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had dug their trenches to within a very few yards of the Malakoff, while the British had to run 200 yards before they reached the Redan. The moment they showed their heads the Russian fire began, and during their race across the open ground a great number were killed. When the rest had climbed over the parapet into the Redan, they found themselves in one angle of a triangle, the three sides of which were lined with cannon and rifles; and these opened a deadly fire at once. It was impossible to advance-it would have been inglorious to retreat; yet there was no prospect of reïnforcements, and no shelter from the storm of balls.

13. The man who displayed most coolness and valour at this trying moment was Colonel Windham,* ever since called the Hero of the Redan. He tried to form his men; he went fearlessly about among the flying balls; he ventured across that fatal space of 200 yards, now strewn with dead and wounded, for the purpose of leading the reinforcements to the Redan. But while he was away, some, becoming afraid to stay, leaped down and ran back to the trenches. Men at such a time are like a flock of sheep: what one or two do is, by an 'irresistible impulse, imitated by the rest. These British soldiers felt their hearts fail them, and they all fled.

14. The result was the same as if they had remained; for that night the Russians, setting fire to the city, crossed the harbour-bridge to the northern suburb. The siege was now in reality over, although the war was not finished for some months.

[blocks in formation]

ir-re-sist-i-ble, not able to be with

1 Czars.-The Emperors of Russia.,

op-po-si-tion, resistance.
par-a-pet, wall; breast-work.
re-sult-ed, ended.

sur-pris-ing, taking unawares.
ter-rif-ic, fearful.
vic-to-ri-ous, successful.

coloured flag-red, white, and blueThe name is a corruption of the Latin adopted as the national flag of France Caesar. at the time of the first Republic.

2 Anniversary of Waterloo. The 18th of June. Waterloo was fought in

4 Colonel Windham. He afterwards served as General Windham in the Indian Mutiny, and took part in 3 Tri'color flag. The three- the defence of Cawnpore.



1. Half a league, half a league,

Half a league onward,

All in the valley of Death

Rode the Six Hundred.
"Forward the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns!" he said :
Into the valley of Death
Rode the Six Hundred.

2." Forward the Light Brigade!"
Was there a man 'dismayed?
Not though the soldier knew
Some one had blundered :1
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death

Rode the Six Hundred.

3. Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them,

Volleyed and thundered;

[merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small]
[blocks in formation]


1. The scene within the defences of the Residency1 at Lucknow during August was 'pitiable in the extreme; for the shot of the besiegers swept the whole place, and many were killed in their beds. At first there had been a plentiful supply even of luxuries; but as week after week passed, food began to fail, and the besieged


A. D.


were soon reduced to live on unsifted husks of corn, black slippery lentils, flavoured with bitter salt, and every second day a few ounces of coarse beef.

2. A failure in the supply of soap also reduced

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