Ber. I think, it be no other; but even fo The Graves food tenantlefs; and the fheeted Dead. 5 Upon whofe influence Neptune's Empire ftands, Enter Ghoft again. But foft, behold! lo, where it comes again! Thefe, and all other lines. printed in the Italick letter, throughout this play, are omitted in the folio edition of 1623. The omiffions leave the play fometimes better and fometimes worfe, and feem made only for the fake of abbreviation. 4 palmy State of Rome,] Palmy, for victorious; in the other editions, flourishin. POPE. 5 Disasters veil'd the Sun ;~] Difafters is here finely used in its original fignification of evil conjunction of ftars. WARB. 6 [Spreading his Arms. -precurfe of fierce events,] WARB. Fierce, for terrible. 7 And prologue to the omen coming on. But prologue and omen are merely fynonymous here. The Poet means, that these ftrange Phænomena are prologues and fore-runners of the events prefag'd: And fuch fenfe the flight alteration, which I have ventured to make, by changing omen to omen'd, very aptly gives. THEOBALD. WARB. Omen, for fate. If If thou haft any found, or use of voice, If there be any good thing to be done, If thou art privy to thy Country's fate, Or, if thou haft uphoarded in thy life For which, they fay, you Spirits oft walk in death, [Cock crows Speak of it. Stay, and fpeak-Stop it, MarcellusMar. Shall I ftrike it with my partizan ? Hor. Do, if it will not ftand. Ber. 'Tis here Hor. 'Tis here Mar. 'Tis gone. We do it wrong, being so majestical, And our vain blows, malicious mockery. [Exit Ghoft, Ber. It was about to speak when the cock crew. *Th' extravagant and erring Spirit hies To his Confine: And of the truth' herein This prefent object made probation. Mer. It faded on the crowing of the cock. Some fay, that ever 'gainst that season comes Wherein our Saviour's birth is celebrated, The bird of Dawning fingeth all night long: And then, they fay, no Spirit can walk abroad, The nights are whole come, then no planets strike, * No fairy takes, no witch hath power to charm So hallow'd and fo gracious is the time. 2 Hor. So have I heard, and do in part believe it. But look, the morn, in ruffet mantle clad, Walks o'er the dew of yon + high eastern hill. Break we our watch up; and, by my advice, Let us impart what we have seen to night Unto young Hamlet; for, upon my life, This Spirit, dumb to us, will fpeak to him: Do you confent, we shall acquaint him with it, As needful in our loves, fitting our duty? Mar. Let's do't, I pray; and I this morning know Where we fhall find him moft conveniently. [Exeunt. SCENE II. Changes to the palace. Enter Claudius King of Denmark, Gertrude the Queen, Hamlet, Polonius, Laertes, Voltimand, Cornelius, Lords and Attendants. King. Hough yet of Hamlet our dear brother's THO death The memory be green, and that it us befitted Yet fo far hath Difcretion fought with Nature, Nor have we herein barr'd 5. Colleagued with this dream of his advantage,] The meaning is, He goes to war fo indifcreetly, and unprepared, that he has no allies to fupport him but a Dream, with which he is colleagued or confederated. WARBURTON. Importing Importing the furrender of thofe Lands Loft by his father, by all bands of law, To our most valiant brother. So much for him. Farewel, and let you hafte commend your duty. And lofe your voice. What would't thou beg, That shall not be my offer, not thy asking? Laer. My |