“The” Plays Of William Shakespeare, Volumul 3C. Bathurst, 1778 |
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Pagina 418
... Kath . I pray you , fir , is it your will To make a ftale of me amongst these mates ? Hor . Mates , maid ! how mean you that ? no mates . for you , Unless you were of gentler , milder mould . Kath . I'faith , fir , you fhall never need ...
... Kath . I pray you , fir , is it your will To make a ftale of me amongst these mates ? Hor . Mates , maid ! how mean you that ? no mates . for you , Unless you were of gentler , milder mould . Kath . I'faith , fir , you fhall never need ...
Pagina 419
... Kath . A pretty peat ?! ' tis beft : Put finger in the eye , -an fhe knew why . Bian . Sifter , content you in my discontent.- Sir , to your pleasure humbly I fubfcribe : My books , and inftruments , fhall be my company ; On them to ...
... Kath . A pretty peat ?! ' tis beft : Put finger in the eye , -an fhe knew why . Bian . Sifter , content you in my discontent.- Sir , to your pleasure humbly I fubfcribe : My books , and inftruments , fhall be my company ; On them to ...
Pagina 420
... Kath . Why , and , I truft , I may go too , May I not ? What , fhall I be appointed hours ; as though , belike , I knew not what to take , and what to leave ? Ha ! [ Exit . Gre . You may go to the devil's dam ; your gifts are fo good ...
... Kath . Why , and , I truft , I may go too , May I not ? What , fhall I be appointed hours ; as though , belike , I knew not what to take , and what to leave ? Ha ! [ Exit . Gre . You may go to the devil's dam ; your gifts are fo good ...
Pagina 439
... Kath . Of all thy fuitors , here I charge thee , tell Whom thou lov'ft beft : fee thou diffemble not . Bian . Believe me , fifter , of all the men alive , I never yet beheld that fpecial face Which I could fancy more than any other . Kath ...
... Kath . Of all thy fuitors , here I charge thee , tell Whom thou lov'ft beft : fee thou diffemble not . Bian . Believe me , fifter , of all the men alive , I never yet beheld that fpecial face Which I could fancy more than any other . Kath ...
Pagina 440
... Kath . Bap . Was ever gentleman thus griev'd as I ? But who comes here ? Enter Gremio , Lucentio in the habit of a mean man ; Pe- truchio with Hortenfio , like a musician ; Tranio , and Biondello bearing a lute and books . Gre . Good ...
... Kath . Bap . Was ever gentleman thus griev'd as I ? But who comes here ? Enter Gremio , Lucentio in the habit of a mean man ; Pe- truchio with Hortenfio , like a musician ; Tranio , and Biondello bearing a lute and books . Gre . Good ...
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
The Plays of William Shakspeare ... William Shakespeare,Samuel Johnson,George Steevens Vizualizare completă - 1785 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Anfaldo anfwer Anth Anthonio Baff Baffanio becauſe Bianca Bion called defire Demetrius doth ducats Duke elfe Enter Exeunt Exit expreffion eyes Faery Queen faid fair fairy fame father fatire feems fenfe Feran feven fhall fhew fhould fignifies fince firft firſt fleep fome fool foul fpeak fpirit ftand fuch fuppofe fure fwear fweet Giannetto gleek Grumio hath Hermia himſelf Hortenfio houfe houſe huſband JOHNSON Kate Kath lady Laun lord Lucentio Lyfander mafter marry moft mufick muft muſt myſelf never night obferved Orla Orlando Padua paffage paffion Petruchio play pleaſe poet pray prefent Puck Pyramus quarto Queen reafon reft Rofalind Shakeſpeare ſhall Shylock ſpeak STEEVENS tell thee thefe THEOBALD theſe thoſe thou thouſand tranflation Tranio ufed unto uſed WARBURTON whofe wife word