“The” Plays Of William Shakespeare, Volumul 3C. Bathurst, 1778 |
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Pagina 93
... husband . So Milton : 66 -led the vine " To wed her elm : fhe fpous'd , about him twines " Her marriageable arms- " Ulmo conjuncta marito . ” " Platanufque cælebs " " Catull . " Evincet almos . Hor . STEEVENS . 5 - fweet favours , ] The ...
... husband . So Milton : 66 -led the vine " To wed her elm : fhe fpous'd , about him twines " Her marriageable arms- " Ulmo conjuncta marito . ” " Platanufque cælebs " " Catull . " Evincet almos . Hor . STEEVENS . 5 - fweet favours , ] The ...
Pagina 141
... husband : -O me , the word chufe ! I may neither chufe whom I would , nor refuse whom I dif- like ; fo is the will of a living daughter curb'd by the will of a dead father : -Is it not hard , Neriffa , that I cannot chufe one , nor ...
... husband : -O me , the word chufe ! I may neither chufe whom I would , nor refuse whom I dif- like ; fo is the will of a living daughter curb'd by the will of a dead father : -Is it not hard , Neriffa , that I cannot chufe one , nor ...
Pagina 143
... husbands : If he would defpife me , I would forgive him ; for if he love me to madness , I fhall never requite him . Ner . What fay you then to Faulconbridge , the young baron of England ? Por . You know , I fay nothing to him ; for he ...
... husbands : If he would defpife me , I would forgive him ; for if he love me to madness , I fhall never requite him . Ner . What fay you then to Faulconbridge , the young baron of England ? Por . You know , I fay nothing to him ; for he ...
Pagina 184
... husband : But ; i , e . falutations . So , in another of Shake 2 - regreets ; ] i , fpeare's plays : 66 Unyoke this feizure , and this kind regrect . " STEEVENS 3 - knapt ginger ; ] To knap is to break fhort . The word occurs in the ...
... husband : But ; i , e . falutations . So , in another of Shake 2 - regreets ; ] i , fpeare's plays : 66 Unyoke this feizure , and this kind regrect . " STEEVENS 3 - knapt ginger ; ] To knap is to break fhort . The word occurs in the ...
Pagina 204
... husband , I know , you would be prouder of the work , Than cuftomary bounty can enforce you . Por . I never did repent for doing good , Nor fhall not now : for in companions That do converfe and waste the time together , Whofe fouls do ...
... husband , I know , you would be prouder of the work , Than cuftomary bounty can enforce you . Por . I never did repent for doing good , Nor fhall not now : for in companions That do converfe and waste the time together , Whofe fouls do ...
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
The Plays of William Shakspeare ... William Shakespeare,Samuel Johnson,George Steevens Vizualizare completă - 1785 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Anfaldo anfwer Anth Anthonio Baff Baffanio becauſe Bianca Bion called defire Demetrius doth ducats Duke elfe Enter Exeunt Exit expreffion eyes Faery Queen faid fair fairy fame father fatire feems fenfe Feran feven fhall fhew fhould fignifies fince firft firſt fleep fome fool foul fpeak fpirit ftand fuch fuppofe fure fwear fweet Giannetto gleek Grumio hath Hermia himſelf Hortenfio houfe houſe huſband JOHNSON Kate Kath lady Laun lord Lucentio Lyfander mafter marry moft mufick muft muſt myſelf never night obferved Orla Orlando Padua paffage paffion Petruchio play pleaſe poet pray prefent Puck Pyramus quarto Queen reafon reft Rofalind Shakeſpeare ſhall Shylock ſpeak STEEVENS tell thee thefe THEOBALD theſe thoſe thou thouſand tranflation Tranio ufed unto uſed WARBURTON whofe wife word