“The” Plays Of William Shakespeare, Volumul 3C. Bathurst, 1778 |
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Pagina 7
... fince been obferved , that Mr. Pope did propofe earlier . We might read , earthly happier . STEEVENS . 3 to whofe unwifh'd yoke ] Thus the modern editors ; the particle to is wanting in the old copies . STEEVENS . B 4 The . The . Take ...
... fince been obferved , that Mr. Pope did propofe earlier . We might read , earthly happier . STEEVENS . 3 to whofe unwifh'd yoke ] Thus the modern editors ; the particle to is wanting in the old copies . STEEVENS . B 4 The . The . Take ...
Pagina 14
... fince Hermia , whom the confiders as poffeffing it in the fupreme degree , has found no other effect of it than the lofs of happiness . JOHNSON . Her Her filver vifage in the watry glass , Decking with 14 MIDSUMMER - NIGHT's DREAM .
... fince Hermia , whom the confiders as poffeffing it in the fupreme degree , has found no other effect of it than the lofs of happiness . JOHNSON . Her Her filver vifage in the watry glass , Decking with 14 MIDSUMMER - NIGHT's DREAM .
Pagina 20
... fince been brought upon the stage . Some of the catastrophes of the old comedies , which make lovers marry the wrong women , are , by recollection of the common ufe of masks , brought nearer to probability . JOHNSON . Prynne , in his ...
... fince been brought upon the stage . Some of the catastrophes of the old comedies , which make lovers marry the wrong women , are , by recollection of the common ufe of masks , brought nearer to probability . JOHNSON . Prynne , in his ...
Pagina 32
... fince the middle fummer's fpring + , 2 Met Didft thou not lead him through the glimmering night ] We fhould read Didft thou not lead him glimmering through the night . The meaning is , She conducted him in the appearance of fire through ...
... fince the middle fummer's fpring + , 2 Met Didft thou not lead him through the glimmering night ] We fhould read Didft thou not lead him glimmering through the night . The meaning is , She conducted him in the appearance of fire through ...
Pagina 33
... fince the quarrel first began . That For it WARBURTON . By the middle fummer's Spring , our author feems to mean the beginning of middle or mid fummer . Spring for beginning he uses again : 2d . P. Hen . IV : " As flaws congealed in the ...
... fince the quarrel first began . That For it WARBURTON . By the middle fummer's Spring , our author feems to mean the beginning of middle or mid fummer . Spring for beginning he uses again : 2d . P. Hen . IV : " As flaws congealed in the ...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare ... William Shakespeare,Samuel Johnson,George Steevens Vizualizare completă - 1785 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Anfaldo anfwer Anth Anthonio Baff Baffanio becauſe Bianca Bion called defire Demetrius doth ducats Duke elfe Enter Exeunt Exit expreffion eyes Faery Queen faid fair fairy fame father fatire feems fenfe Feran feven fhall fhew fhould fignifies fince firft firſt fleep fome fool foul fpeak fpirit ftand fuch fuppofe fure fwear fweet Giannetto gleek Grumio hath Hermia himſelf Hortenfio houfe houſe huſband JOHNSON Kate Kath lady Laun lord Lucentio Lyfander mafter marry moft mufick muft muſt myſelf never night obferved Orla Orlando Padua paffage paffion Petruchio play pleaſe poet pray prefent Puck Pyramus quarto Queen reafon reft Rofalind Shakeſpeare ſhall Shylock ſpeak STEEVENS tell thee thefe THEOBALD theſe thoſe thou thouſand tranflation Tranio ufed unto uſed WARBURTON whofe wife word