§ 52.231 INTERPRETATIONS Interpretation of plotted val ues with respect to limits. (a) Warning limits. The values representing LWL and LWLx are provided for the processor's benefit to use for control purposes. These limits are not to be confused with the reject limits. (1) An X value that falls between LWL and LRL or X value that falls between LWL and LRL may be expected occasionally, even when the process is still meeting requirements. This is the point, however, at which corrective action in the filling procedure may be taken. (b) Code segregation. The acceptance criteria specified in the proposed U.S. Standards for Inspection by Variables requires all X values to be equal to or above LRL for a low-sided specification and all Mi or X values to be equal to or above LRLX. (1) When an X, Mi, or X value(s) causes a code or distinctive mark to be rejected, the code or mark for the remainder of the shift may be changed to provide a chance for subsequent production for that shift to pass. (c) Sampling allowances. The sampling allowance code for each can size and style is specified in the grade standards which incorporate fill weights and the supplement to these standards for the applicable product. To determine the sampling allowance, first obtain the letter code for the appropriate container size and style from the table containing the fill weight values. Locate the line represented by this code on the sampling allowance chart accompanying the U.S. Standards for Inspection by Variables. This line represents the sampling allowance for the various sample sizes. Deduct this value from X'min. Do not add this value to 文 or Mi. (1) The sampling allowance does not apply to a sample size of less than 10 sample units. [38 FR 10450, Apr. 27, 1973; 38 FR 12729, May 15, 1973] OPTIONAL FILL WEIGHT PROCEDURE FOR SMALL LOTS § 52.232 Optional fill weight procedure for small lots. (a) For lots consisting of 100 cases or less which require 4 hours or more to pack, the following minimum sampling rate and acceptance criteria may be used in lieu of the requirements and procedures outlined in the U.S. Standards for Inspection by Variables. The conventional average option must be used for this procedure. Do not use the sample median (Mi). = (b) Draw a minimum of 15 sample units, one or two at a time throughout the entire production of the lot. The sampling intervals shall be such that the total sample will be representative of the lot. (c) Accept the lot if: (1) No X value is less than LRL. (2) X is equal to or greater than X'min adjusted; and (3) The condition under paragraph (d) (3) of this section does not exist. (d) Reject the lot if: (1) is less than X'min adjusted; or (2) One or more X values are less than LRL; or (3) All X values are less than X'min. Subpart-United States Standards for Grades of Canned Apple Juice SOURCE: 52.301 to 52.312 appear at 18 F.R. 7921, Dec. 9, 1953, unless otherwise noted. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION, STYLES, AND GRADES § 52.301 Product description. Canned apple juice is the unfermented liquid prepared from the first pressing Juice of properly prepared sound, fresh apples, excluding the liquid obtained from any additional residual apple material. Such apple juice is prepared without any concentration, without dilution, or without the addition of sweetening ingredients; may be processed with or without the addition of antioxidants; and is sufficiently processed by heat to assure preservation of the product in hermetically sealed containers (either metal or glass). § 52.302 Styles of canned apple juice. (a) Style I, Clear (typical of "clarified" apple juice). (b) Style II, Cloudy (typical of "nonclarified" apple juice, but not a crushed or disintegrated apple product). § 52.303 Grades of canned apple juice. (a) "U.S. Grade A" or "U.S. Fancy" is the quality of canned apple juice that possesses a very good color; is practically free from defects; possesses a very good flavor; and scores not less than 90 points when scored in accordance with the scoring system outlined in this subpart. (b) "U.S. Grade B" or "U.S. Choice" is the quality of canned apple juice that possesses a good color; is fairly free from defects; possesses a good flavor; and scores not less than 80 points when scored in accordance with the scoring system outlined in this subpart. (c) "Substandard" is the quality of canned apple juice that fails to meet the requirements of U.S. Grade B. [36 F.R. 2859, Feb. 11, 1971] FILL OF CONTAINER § 52.304 Recommended fill of container. The recommended fill of container is not incorporated in the grades of the finished product since fill of container, as such, is not a factor of quality for the purposes of these grades. It is recommended that each container be filled as full as practicable with apple juice and that the product occupy not less than 90 percent of the volume of the container. FACTORS OF QUALITY § 52.305 Ascertaining the grade. (a) The grade of canned apple juice may be ascertained by considering, in conjunction with the requirements of the respective grade, the respective ratings for the factors of color, absence of defects, and flavor. (b) The relative importance of each factor is expressed numerically on the scale of 100. The maximum number of points that may be given each factor is: Factors: Color_. Absence of defects__. Flavor--- Total score.... Points 20 20 60 100 § 52.306 Ascertaining the rating for each factor. The essential variations within each factor are so described that the value may be ascertained for each factor and expressed numerically. The numerical range within each factor is inclusive (for example, "18 to 20 points" means 18, 19, or 20 points). [36 F.R. 2860, Feb. 11, 1971] § 52.307 Color. (a) (A) classification. Canned apple juice that possesses a very good color may be given a score of 18 to 20 points. "Very good color" means that the color is bright and typical of freshly pressed juice and may vary from characteristic light non-amber shades to medium amber shades; that the canned apple Juice of Style I, Clear, is sparkling clear and transparent; and that canned apple juice of Style II, Cloudy, may range from a slight translucent appearance to a definitely hazy appearance. (b) (B) classification. If the canned apple juice possesses a good color, a score of 16 or 17 points may be given. Canned apple juice that falls into this classification shall not be graded above U.S. Grade B, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule). "Good color" means that the color is typical of canned apple juice, which color may be deep amber or other typical color but is not off color for the respective style. The factor of absence of defects refers to the degree of freedom from sediment or other residue, dark specks, particles of seeds, coarse particles of pulp, or other defects. (a) (A) classification. Canned apple juice that is practically free from defects may be given a score of 18 to 20 points. "Practically free from defects" means that the canned apple juice may possess a slight amount of sediment or residue of an amorphous nature; may possess not more than a trace of dark specks or of sediment or residue of a nonamorphous nature; and shall be free from particles of seed, coarse particles of pulp, or other defects. (b) (B) classification. If the canned apple juice is fairly free from defects, a score of 16 or 17 points may be given. Canned apple juice that falls into this classification shall not be graded above U.S. Grade B, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule). "Fairly free from defects" means that the canned apple juice may possess a slight amount of sediment or residue of an amorphous or nonamorphous nature, of dark specks, of particles of seed, of coarse particles of pulp, or of any other defects, provided such defects do not seriously affect the appearance or palatability of the product. (c) (SStd) classification. Canned apple juice that fails to meet the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section may be given a score of 0 to 15 points and shall not be graded above Substandard, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule). [18 F.R. 7921, Dec. 9, 1953, as amended at 36 F.R. 2860, Feb. 11, 1971] may be given a score of 54 to 60 points. "Very good flavor" means that the apple juice has a fine, distinct fruity flavor that is free from astringent flavors, flavors due to overripe apples, oxidation, caramelization, ground or musty flavors, or any other undesirable flavor; and in addition shall meet the following requirements: Brix. Not less than 11.5°. Acid. Not less than 0.25 g. nor more than 0.70 g., calculated as malic acid, per 100 ml. of juice. (b) (B) classification. Canned apple juice that possesses a good flavor may be given a score of 48 to 53 points. Canned apple juice that falls into this classification shall not be graded above U.S. Grade B, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule). "Good flavor" means that the canned apple juice has a normal flavor which may be slightly astringent or slightly affected by overripe apples, caramelization, or ground or musty flavors, but is free from objectionable flavors or objectionable odors of any kind, and in addition meets the following requirements: Brix. Not less than 10.5°. Acid. Not less than 0.20 g. nor more than 0.80 g., calculated as malic acid, per 100 ml. of juice. (c) (SStd) classification. Canned apple juice that fails to meet the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section may be given a score of 0 to 47 points and shall not be graded above Substandard, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule). [36 F.R. 2860, Feb. 11, 1971] EXPLANATIONS AND ANALYSES § 52.310 Explanation of terms. (a) "Brix" means the degrees Brix of canned apple juice when tested with a Brix hydrometer calibrated at 20 degrees C. (68 degrees F.). If canned apple juice is tested at a temperature other than 20 degrees C. (68 degrees F.) the applicable temperature correction shall be made to the reading of the scale as prescribed in "Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists." The degrees Brix of canned apple juice may be determined by any other method which gives equivalent results. (b) "Acid" means grams of acid (calculated as malic acid) per 100 ml. of juice in canned apple juice determined by titration with standard sodium hydroxide solution, using phenolphthalein as indicator or any other satisfactory indicator. LOT INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION § 52.311 Ascertaining the grade of a lot. The grade of a lot of the processed product covered by these standards is determined by the procedures set forth in the regulations governing inspection and certification of processed fruits and vegetables, processed products thereof, and certain other processed food products (§§ 52.1 to 52.87). [22 F. R. 3547, May 22, 1957] PRODUCT DESCRIPTION, STYLES, GRADES Product description. § 52.331 "Canned applesauce" is the product represented as defined in the standards of identity for canned applesauce (21 CFR 27.80) issued pursuant to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. [39 FR 22939, June 25, 1974] § 52.332 Color types. (a) Natural color. (1) Canned applesauce in which the color of the finished product is derived wholly from the apple ingredient. (2) When a spice or spices have been added, consideration is given to the color, if any, imparted by the added spice or spices. (b) Artificially colored. Canned applesauce in which the color of the finished product is derived from an artificial coloring substance as permitted in the Federal Food and Drug Definitions and Standards of Identity mentioned in § 52.331. § 52.333 Flavor types. (a) Natural flavor. Natural flavored canned applesauce is the product in which the flavor is derived from the apple ingredient and other permitted additives exclusive of flavorings or spices. (b) Flavored. Flavored canned applesauce is the product in which the flavor is derived substantially from an added flavoring ingredient, including artificial flavorings. (c) Spiced. Spiced canned applesauce is the product in which the flavor is derived substantially from an added spice(s). [35 FR 16906, Nov. 3, 1970, as amended at 39 FR 22940, June 25, 1974] |