful matter as possible in the foregoing letters, yet do I find myself compelled to make this my last, while much remains unsaid. I undertook to furnish you with a compendium of duty, and I will not abandon my original purpose. I have not now, I hope, said more than you can remember to your improvement of the sacred trust committed to your care.

I have addressed you, my son, in language of serious admonition, as the appointed guardian of the interests of the Church of England, intimately connected with those of Christianity, the interests of an unseen world. I have laboured to convince you that this venerable parent is ever on the watch to do good, and especially to her own "household of faith." Her temple rears its sacred head for all who are willing to enter it-her school of moral, and religious, and useful instruction is open to all the children of the poor. Admitting that there may be other paths to heaven, under the merits of the common sacrifice, she steadily follows that which she conscientiously esteems the proper one. There are many doctrines taught as those of Christ and his Apostles; she promulgates what she honestly believes to be " the truth as it is in Jesus." There are many valuable volumes of morality; her code of morals is gathered from that book which she knows to be a good one. The Church of England would have all her children wise enough to understand those duties which terminate in everlasting

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