James: Faith That WorksR. Kent Hughes Crossway, 1991 - 320 pagini The epistle of James is perhaps the most practical--and most convicting--book of the entire New Testament. It is a marvelous exposition of the outworking of genuine Christian faith. True faith works! In this sixth volume of the Preaching the Word series, Pastor Hughes combines relevant discussion with practical application of the book of James. Major themes include: joyful endurance in times of trial true wisdom recognizing and resisting temptation in a tempting world beyond knowing the Word of God: doing the telltale signs of real faith perils of the tongue humility and grace the divine prescription for healing the prayer of the righteous |
Count It All Joy | 15 |
If Any of You Lacks Wisdom | 25 |
Wisdom for the Humble and the High | 35 |
The Source and Course of Temptation | 43 |
The Goodness of God | 51 |
Accepting the Word | 61 |
Doing the Word | 71 |
Acceptable Religion | 79 |
Wisdom from Above | 155 |
Troubles Source | 165 |
He Gives Us More Grace | 175 |
The Gravity of Grace | 183 |
Watch What You Say | 193 |
Deo Volente | 201 |
Riches That Corrode | 211 |
Patient Till He Comes | 221 |
The Folly of Favoritism | 87 |
The Perils of Favoritism | 97 |
Real Faith I | 107 |
Real Faith II | 115 |
The Peril of Teaching | 125 |
The Mighty Tongue | 135 |
Wisdom from Below | 147 |
The Perseverance of Job | 231 |
Straight Talk | 243 |
The Divine Prescription for Healing | 253 |
The Prayer of the Righteous | 263 |
Spiritual Reclamation | 273 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Abraham Allan Bloom Amy Carmichael Annie Dillard become believe Bible blessed boast brother C. H. Spurgeon Charles Colson Christ Christian church coming command confession Corinthians death divine Edmond Hiebert Eerdmans elders Elisabeth Elliot Epistle of James Epistle of St eternal evil Exegetical Commentary favoritism fire gift gives God's Word grace healing heart heaven Holy Spirit humble James Chicago James Grand Rapids James says James Waco Jesus John John Blanchard John Calvin judge judgment Kent Hughes Letters of James listen lives look Luke Matthew mercy ministry Moody Press moral never one's pastor Paul perseverance person Peter Davids pleasure poor pray prayer preaching Rahab Ralph Martin real faith rich righteous Romans Scripture sins soul spiritual swear teachers teaching tell things tongue trials true truth understand verse Waco West Sussex wisdom Word Biblical Commentary worship