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Aaronic priesthood in Mormon Church, ori- | Anglicans, union of, with Presbyterians, as
gin and account of, 333, 334.
Abbas Effendi, leader of Bahais, 43.

Abhedananda, Swami, founder of Vedanta
Society, 713.

Adler, Felix, founder of New York Society
for Ethical Culture, 675.
Adonai Shomo. See Part I.
Advent Christian Church: history, doctrine,
polity, and work, 13-15; statistics, 15-20.
Advent, Second: Adventist bodies, 11-34;
Assemblies of God, General Council, 40;
Brethren, Plymouth, -167; Catholic Apos-
tolic Church, 186; Christadelphians, 189;
Church of the New Jerusalem, 226; Mis-
sionary Church Association, 283; Pillar
of Fire, 288; Holiness Church, 310; In-
ternational Apostolic Holiness Church,
315, 316; Latter Day Saints, 333; Men-
nonite Brethren in Christ, 436; New
Apostolic Church, 529.

Adventist bodies: general statement, 11-
13; comparative summary of statistics,
1916 and 1906, 13.

Adventists, relation to Baptists, 47.
African American Methodist Episcopal
Church: history, 519; statistics, 519.
African Methodist Episcopal Church: his-
tory, doctrine, polity, and work, 493–495;
statistics, 495-500.

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church:
history, doctrine, polity, and work, 501,
502; statistics, 503-507.
African Union Methodist Protestant Church:
history, 511; statistics, 511-513.
Alaska, sale of, by Russia, to the United

States, 258; Russian Church in, 258, 259.
Albanian Orthodox Church: history, 252,
253; statistics, 253. See also Eastern Or-
thodox Churches.

Albany Conference, declaration of Ad-
ventist principles by, 12.

Albright, Jacob, founder of Evangelical As-
sociation, 265, 705.

Allen Christian Endeavor League, 495.
Allen, Richard, first bishop of African Meth-
odist Episcopal Church, 493.
Amana Society: history, doctrine, polity,
and work, 229, 230; statistics, 230.
American Board, first missionary society, 49.
American Catholic Church: statistics, 535.
American Millennial Association, organiza-
tion of, 12.

American Rescue Workers: history, doc-
trine, polity, and work, 34; statistics,
34, 35.

American Salvation Army. See American
Rescue Workers.

Amish Mennonite Church. See Mennonite

Amish Mennonite Movement, 418, 419.
Ammon, Jacob, founder of Amish Mennon-
ite Church, 418, 429.
Anabaptists, early history of, 46; Brueder-
hoef Mennonite Church founded by, 422;
not acceptable in New Netherland, 622.
Anderson, William, founder of Union Amer-
ican Methodist Episcopal Church, 508.
Andrew, James O., bishop of Methodist
Episcopal Church, South, 476.
Anglican Church. See Church of England.

Puritans, 233; relation to Westminster
Assembly, 549; proscription of, by Puri-
tans, 608.

Ansgarii Synod, Swedish. See Swedish
Ansgarii Synod.

Antimission movement among Primitive
Baptists, 47, 69, 136; in southern Bap-
tist churches, 69; Two-Seed-in-the-Spirit
Predestinarian Baptists, 69; United Bap-
tists, 69.

Apostolic Christian Church: history, 274;
statistics, 274, 275.

Apostolic Church: history, 273; statistics, 273.
Apostolic Faith Movement: history and
work, 275; statistics, 275, 276.
Apostolic Holiness Union, development of,
from Independent churches, 312. See also
International Apostolic Holiness Church.
Apostolic Lutheran Church (Finnish): his-
tory, 411; statistics, 411, 412.
Apostolic Mennonite Church, inclusion with
General Conference of Mennonites, 430.
Armenian and Syrian Relief, 39.
Armenian Church: history, doctrine, polity,
and work, 36-39; statistics, 39, 40; relation
to Baptists, 47.

Arminianism: Assemblies of God, General
Council, 40; Baptist bodies, 46, 47; Baptists,
48; General Six Principle Baptists, 102;
Free Baptists, 47,108; Free Will Baptists,
112; Colored Free Will Baptists, 117; Gen-
eral Baptists, 121; Separate Baptists, 126;
United Baptists, 132; Two-Seed Baptists,
150; Churches of God, General Assembly,
210; Churches of God in North America,
General Eldership of the, 213; Evangelical
Association, 266; Peniel Missions, 285;
Methodist bodies, 446; Cumberland Pres-
byterian Church, 571; Salvation Army, 660;
United Brethren bodies, 696; United Evan-
gelical Church, 705. See also Sanctifica-

Arnett, B. W., bishop of African Methodist
Episcopal Church, 493.

Articles of Religion, in Methodist Episcopal
Church, adoption of, 448.
Asbury, Francis, bishop of Methodist Epis-
copal Church, 448, 493.

Ashkenazim Jews, origin of, 320.
Assemblies of God, General Council: history,
doctrine, polity, and work, 40, 41; statistics,
41, 42.

Assembly's Permanent Committee on Men's
Work, work of, in Presbyterian Church in
the United States of America, 558.
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church:
history and work, 599; statistics, 599–601.
Associate Reformed Synod of the South. See
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.
Associate Synod of North America (Associate
Presbyterian Church), appeal of Thomas
Campbell to. 244; history, doctrine, polity,
and work, 596; statistics, 597, 598.
Association of Pentecostal Churches of
America. See Pentecostal Church of the

Augsburg Confession: German Evangelical
Synod of North America, 306; Lutheran
bodies, 349; Evangelical Union of Bohe-
mian and Moravian Brethren, 527.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Bab, The. See Mohammed, Ali.
Babism, effect of movement in Persia, 43.
Baha' o'llah, founder of Bahaism, 43.
Bahais: history, doctrine, polity and work,
43, 44; statistics, 44, 45.

Baptism by immersion: Adventist bodies,
13-34; Armenian Church, 37; Baptist bodies,
46-152; Brethren, German Baptist (Dun-
kers), 154, 160, 162, 165, 166; Brethren,
Plymouth, 168; Brethren, River, 178-182;
Christadelphians, 189; Church of God and
Saints of Christ, 204; Churches of Christ,
208; Churches of God, General Assembly,
210; Churches of God in North America,
General Eldership of the, 213; Church of
the Living God, 217; Disciples of Christ,
246; Eastern Orthodox Churches, 251;
Latter Day Saints, 333; Mennonite Breth-
ren in Christ, 436; Mennonite Brethren
Church of North America, 439; Krimmer
Brueder-Gemeinde, 439.

Baptism, form of, optional: Catholic Apos-
tolic Church, 186; Christian and Mission-
ary Alliance, 192; Christian Church (Ameri-
can Christian Convention), 196; Christian
Union, 201; Congregational Churches,
237; Pillar of Fire, 288; Holiness Church,
310; International Apostolic Holiness
Church, 316; Lutheran bodies, 349; Metho-
dist bodies, 449; Moravian Church, 523;
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene,
537; Presbyterian Church in the United
States of America, 554; Protestant Episco-
pal Church, 612; Reformed Church in
America, 623; Swedish Evangelical Free
Church, 668; Schwenkfelders, 673; Social
Brethren, 674; United Brethren bodies,
696, 702; Universalists, 710.
Baptism, infant: Armenian Church, 37; Gen-
eral Convention of the New Jerusalem in
the United States of America, 222; Con-
gregational Churches, 237; Eastern Ortho-
dox Churches, 251; Lutheran bodies,
349; Methodist Episcopal Church, 449;
Moravian Church (Unitas Fratrum), 523;
Independent Bohemian and Moravian
Brethren Churches, 529; Presbyterian
Church in the United States of America,
554; Protestant Episcopal Church, 612;
Reformed Church in America, 623; Roman
Catholic Church, 647; United Brethren in
Christ, 696; Universalists, 710.
Baptist bodies: general statement, 46, 47;
comparative summary of statistics, 1916
and 1906, 48.

Baptist Church of Christ. See Duck River
and Kindred Associations of Baptists (Bap-
tist Church of Christ).

Baptist Young People's Union of America, 53.
Baptists: history, doctrine, polity, and work,
48-51; share in organizing "River Breth-
ren," 177; application of term to Menno-
nites, 416.

Becker, Peter, leader of German Baptist | Bulgarian Orthodox Church: history and
Brethren, 154, 165.
Behais. See Bahais.

Beissel, John Conrad, founder of Ephrata
Community, 154, 165.

Belgic Confession, acceptance of, by Re-
formed Churches, 623, 635.
Berkeley, Dean, influence of, in colonial
church, 608.

Besant, Mrs. Annie, leader of Theosophical
Society in Europe, 684.

Bjarnason, Jon, first Icelandic Lutheran
services in the United States held by, 398.
Black Rock Address, adoption of principles
of, by Primitive Baptists, 148.
Blavatsky, Mme. Helena Petrovna, one of the
founders of Theosophical Society, 684.
Boehm, John Philip, pioneer missionary.
Brethren, River, 177; Reformed Church in
the United States, 629.
Bohemian and Moravian Brethren, Union
of. See Evangelical Union of Bohemian
and Moravian Brethren in North America.
Bohemians, union with Moravians, 522, 527.
"Book of Mormon," account of records of,



Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Ballington, founders of
Volunteers of America, 714.
Booth, William, founder of Salvation Army,
Bosnia-Herzegovina, independent metro-
politan see of, 251.
Brainerd, David, missionary among the In-

dians, 235.

Brethren, German Baptist (Dunkers), Bap-
tist views held by, 47; general statement,
153; comparative summary of statistics,
1916 and 1906, 153.

Brethren, Plymouth: general statement-
history, doctrine, polity, and work, 167,
168; comparative summary of statistics,

1916 and 1906, 169.

Brethren, Plymouth, I: history, 169; statis-
tics, 169, 170.

Brethren, Plymouth, II: history and work,
171; statistics, 171, 172.
Brethren, Plymouth, III: history, 173; sta-
tistics, 173.

Brethren, Plymouth, IV: history, 173, 174;
statistics, 174.
Brethren, Plymouth, V: history, 175; statis-
tics, 175, 176.

Brethren, Plymouth, VI: history, 176; sta-
tistics, 176, 177.

Brethren, River: general statement, 177;
comparative summary of statistics, 1916
and 1906, 178; union of branch with Evan-
gelical United Mennonites, 435.
Brethren Church, The (Progressive Dunk-
ers): history, doctrine, polity, and work,
162, 163; statistics, 163, 164.
Brethren in Christ: history, doctrine, polity,
and work, 178, 179; statistics, 179, 180.
"Brinsers." See United Zion's Children.
Brotherhood of Andrew and Philip, 624.
Brotherhoods, work of, in Russian Church,
260; Lutheran General Synod, 353; Meth-
odist Episcopal Church, 455; Presby-
terian Church in the United States of
America, 558; Protestant Episcopal
Church, 615; Reformed Church in Amer-
ica, 624; Roman Catholic Church, 649.
Brothers of Christ. See Christadelphians.
Bruederhoef Mennonite Church. See Hut-
terian Brethren.

Buddhism, development of, in Japan, 184.
Buddhists: general statement, 182; compara-
tive summary of statistics, 1916 and 1906,


Buffalo Synod, Lutheran. See Lutheran
Synod of Buffalo.

Bukowina, independent metropolitan see of,

Bulgarian Exarchate, establishment of, 251.

doctrine and polity, 253, 254; statistics,
254, 255. See also Eastern Orthodox

Bullockites. See Free Will Baptists (Bul-

Bundes Conferenz der Mennoniten Brueder-
Gemeinde. See Krimmer Brueder-Ge-
meinde and Mennonite Brethren Church
of North America.

"Burial Hill Declaration" of Congregational
doctrine, adoption of, by First National
Council, 236.

"Burning Bush." See Metropolitan Church

Buzzellites, disappearance of, as distinct
body, 120.

Calvinism: Baptist bodies, 46-152; Chris-
tian Union, 201; Congregational Churches,
236; Methodist bodies, 446; Presbyterian
bodies, 549; Reformed bodies, 621.
Calvinistic or Particular Baptists. See Par-
Calvinistic Methodists, branches of, in Wales
ticular (Calvinistic) Baptists.
"Cambridge Platform," doctrine of, 234,
and England, 446; in America, 579.


Camp meeting, appearance of, in America,
473; disapproval, by Wesleyan Methodists
of England, 473; feature of Primitive
Methodist Church, 473.
Campanius, John, Swedish Lutheran

ter, 348.

Christadelphians: history, doctrine, polity,
and work, 189, 190; statistics, 190, 191.
Christian, William, founder of Church of
the Living God, 217.
Christian Alliance. See Christian and Mis-
sionary Alliance.
Christian and Missionary Alliance: history,
doctrine, polity, and work, 192; statistics,
193, 194; development of, from Independ
ent churches, 312.
Christian Church (American Christian Con-
vention): history, doctrine, polity, and
work, 195-197; statistics, 197-200; relation
to Methodist Episcopal Church, 448.
Christian Catholic Church in Zion, omission
of. See Part I.

Christian Congregation: history, 277; statis-
tics, 277.

Christian Connection. See Christian Church
(American Christian Convention).
Christian Endeavor Society. See Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor.
Christian Israelite Church, omission of.

See Part I.

Christian Missionary Association. See Part I.
Christian Reformed Church: history, doc-
trine, polity, and work, 635, 636; sta-
tistics, 636-638.

Christian Union: history, doctrine, polity,
and work, 201, 202; statistics, 202–204.
Christian Workers, 155.
Christian Yoga Society, 206.
minis-Christians (Christian Connection). See Chris-
tian Church (American Christian Conven-
Church (Churches) of Christ in Christian

Campbell, Alexander, leader of Disciples of
Christ, 195, 207; arrival in America, 244;
issuance of "declaration and address,"

Christ, 207, 244.

Campbell, Thomas, leader of Disciples of
Canons of Synod of Dort, as accepted, by
Mennonite bodies, 416; by Presbyterian
bodies, 549, 623; by Reformed bodies, 623,

Cardinals, College of. See College of Car-

Carey, William, Baptist missionary to India,
Carlowitz, independent metropolitan see of,


Carroll, Archbishop, influence of, in Roman
Catholic Church, 646.

Catechisms: Luther's, Lutheran bodies, 349;

Heidelberg, Reformed bodies, 549, 621;
Westminster, Presbyterian bodies, 554,


Catholic Apostolic Church: history, doc-
trine, polity, and work, 186, 187; statistics,
187, 188.

Catholic Church of North America: statis-
tics, 535, 536.

Catholic Congregation, date of establishment
of first, in the United States, 644.
"Catholicos," head of Armenian Church, 36,

Catholics, number of, among signers of his-

torical documents, 644. See also Roman
Catholic Church.

Central Conference of Mennonites: history
and work, 442; statistics, 443.
Central Illinois Conference of Mennonites:
See Central Conference of Mennonites.
Chalcedon, General Council of. See General
Council of Chalcedon.

Channing, William E., Unitarian leader, 235;
famous sermon by, 689.

Chinese deities worshiped in the United
States, names and description of, 183.
Chinese temples: history, 182-184; statistics,
lack of, 184.

Chlumsky, Adolph, work of, among Bo-
hemian and Moravian Brethren in North
America, 527.

Union. See Christian Union.
Church expenditures, term defined, 10;
statistics, see under each denomination.
Church of Christ in God: See Church of the
Church membership under 13 years. See
under "Statistics" for each denomination.

Living God, Christian Workers for Fellow-

Church of Christ, Scientist, omission of.
See Part I.

Church of Daniel's Band: history, 277; sta-
tistics, 277, 278.
Church of England, growth of Brethren,
Plymouth, in, 167; "Separatist Movement'
in, 233; relation to Puritans and Separat-
ists, 233; exclusion of Methodist leaders
from pulpits, 446; interest in America, 608.
Church of God (Adventist): history, doc
trine, polity, and work, 28, 29; statistics,
29, 30.

Church of God and Saints of Christ: history,
doctrine, polity, and work, 204, 205; sta-
tistics, 205, 206.

Church of God as Organized by Christ: his-
tory, 278; statistics, 278, 279.
Church of God in Christ (Mennonite); his-
tory, 426; statistics, 426, 427.
Church of God (New Dunkers): history, 166;
statistics, 166.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints:
history, doctrine, polity, and work, 334-
336; statistics, 336-340.
Church of the Brethren. See Moravian
Church (Unitas Fratrum).
Church of the Brethren (Conservative
Dunkers): history, doctrine, polity, and
work, 153-155; statistics, 155-160.
Church of the Living God: statistica, 217.
Church of the Living God (Apostolic
Church). See Church of the Living God
(General Assembly).

Church of the Living God, Christian Workers
for Fellowship: history and work, 217,
218; statistics, 218, 219.

Church of the Living God (Christian Workers
for Friendship). See Church of the Liv
ing God, Christian Workers for Fellow-

Church of the Living God, General Assem- |
bly: history, 219; statistics, 219, 220.
Church of the Lutheran Brethren of Amer-
ica (Norwegian): history, doctrine, polity,
and work, 412, 413; statistics, 413, 414.
Church of the Nazarene. See Pentecostal
Church of the Nazarene.
Church of the United Brethren in Christ:
history, doctrine, polity, and work, 694–
697; statistics, 697-701.
Church of the United Brethren in Christ

(Old Constitution): history, doctrine, pol-
ity, and work, 701,702; statistics, 702-705.
Church of the Universal Messianic Message:
history, doctrine, polity, 206; statistics,
206, 207.

Church property, term defined, 10; statis-
tics, see under each denomination.
Church Transcendent: history, 279; statis-
tics, 279.

Church Triumphant (Koreshan Ecclesia).
See Part I.

Church Triumphant (Schweinfurth). See

Part I.

Church Union, efforts toward. See "History"
under each denomination.

Church Unity, Lambeth Quadrilateral on.
See Lambeth Quadrilateral on Church

Churches of Christ: history, doctrine, pol-
ity, and work, 207, 208; statistics, 208-210.
Churches of God (Adventist), Unattached
Congregations. See Church of God (Ad-


Churches of God, General Assembly: his-
tory, doctrine, and polity, 210, 211; sta-
tistics, 211, 212.

Churches of God in Christ Jesus: history,
doctrine, polity, and work, 32; statistics,

Churches of God in North America, General
Eldership of the: history, doctrine, polity,
and work, 212, 213; statistics, 214-216.
Churches of the Living God: general state-
ment, 216; history, 217; comparative
summary of statistics, 1916 and 1906, 217.
Churches of the New Jerusalem: general

statement, 221; comparative summary of
statistics, 1916 and 1906, 221.

Civil War, effect of, on Baptist churches, 69;
opposition to, by Christadelphians, 189;
by Christian Union, 201; work for freed-
men by Congregationalists at close of, 238;
disorganizing effect on Disciples of Christ,
245, 246; organization of Lutheran Synod
of the South at close of, 356. See also

Clark, Francis E., founder of Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor, 105, 240.
Classis of Amsterdam, relation to, of Amer-

ican churches, 622, 629; German Re-
formed churches assisted by, 694.
Clowes, William, leader of Primitive Meth-
odist Church, 473.

Coke, Thomas, first Methodist superintend-
ent in America, 446, 448.

College of Cardinals, composition of, 647.
Colored Baptist Church, organization of, 47.
Colored Congregational Methodist Church.

See Part I.

Colored Cumberland Presbyterian Church:
history, doctrine, polity, and work, 576;
statistics, 576-578.
Colored Free Will Baptists: history, doc-
trine, polity, and work, 117, 118; statis-
tics, 118-120.

Colored Methodist Episcopal Church: ori-
gin, 476; history, doctrine, polity, and
work, 513, 514; statistics, 514-517.
Colored Methodist Protestant Church: his-
tory, 507; statistics, 507, 508.
Colored Primitive Baptists: history, doc-
trine, polity, and work, 147-149; statis-
tics, 149, 150.


Episcopal Church, 611, 641.

Communistic societies: general statement, | Cummins, George D., bishop of Protestant
228; comparative summary of statistics,
1916 and 1906, 228. See also German
Seventh Day Baptists, and Hutterian

Community of True Inspiration (Amana So-
ciety). See Amana Society.
Conference, General, ecclesiastical body
adopted by Advent Christian Church, 14;
Seventh-day Adventists, 22; Seventh Day
Baptists, 104; Free Baptists, 108; Pro-
gressive Dunkers, 162; Brethren in Christ,
178; Evangelical Association, 266; Re-
organized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints, 341; Mennonite Church, 419;
General Conference of Mennonites of
North America, 430; Mennonite Brethren
in Christ, 436; Methodist bodies, 448;
Pentecostal Holiness Church, 543;
Schwenkfelders, 673; Unitarians, 690;
United Brethren bodies, 695, 701; United
Evangelical Church, 705.

Conference of the Defenseless Mennonites
of North America: history, 444; statis-
tics, 444, 445.

Conferences, system of, in Methodist
churches, 450.

Confessionalism, definition of term, 359.
Confessions-Lutheran. See Lutheran Con-


Confucian Worship, recent development
of, 183.

Cyprus, independent metropolitan see of,


Czar of Russia, Armenian Catholicos subject
to approval of, 38.

Dalmatia, independent metropolitan see of,

Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church Asso-
ciation, union with United Danish Church,
394, 406.

Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America: history, doctrine, polity, and
work, 394, 395; statistics, 395–397.
Danish Norwegian Conference, immigrants
added to, 388; organization of, 406.
Darby, John Nelson, leader of Plymouth
Brethren, 167, 169, 171.

de Hirsch, Baron Maurice, fund for aid of
Jews established by, 327.
Deaconesses, work of, in Armenian Church,
37; Evangelical Association, 267; German
Evangelical Synod of North America,
307; International Apostolic Holiness
Church, 316; Lutheran General Synod,
353; Lutheran General Council, _362;
Methodist Episcopal Church, 455; Prot-
estant Episcopal Church, 615.

"Declaration and address," issuance of, by
Thomas and Alexander Campbell, 207,

Congregational Churches: history, doctrine, Defenseless Mennonites: history and work,
polity, and work, 233-240; statistics, 240-
243; dominance of, in New England, 234;
joint action with Presbyterians, 234, 235,
556; adoption of Unitarian beliefs by, 235;
addition to, by members of Congregational
Methodist Church, 483; by members of
New Congregational Methodist Church, 491;
relation to Westminster Assembly, 549.
Congregational form of church government:
Adventist bodies, 13-34; Assemblies of
God, General Council, 41; Baptist bodies,
46-152; Christadelphians, 189; Christian
Church (American Christian Convention),
196; Christian Union, 201; Churches of
Christ, 208: Congregational Churches, 237;
Disciples of Christ, 246; Missionary Church
Association, 283; Holiness Church, 310;
Lutheran bodies, 349; Mennonite bodies,
417; Congregational Methodist bodies, 483,
491; Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene,
537; Scandinavian Evangelical bodies,
665, 668, 671; Spiritualists, 678; Unitarians,
690; Universalists, 709.

Congregational Independent churches, 312.
Congregational Methodist Church: history,

doctrine, polity, and work, 483; statistics,
483, 484.

Congregations of the Roman Catholic
Church, officers of the, 648.
Conservative Amish Mennonite Church:
history and work, 424; statistics, 424, 425.
Constantinople, Patriarch of. See Patriarch
of Constantinople.

Councils, system of, in Roman Catholic
Church, 649, 650.

Covenanter movement in Scotland, result of,
583; represented by Reformed Presbytery,

Covenanters, organization of societies by,


Crete, independent metropolitan see of, 251,
Crowdy, William S., founder of Church of
God and Saints of Christ, 204.
Cumberland, Presbytery of, separation from
Presbyterian Church, 552.
Cumberland Presbyterian Church: history,

doctrine, polity, and work, 569-571;
statistics, 571-575; Negro members, 576.
Cummings, Jonathan, leader in Advent
movement, 12, 13.

434; statistics, 434, 435.
Denominational organizations, opposition
to, by Alexander Campbell, 244.
Denominations of foreign origin: Armenian
Church, 36; Baptist bodies, 46; Seventh
Day Baptists, 103; Free Will Baptists,
112; General Baptists, 121; Separate Bap-
tists, 125; Brethren, German Baptist
(Dunkers), 153; Brethren, Plymouth, 167;
Brethren, River, 177; Chinese temples,
182; Japanese temples, 184; Catholic
Apostolic Church, 186; Christadelphians,
189; General Convention of the New
Jerusalem, 221; General Church of the
New Jerusalem, 226; Amana Society, 229;
United Society of Believers (Shakers),
230; Congregational Churches, 233; East-
ern Orthodox Churches, 250; Society of
Friends (Orthodox), 292; German Evan-
gelical Synod of North America, 306;
Jacobite Church (Assyrian), 319; Jewish
congregations, 319; Lithuanian National
Catholic Church, 347; Lutheran bodies,
348; Norwegian Lutheran Churches, 372,
375, 388; Lutheran Synod of Buffalo, 386;
Danish Lutheran Churches, 394, 406;
Icelandic Synod, 398; Finnish Churches,
401, 411; Jehovah Conference, 414; Men-
nonite bodies, 416, 418, 422, 426, 430, 439,
442, 444; Primitive Methodist Church in
the United States of America, 473; Mo-
ravian Church (Unitas Fratrum), 522;
Union of Bohemian and Moravian Breth-
ren in North America, 527; Independent
Bohemian and Moravian Brethren
Churches, 528; New Apostolic Church,
529; Polish National Catholic Church
of America, 546; Presbyterian Church in
the United States of America, 550;
Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Church, 579;
Synodofthe Reformed Presbyterian Church
of North America, 601; Protestant Episco-
pal Church, 608; Reformed bodies, 621;
Reformed Church in America, 622; Re
formed Church in the United States, 629;
Christian Reformed Church, 635; Hun-
garian Reformed Church, 639; Roman
Catholic Church, 644; Scandinavian
Evangelical bodies, 665; Schwenkfelders,
673; Temple Society in the United States,
683; Universalists, 709.

"Diocesan" clergy. See "Secular" clergy. |
Disciples of Christ, Baptist views held by,
47; relation to Christadelphians, 189;
to Christian Church (American Christian
Convention), 195, 245; history, doctrine,
polity, and work, 244-247; statistics,

District Superintendents, Methodist Episco-
pal Church, 450.

Dort, Canons of Synod of. See Canons of
Synod of Dort.

Dow, Lorenzo, leader of Primitive Method-
ist Church, 473.

Duck River and Kindred Associations of
Baptists (Baptist Church of Christ):
relation to Separate Baptists, 134; history,
doctrine, polity, and work, 134, 135;
statistics, 135, 136.

Dunkards. See Brethren, German Baptist

Dunkers, relation to Baptists, 47.
Dunkers or German Baptist Brethren. See
Brethren, German Baptist, (Dunkers).
Dutch Reformed Church. See Reformed
Church in America.

Eastern Church. See Eastern Orthodox


Eastern Orthodox Churches: general state-
ment-history, doctrine, and polity, 250-
252; comparative summary of statistics,
1916 and 1906, 252.

Ecclesia, term for church, among Christa-
delphians, 189.

Ecumenical Councils and Creeds: Eastern


Orthodox Churches, 251; Lutheran Uni-
ted Synod, South, 356; Synodical Con-
ference, 367; Hauge's Norwegian Synod,
372; Polish National Catholic Church of
America, 547; Roman Catholic Church,
650; United Brethren in Christ, 696.
Educational institutions. See
"Work" for each denomination.
Edwards, Jonathan, "The Great Awak-
ening" movement initiated by, 234; in-
fluence in Presbyterian Church, 551.
Eielsen, Elling, Norwegian preacher, 372,

Eielsen's Synod. See Evangelical Luth-

eran Church in America, Eielsen's Synod.
Eliot, John, missionary to Indians, 235.
Embury, Philip, first Methodist preacher
in America, 447.

Engle, John and Jacob, leaders of Brethren,
River, 177.

Ephrata, Pa., monastic community founded
at, 154, 165.


Ephrata Community of German Baptist
Brethren, founding of, 104.
Episcopal form of church government, in
Armenian Church, 37; Brethren
Christ, 178; Catholic Apostolic Church,
187; General Convention of the New
Jerusalem in the United States of Amer-
ica, 222; General Church of the New Jeru-
salem, 226; Eastern Orthodox Churches,
250; modified form of, in Evangelical
bodies, 266; Jacobite Church, 319; Meth-
odist Episcopal Church, 450; Moravian
Church (Unitas Fratrum), 523; Polish Na-
tional Church, 547; Protestant Episcopal
Church, 612; Reformed Episcopal Church,


[blocks in formation]

tory, doctrine, polity, and work, 290; sta-
tistics, 290, 291.

Free Methodist Church of North America:
relation to Pentecost Bands of the World,
286; to Holiness Church, 310; origin, 448;
history, doctrine, polity, and work, 485,
486; statistics, 486-491.

Evangelical Lutheran Jehovah Conference: | Free Christian Zion Church of Christ: his-
history, 414; statistics, 415.
Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Ohio
and Other States: history, doctrine, pol-
ity, and work, 381, 382; statistics, 382-386.
Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Iowa and
Other States: origin, 367; history, doc-
trine, polity, and work, 390-392; statis-
tics, 392-394.
Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Michigan
and Other States. See Lutheran bodies.
Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference
of America: origin, 366; history, doctrine,
polity, and work, 366-368; statistics, 368-
372; relation to Synod of Ohio, 381; to
Synod of Buffalo, 386.
Evangelical Protestant Church of North
America: history, doctrine, polity, and
work, 271; statistics, 271, 272.
Evangelical Union of Bohemian and Mora-
vian Brethren in North America: history,
doctrine, polity, and work, 527, 528; sta-
tistics, 528.

Evangelical United Mennonites, formation
of Mennonite Brethren in Christ by, 435.
Evangelist Missionary Church. See Part 1.
Evangelistic associations: general statement,
272, 273; comparative summary of statis-
tics, 1916 and 1906, 273.
Exclusives, application of term to Brethren,
Plymouth, I, 169.

Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in
America, 51, 69, 104, 236, 246, 294, 306,
352, 449, 477, 553, 630, 641, 696, 705.
Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church of
America, or Suomi Synod: history, doc-
trine, polity, and work, 401; statistics,
402, 403; relation to Finnish National
Church, 409.

Finnish Evangelical Lutheran National
Church: history, doctrine, polity, and
work, 409; statistics, 409-411.
First-day Adventists, 21.
Foot-washing: Seventh-day Adventists, 21;
Free Will Baptists, 112; General Baptists,
122; Separate Baptists, 126; Regular Bap-
tists, 128; United Baptists, 132; Duck
River and Kindred Associations of Bap-
tists, 134; Primitive Baptists, 137; Colored
Primitive Baptists in America, 148; Two-
Seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian Bap-
tists, 151; Brethren, German Baptist
(Dunkers), 154, 160, 162, 165, 166; Breth-
ren in Christ, 178; United Zion's Children,
181; Christian Union, 201; Church of God
and Saints of Christ, 204; Churches of God,
General Assembly, 210; Churches of God
in North America, General Eldership of
the, 213; Church of the Living God, Chris-
tian Workers for Fellowship, 217; Amana
Society, 230; Church of God as Organized
by Christ, 278; Mennonites, 417; New Con-
gregational Methodists, 491; United Breth-
ren in Christ, 696.

Foreign language, use of. See under "Sta-
tistics" for each denomination.
Foreign origin of denominations. See De-
nominations of foreign origin.
"Fourfold gospel," belief in, by Christian
and Missionary Alliance, 192.
Fox, George, founder of Society of Friends
(Orthodox), 292.

Francke, August Herman, founder of Piet-
ism, 153.

Frankean Synod, admission to General
Synod, 351; joined by Norwegians, 388.
Free Baptists: origin, 47; term "Free Will
Baptists applied to, 49; movement for
union with Baptists, 108; history, doc-
trine, polity, and work, 108,109; statistics,
110, íîì.

Free Will Baptists: identification with Free
Baptists, 49, 112; history, doctrine, polity,
and work, 112; statistics, 113-117.
Free Will Baptists (Bullockites): history,
120; statistics, 120, 121.
Friends: general statement, 292; compara-
tive summary of statistics, 1916 and 1906,


Friends (Primitive): history, 306; statistics,


"Friends of Augsburg," organization of, ss
Lutheran Free Church, 403.

Friends of the Temple. See Temple Society
in the United States (Friends of the

"Full gospel," Pentecostal Church of the
Nazarene, 536. See also Sanctification.
General Assembly, Presbyterian, powers of,


General Baptists: origin, 46; union with Par-
ticular Baptists, 46; General Six Principle
Baptist Church, organized by members of,
102; relations with Free Will Baptists, 121;
history, doctrine, polity, and work, 121,
122; statistics, 122-125.

General Church of the New Jerusalem: his-
tory, doctrine, polity, and work, 226; sta-
tistics, 226-228.

General Conference of Mennonites of North
America: history, doctrine, polity, and
work, 430, 431; statistics, 431-433.
General Convention, constitution of, in Prot-
estant Episcopal Church, 612, 613.
General Convention of the New Jerusalem in
the United States of America: history,
doctrine, polity, and work, 221-223; sta-
General Council of Chalcedon, rejection of,
tistics, 223-225.
by Armenian Church, 37.
General Council of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in North America: origin, 359; his-
tory, doctrine, polity, and work, 359-362;
statistics, 362-366; opposition to, by syn-
ods forming Synodical Conference, 367;
inclusion of Swedish Lutherans, 665.
General Eldership of the Churches of God in

North America. See Churches of God in
North America, General Eldership of the.
General Missionary Convention, Baptist,
origin, 49.

General Rules, character of, in Methodist
Episcopal Church, 449.

General Six Principle Baptists: origin, 46;
history, doctrine, polity, and work, 102:
statistics, 102, 103; affiliation with General
Baptists, 121.

General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in the United States of America:
history, doctrine, polity, and work, 351-
353; statistics, 353–356; relation to General
Council, 351; to Synod of Ohio, 381.
German Augsburg Synod. See Part I.
German Baptist Brethren, connection with
Seventh Day Baptists, 104.

German Baptist Brethren Church (Con-
servative). See Church of the Brethren
(Conservative Dunkers).

German Evangelical Lutheran Synod of
Texas. See Evangelical Lutheran Synod
of Iowa.

German Evangelical Protestant Ministers'
Association. See Evangelical Protestant
Church of North America.

Reformed Church.

Holliman, Ezekiel, baptized by Roger
Williams, 46.

"Holy Club," Methodist, organization of, at
Oxford University, 446, 551.
Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Eastern
Church. See Eastern Orthodox Churches.
Holy Synod, highest ecclesiastical authority
in Greek Orthodox Church, 255; in Rus-
sian Orthodox Church, 258, 259.

German Evangelical Protestant Ministers' | Holland Reformed Church. See Christian
Conference. See Evangelical Protestant
Church of North America.
German Evangelical Synod of North Amer-
ica: history, doctrine, polity, and work,
306, 307; statistics, 307-310; opening of
schools to Union of Bohemian and Mora-
vian Brethren by, 528.
German Reformed Church. See Reformed
Church in the United States.
German Reformed churches, relation to
Protestant Episcopal Church, 629; to
United Brethren churches, 629.
German Seventh Day Baptists: origin, 104;
history, doctrine, polity, and work, 165;
statistics, 165, 166.

German-speaking churches, basis of Evan-
gelical Association, 266.

Gibbons, Archbishop, promotion to Car-
dinalate, 646.

Goetwater, John Ernest, early Lutheran
pastor, 348.

Gospel Mission. See Christian and Mission-
ary Alliance.

Gospel Tabernacle Church. See Christian
and Missionary Alliance.
"Great Awakening, The," effect of, in New
England, 48; on Free Baptists, 108; on
Separate Baptists, 125; on Congregational
Churches, 234, 235; on Presbyterian
churches, 551; on Dutch churches, 622.
"Great Revival" in Tennessee, account of,

Greek Orthodox Church (Hellenic): history,
doctrine, polity, and work, 255; statistics,
255-257; acceptance of doctrine by Rus-
sians, 258. See also Eastern Orthodox


Gruber, Eberhard, leader of Amana Society,

Hager, John Frederick, pioneer pastor of Re-

formed Church in the United States, 629.
Hampton Institute, establishment of, 238.
Hard Shell Baptists, origin of name, 47, 137.
Harmony Society. See Part I.

Hauge, Hans Nielsen, religious leader in
Norway, 372, 388.

Hauge's Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran
Synod: share in formation of Norwegian
Church of America, 372; history, doctrine,
polity, and work, 372, 373; statistics, 373-
375; relation to Norwegian Synod, 375;
to Eielsen's Synod, 388.
Heavenly Recruit Church, omission of. See
Part I.

Heidelberg Catechism: German Evangelical
Synod, 306; Independent Bohemian and
Moravian Brethren, 529; Presbyterian
bodies, 549; Reformed bodies, 621.
Heinemann, Barbara, leader of Amana So-
ciety, 229.

Helvetic Confession, acceptance of, by

Bohemian and Moravian Brethren, 527;
by Independent Bohemian and Moravian
Brethren, 529.

Hephzibah Faith Missionary Association:
history and work, 280; statistics, 280, 281.
Herald of Gospel Liberty, Christian Church,
197. See also Elias Smith.
Hermanstadt, independent metropolitan
see of, 251.

Hicks, Elias, leader of Hicksite Friends, 299.
Hodur, Francis, founder of Polish National
Church of America, 546.
Hoffmann, Christopher, founder of Temple
Society in the United States, 683.
Holdeman, John, founder of Church of God
in Christ (Mennonite), 426.
Holiness Church: history, doctrine, polity,
and work, 310, 311; statistics, 311.
"Holiness Methodist churches," origin of,


Holland, migration of Pilgrims to, 233.

Hon-gwanji, East and West, Japanese tem-
ples, 184.

Hospitals, orphanages, etc. See under
"Work" for each denomination.
Hughes, Archbishop, influence of, in Roman
Catholic Church, 646.

Hungarian Reformed Church in America:

history and work, 639; statistics, 639, 640.
Hungarians, care of, by Reformed Church
in the United States, 639.

Huss, John, Bohemian reformer, 522, 527.
Huter, Jacob, Anabaptist minister, 422.
Hutterian Brethren: history and work, 422,
423; statistics, 423.

Icelandic Evangelical Lutheran Synod in
North America: history and work, 398;
statistics, 398, 399.

Immanuel Synod of the Evangelical Lu-
theran Church in North America: his-
tory, doctrine, polity, and work, 399; sta-
tistics, 400, 401.
Independent Bohemian and Moravian
Brethren Churches: history, doctrine, and
polity, 528, 529; statistics, 529.
Independent churches: definition of name,
312; history, doctrine, and polity, 312;
statistics, 313-315.

Independent form of church government,
observance of, by Brethren, Plymouth,
167; Chinese temples, 183; Japanese tem-
ples, 184; Christian and Missionary Alli-
ance, 192; Churches of Christ, 208; Evan-
gelical Protestant Church of North Amer-
ica, 271; Friends (Primitive), 306; Jew-
ish congregations, 323; Lutheran Jehovah
Conference, 415; Nonsectarian Churches
of Bible Faith, 531, 532.
Independent Methodists. See Part I.

Inner Light." See "Light Within."
Inner Mission, philanthropic work of, 362.
International Apostolic Holiness Church:

history, doctrine, polity, and work, 315,
316; statistics, 316-318.
International Apostolic Holiness Union.
See International Apostolic Holiness

International Missionary Alliance.


Christian and Missionary Alliance.
Iowa Synod. See Evangelical Lutheran
Synod of Iowa and Other States.
Irvingites. See Catholic Apostolic Church.

Jacobite Church (Assyrian): history, 319;
statistics, 319; similarity to other Eastern
churches, 319.

Japanese temples: history, 184, 185; sta-
tistics, 185, 186.

Jehovah Conference. See Evangelical Lu-
theran Jehovah Conference.
Jewish congregations: history, doctrine, pol-
ity, and work, 319–329; statistics, 329–332.
Jewish population in United States, 320.
Jews, Orthodox. See Orthodox Jews.
Jews, Reform. See Reform Jews.
"John Street Church," date of establish-
ment of, 447; withdrawal of Negro mem-
bers from, 501.

Johnson, Lyman H., leader of Nonsectarian
Churches of Bible Faith, 531.
Jones, Abner, organizer of Free Baptists, 108;
influence of, on Christian Church (Ameri-
can Christian Convention), 195.

[blocks in formation]

Knox, John, influence of, on Presbyterian-
ism, 549, 601.

Koester, Heinrich Bernhard, first English
Lutheran services held by, 348.
Korteniemi, Salomon, founder of Apostolic
Lutheran Church (Finnish), 411.
Kozlowski, Anton, bishop, Polish National
Catholic Church of America, 546.
Kraussert, Michael, leader of Amana So-
ciety, 229.

Krimmer Brueder-Gemeinde: history and
work, 441; statistics, 441, 442.
Kuan, God, Chinese temples, 183.

Lambeth Quadrilateral on Church Unity,
issuance of, 611.

Latter Day Saints: general statement-history,
doctrine, and polity, 333, 334; compara-
tive summary of statistics, 1916 and 1906,


Lee, Ann, leader of Shakers, 230.
Life and Advent Union: history, doctrine,
polity, and work, 30; statistics, 30, 31.
"Light Within," doctrine of, 294, 299.
Lithuanian National Catholic Church: his-
tory, 347; statistics, 347.

London Baptist Confession of Faith, doc-
trine of, 128, 148.

Lott-Carey Convention for Foreign Missions,


Love feast, ceremony of, in Methodist Epis-
copal Church, 451.

Lumber River Mission: history, 281; statis-
tics, 281.

Luther League, 353, 373, 379.
Lutheran and Reformed churches in Ger-
many, union of, in German Evangelical
Synod of North America, 306; in Evan-
gelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of
America, 366, 367.

Lutheran bodies: general statement-history,
doctrine, and polity, 348–350; comparative
summary of statistics, 1916 and 1906, 350.
Lutheran confessions, Lutheran bodies, 350.
Lutheran Free Church (Norwegian): history,
doctrine, polity, and work, 403, 404; sta-
tistics, 404-406.

Lutheran Independent congregations, 312.
See Part I.

Lutheran Synod of Buffalo: conflict with
Synodical Conference, 366; history, doc-
trine, polity, and work, 386; statistics,
387, 388.

Lutheran Synod of Iowa. See Evangelical
Lutheran Synod of Iowa and Other

Mack, Alexander, leader of Dunkers, 153,


Makemie, Francis, apostle of American
Presbyterianism, 551.

Melchizedek priesthood in Mormon Church,
origin and account of, 333, 334, 335.
Members, term defined, 10; under 13 years,
see "Statistics" under each denomination.
Menno Simons, founder of Mennonites, 46,
416, 418, 426.

Mennonite, origin of name, 416.
Mennonite bodies: general statement-his-
tory, doctrine, and polity, 416, 417; de-
nominational changes, 417; comparative
summary of statistics, 1916 and 1906, 418.

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