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TWO Houfbolds, both alike in Dignity,

In fair Verona, (where we lay our Scene)
From ancient Grudge break to new mutiny;
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes,
A pair of star-croft lovers take their life;
Whofe mif-adventur'd piteous Overthrows

Do, with their death, bury their Parent's ftrife.
The fearful paffage of their death-mark'd love,
And the continuance of their Parent's rage,
Which but their children's End nought could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffick of our stage:
The which if you with patient Ears attend,
What bere fball mifs, our Toil fhall ftrive to mend.

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ESCALUS, Prince of Verona.
Paris, Kinfman to the Prince.


Capulet, } Two Lords, Enemies to each other,

Romeo, Son to Montague.

Mercutio, Kinfman to the Prince, and Friend to Romeo Benvolio, Kinfman to Romeo.

Tybalt, Kinfman to Capulet.

Friar Lawrence.

Friar John.

Balthafar, Servant to Romeo.

Page to Paris.



} Servants to Capulet.

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Peter, Servant to the Nurse.

Lady Montague, Wife to Montague.

Lady Capulet, Wife to Capulet.

Juliet, Daughter to Capulet, in love with Romeo,
Nurfe to Juliet,


Citizens of Verona, feveral men and women relations to Capulet, Mafkers, Guards, Watch, and other Attendants. The SCENE, in the beginning of the fifth A&t, is in Mantua; during all the rest of the Play, in and near Verona,

Plot from a Novel of Ban. dello. Pope.

This novel is tranflated in Painters's Palace of Fleafure. Editions of this Play. 1.1597. John Danter.

2. 1599. Tho. Crede for Cuthbert Burby.

3. 1637. R. Young for John Smethwick.

4. No date. John Smethwick. I have only the folio.

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