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Dispositions :

1 and 4 Cos.

2 and 3 Cos.

Second Period.
(Fig. 2.)

The enemy directs the fire of his artillery against our infantry,
whose skirmishers have got to to within 800 paces of the enemy's
position and are under a heavy fire.

Complete their extension; advance 200 paces farther by
successive divisions and then commence firing.
Halt and lie down (if cover is not otherwise to be
obtained close at hand).

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Dispositions : 2 Co.

3 Co.

The enemy appears to have considerably strengthened his skirmishers; a particularly hot fire is directed against the right wing of our skirmishers; 1 Co.

Extends two divisions, which advance rapidly and double up into 1 Co. as a reinforcement. One division remains in close order behind the right wing of the skirmishers.

Advances in double time by successive divisions to within 200 paces of 4 Co.

Fourth Period.

(Fig. 4.)

The enemy reinforces his left wing, but symptoms of unsteadiness appear on his right wing.

Dispositions: The battalion on our right meets with a very determined resistance; it is reinforced from the second line of the brigade. On the other hand, the battalion on our left gains ground steadily. The commandant therefore ventures to continue the advance with his left wing.

3 Co.

Reinforces 4 Co. with a division which prolongs the line to the left; the skirmishers then advance 300 paces by successive groups.

(It will be advisable to fix a point as a limit to the advance.)

The divisions of 3 Co. in close order follow at 150 paces distance.

At this moment, when we are still 500 or 600 paces from the enemy's position, the commandant should show the companies their respective points of attack (thus, for instance 1 and 2 Cos., you take that bit of ground; 3 and 4 Cos., you take that ditch;' and so forth).

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Fifth Period.

(Fig. 5.)

The enemy reinforces his skirmishers, but draws his right wing rather back.

Dispositions: The battalion on our left threatens the enemy's right flank; and the battalion on our right, which has been reinforced, also gains ground.

4 Co.

3 Co.

Throws forward the left, offensively.

Divisions still in close order move up into the skirmishing line and fire volleys.

1 and 2 Cos. Advance by successive divisions, and align themselves

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with 4 Co.

Signal: Rapid Independent Firing.'

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Sixth Period.
(Fig. 6.)

The enemy begins to withdraw slowly the right wing and centre of the troops opposed to our battalion.

Signal: The Whole Advance Quickly.' 'Halt.'


1 and 2 Cos.

4 Co. 3 Co.

The brigade signal for the attack is given and repeated by our battalion.

The attack is made according to order.

Seventh Period.
(Fig. 7.)

The enemy's right wing and centre are broken, but the left wing holds its own for the time and takes our battalion in flank.

Throw back the right defensively.
Attacks the enemy's right flank.
Assembles quickly.

Eighth Period.

(Fig. 8.)

The enemy's left wing is now also broken by this flank attack and by the successful advance of the battalion on our right which has taken place at the same time.

Dispositions: The brigade will at once occupy strongly the position

2 and 3 Cos.

1 and 4 Cos.

which it has carried.

Extend two divisions.

Form line of company columns 300 paces to the rear.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]




If, when other portions of the brigade have already commenced an action and are engaged in carrying it on, a battalion receives orders to facilitate the general advance, or to render it more decisive by attacking a weak point in the enemy's position, this must be done with all possible expedition, and with the utmost vigour. In such cases it will never do to feel your way carefully or to economise your strength. This would only be false economy, and the result at the utmost would be only a half-success.

Our battalion stands in line of company columns with full intervals on the right flank of the second line of a brigade (distance between the lines 400 paces). The action has already been going on for some time; the strong skirmishing line of the foremost battalions has pushed forward to within 600 paces of the enemy's position.

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The brigadier gives the following order: The battalion will pass the right flank of the first line; as soon as it reaches the skirmishers it will wheel up against the enemy's left flank and attack it vigorously The remainder of the brigade will at the same time attack in front.

First Period.

(Fig. 1.)

Our battalion is at present only under slight shell fire.

Words of Command: Half-Right Turn.' Front Turn.'

And as soon as the flank of the first line is cleared,

Signal: Front Turn.'

Dispositions: During the advance.

2, 3, & 4 Cos. Each extends two divisions as soon as they are up to

1 Co.

the first line of the brigade.

Marches in line 200 paces behind the right wing.
Upon this-

Signal: Left Wheel.'

The whole battalion changes direction, so as to march upon the enemy's left flank (to be marked, if possible, by some feature in the ground), and moves on rapidly.

Second Period.

(Fig. 2.)

The enemy does not appear as yet to remark this movement of our battalion.

[blocks in formation]
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