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" Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of this kingdom of England, and the dominions thereto belonging, according to the statutes in parliament agreed on, and the laws and customs of the same? "
The setting sun; or, Devil amongst the placemen. To which is added ... a ... - Pagina 98
de Eaton Stannard Barrett - 1809
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The history and proceedings of the House of commons of England ..., Volumul 2

Parliament commons, proc - 1742 - 494 pagini
...Arch-Eifhop or Bifliop fhall fay, ' Will you fblemnly promifc and fwear to govern the People of this Kingdom of England, and the Dominions thereto belonging...Statutes in Parliament agreed on, and the Laws and Cuftoms ot the fame ''.' The King and Queen Hull fay. 1 I fbkmnly promilc fo to do." ( 275 ) Arch-B5(hop...
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The Political Register for ...

1770 - 384 pagini
...the argument of a noble ¡killed in the laws of England, and who therefore muft be right. |[ viz. " To govern the people of the kingdom of England, and...the dominions thereto belonging, according to the ftatutes in parliament agreed on, and the laws and cuftoms of the fame. • ; 7th Coke, Calvin's cafe....
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Political Register and Impartial Review of New Books: V. 1-5, Volumul 10

1772 - 420 pagini
...by particular laws, are the following : Eecaufe, Every king of England, at his coronation, fwears, to govern the people of the kingdom of England and the dominions thereto belonging, according to the ftatutcs in par* 1 tament agreed on, and the laws and cu Horns of the fame, Now, if we are included...
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The Constitution of England, Or, An Account of the English Government: In ...

Jean Louis de Lolme - 1777 - 424 pagini
...or bijbop Jball fay, Will you folemnly ** promife and fwear to govern the people of this King" dom of England, and the dominions thereto belonging^ "...Statutes in Parliament agreed on, and •* the laws and cuftoms of the fame ? — The king or queen "Jball Jay, I folemnly promife fo to do. " Arcbbijbop or...
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Ecclesiastical Law, Volumul 3

Richard Burn - 1797 - 608 pagini
...refpeclivecoronations : That is to fay, The archbifhop or bifliop fhall fay, Witt you foltmnh promife and /wear, to govern the people of the kingdom of England, and the dominions thereto belonging, according to - thtjiatutes in parliament agreed on, and the lawi andcuflimi of the fames' The king or queen (hall...
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The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, Volumul 46

1827 - 698 pagini
...nonsense. The Archbishop says : — " Will " you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of this " kingdom of England and the dominions thereto belonging, " according to the statutes in Parliament agreed vn, and the laws " and customs of the snme ?" The King's answer is, — " I so" lemnly promise to d<>...
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The History of England, from the Revolution to the Death of George the ...

Tobias Smollett - 1804 - 544 pagini
..." \v M you solemnly promise and swear to " pnern the people of this kingdom of Knglaiul, atid (lie dominions " thereto belonging, according to the statutes...agreed " on, and the laws and customs of the same ?" ' I solemnly promise so to do.'. " Will you to your power, cause law and iustice in mercy to be...
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Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books, Volumul 1

Sir William Blackstone - 1807 - 686 pagini
...to govern the people of this kingdom " of England, and the dominions thereto belonging, accord" ing to the statutes in parliament agreed on, and the laws " and customs of the same ? The king or queen shall say, I " solemnly promise so to do. Archbishofi or bishofi. Will you " to...
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The British encyclopedia, or, Dictionary of arts and sciences, Volumul 4

William Nicholson - 1809 - 734 pagini
...England, (quere Great Britain. Sec statute a Ann. c. 8, sect. 1. and this dictionary, title Scotland;) and the dominions thereto belonging, according to...parliament agreed on ; and the laws and customs of the same ? Hie King or Queen shall say, I solemnly promise so to do. Archbuhop or Bishop, Will you to your power...
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The British Encyclopedia: Or, Dictionary of Arts and Sciences ..., Volumul 4

William Nicholson - 1809 - 704 pagini
...England, (querc Great Britain. See statute 5 Ann. • c. 8, sect. 1. and this dictionary, title Scotland ;)and the dominions thereto belonging, according "to...parliament agreed on , and the laws and customs of the name ? The 'King or Queen shall say, I 'so( lemnly promise »o to do. Archbishop or Bishop, Will you...
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