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former, they will be duly on their guard against abusing the power with which God has invested them. If by the latter, they will, doubtless, willingly submit to those whom the same God, and none other than He, has placed over them, for the good of themselves, and for that of the whole community of which they form part.

Let us, brethren, consider, for a few moments, each of these positions in its turn. That an admission that all power emanates from God, on the part of those who are invested with power, provided such admission proceeds not from the lips only, but from the heart and understanding also;-that such an admission, I say, will be an effectual security against the abuse of power, will scarcely, I imagine, be denied by any one. The very idea, I should conceive, that such an one were about to make an improper and an unsuitable use of the weapon which God had committed to him for the noblest of purposes, would be sufficient to strike any one with awe, if he possessed but the feeling which is common to humanity. And if such an idea in reference to another would generate horror, what must its effect be in reference to one's self? To what responsibility should we not expose ourselves at the great day of accounts, when the most impartial judgment shall be passed on all, were we to consent to accept that power, (for few are compelled to accept it without their consent,) which, though it was intended for the good of mankind, we purpose to devote to their prejudice and annoyance? Undoubt


edly, if from levity and thoughtlessness, any one omit to impress the serious truth upon him, that whatever superiority he may possess over another, has been conferred upon him by God; such omission would be unaccompanied with the safeguard which we are now contemplating. But let the man in power once say within himself, "It is God who has given me this appointment, in order that I might become an humble instrument for the furtherance of his gracious designs," and the effect of this confession could be none other than such as I have described. The man who could make it with heartfelt sincerity and conviction, would devote all his influence and authority, whether these were much or little, to the benefit and happiness of his fellow creatures; by which means, either directly or indirectly, the goodness of God, conveyed to mankind through his instrumentality, would be received and acknowledged by all who in such a manner might be blessed with it.

And if such considerations as these be adapted to the condition of the man in authority, it cannot be unadvisable nor irrelevant to our subject to propose a question or two,-as to who the persons are to whom this condition can be said to belong. Is it, then, of kings and princes, and of their immediate ministers and agents, together with some others, such as magisterial and military leaders, to whom we allude when we speak of men in authority, or are various other denominations of men to be inIcluded in this distinctive class? Undoubtedly,

brethren, many besides the foregoing are to be regarded as belonging to this rank. In addition to those already mentioned, are to be enumerated all, whether high or low-rich or poor, who possess any authority whatever over their fellow creatures, either by public appointment or private influence. Not governors only, but "teachers, spiritual pastors, and masters." These are they who are to be regarded as persons in authority. Many, even of the present congregation, in their capacity of masters, and heads of families, with their children and servants under them, may and ought to apply to themselves the language which is recorded in the text as having been addressed by the Almighty to the king of Egypt. They are all raised above their inferiors to shew the power of God; and not by the abuse of their influence, and by their deeds of tyranny and iniquity, but by their discreet use of the former, and likewise by sobriety, justice, and honesty, to endeavour that his name and his Divine Majesty may be declared throughout all the earth.

Such, brethren, is the lesson, imperfect though it be, which duty urges me to impart to those here assembled, who are possessed of any portion, be it never so small, of that authority which we have been contemplating. But, if this be the lesson which is adapted to the case of rulers and masters, there is likewise a lesson equally adapted to dependants and inferiors. Here, however, I would premise what I am about to remark on this head, by stating that, though many of the present congrega

tion may be considered as possessing superiority and power, when their condition is compared with that of those who in some respect are beneath them, yet are we all of us in a state of dependence and inferiority, when compared with those who are invested with any superior magisterial or judicial appointment. There are many of this description which may be traced in a regular scale of ascent, from the lowest person in authority, until we arrive at the monarch seated on the throne. And if . the whole of these, as we have seen them to be, are responsible to the Supreme Sovereign of the universe for a due and religious display of that power with which they are invested,—if, moreover, the very power which they possess, if abused or applied to an improper purpose, might be the ground of a most awful condemnation hereafter; common fairness would assure us that all within the limits of their authority ought to manifest a due submission towards them, and to evince an indisposition to commit any act of rebellion, or improper annoyance, which might urge them on to an indiscreet use of their influence; to such a use of it as will incur so serious a responsibility hereafter. It must, brethren, be evident to all, that different grades in the scale of society are fully necessary for the wellbeing of every individual of which the community is composed. The analogy of nature and of art are amply necessary to corroborate this fact. The numberless stars which bedeck the canopy of heaven, are regulated in their movements by each other

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the influence of some of these is clearly superior to that of others, until we arrive at the highest point of power and perfection, and behold the supreme and eternal First Cause established on His place of exaltation, and directing the whole of these works of his creation by his own irresistible fiat. The same mutual dependence and succession may be observed in those smaller works of nature which adorn our terrestrial globe: and afterwards man, treading in the steps of his Maker, invents and perfects what he has invented, by keeping steadily in view the principle that nature has pointed out to him —a principle which implies gradation and succession, and a greater or less degree of power and influence.

Shall man, therefore, I would ask, comply with the whole of these well established laws, as far as it tends to the confirmation of his own superior authority, and yet refuse compliance with them, when they enforce his own inferiority and dependence? Were he to attempt to do so, his own experience assures him, that he would do so to his own certain prejudice and disadvantage. "Submit yourselves" (I would exhort you in the words of an apostle)" to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evil-doers, and for the praise of them that do well."a Recollect that God has made us what we are, and it is our duty, therefore, cheerfully to submit to those whose authority has

a 1 Peter, ii. 13, 14.

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