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N.B. The reader is requested to refer to the "Errata," at

the close.


THE following pages comprehend what has been hitherto a great desideratum to the younger clergy, namely, a compendium of those important duties, both in public and private, which the Church of England imposes upon her ministers. Perhaps the Author would have done more wisely had he consulted with the view to abridge the counsel and commentaries of others, but as that which he now recommends has been


the foundation of his own endeavours to fulfil his duty, and as he is assured that this duty has been well or ill performed, as he approached or receded from the rules now laid down, he can conscientiously suggest them to the practice of a brother.


The advice embodied in the several letters is given with the remoter view of forming the character of a young divine," whose interests the Author has deeply at his heart; but it may happily prove serviceable to many others. By a familiar exposition of the doctrine and discipline of the Church establishment, he may prevail with those now entering upon the arduous duties of the clerical appointment, seriously to think upon the responsibility they undertake, to learn at once to do their duty, and to strive to do it well-at the same time to

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