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ñ used in the history of the University, which have been lately published in book form, have appeared in our periodical. We have promptly defended the insti. tution whenever it has been unjustly assailed. These efforts have been made on the honest conviction that the University is doing a great work for the State. We shall endeavor to so bring its advan'ages to the attention of many of the young people that more of them will be enrolled in its classes.

In this number of the JOURNAL will be found the programmes of the educa. tional meetings for the holidays. As will be seen, all of them present interesting topics for discussion. Without doubt, the attendance upon all the exercises will be large. We hope to see many of the superintendents, the out-going as well as the incoming ones, in attendance at their convention. It is quite prob. able that an effort will be made to have all the proceedings of this body trans. acted upon either Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon, so as to leave one afternoon free to the convention of the principals.

THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT has appointed a special examination for State Teachers' Certificales, to be held at Madison, the first and second days of next month. This time is selected to accommodate both the examiners and the applicants, most of whom will attend the educational meetings of the holidays, and will close their work in connection with these bodies the day before the examination. Besides, nearly all of them are engaged in teaching, and can then be absent from their schools with less inconvenience than at any other time this winter.

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THE NORMAL QUESTION BOOK. — Last summer this work was issued by its author, J. E. Sherrill, who edits the “Normal Teacher,” published at Danville, Indiana. At the time, we were favored with a copy of it for examination, but our other duties have prevented until now, the preparation of a careful notice of its merits. The book contaios 404 pages, and is sold for $1.50.

" The chief purpose of the work,” as stated by the author, is that of preparing teachers for examination, by affording them a hand-book, in the use of which they will be directed in the review of the branches in a natural and normal manner. The questions are so arranged as to bring out the vital and dif. ficult points of each subject, and the answers are selected from various excellent and late authorities, with the name, page, and paragraph of the book from which the answer is taken, given in connection with it.” First, the questions, and secondly, the answers, are given on all the common English branches, together with United States History, Physical Geography, and Civil Government.

After a review of the work, we are satisfied that the purpose of the author has been exceedingly well accomplished. But it seems to us that the book can be

made the most useful in the hands of teachers in giving instruction to their classes, as it supplies a model for the development of each subject, and a large amount of suggestive information in the studies taught in the public schools. Very many of the best points found in our text-books, are culled and here presented in a well arranged manner.

The work has an appendix, in which are embraced many practical hints on the rules to be observed at examinations, on the preparation of manuscripts, on programmes for recitations and studies in a common school, on theory and practice of teaching, on map drawing, on percentage in arithmetic, and on parsing in grammar.


PROF. J. M. GEENY, of Ripon College, is a member of the Fond du Lac County Board.

IN PIERCE COUNTY fifty nine districts purchas 3 books directly from the publishers, 40 sell to pupils, und 19 loan them.

An exchange says there are sixty-four counties in the State. In fact there are only sixtythree: and one of those, New, has not yet any county organization.

THERE are 6,517 children of school age in Pierce county, of which number 2,081 bave not been in school during the past year. In short, 4 out of 13 have not attended.

SUPERINTENDENT Some3s' October report shows that the total enrollment in the Mil. wankee Pablic Schools this year, was 13,320, or 916 more than for the same month of last year.

THE SCHOOL FUND of the State was increased last year, by the sale of lands, $5,423.61; the Normal School fund, $9,098 06; the Univereity fund, $161.21; and the Agricultural College fund, $6,049.83.

THERE are now 850 teachers in the Chicago public schools to 46.160 scholars (according to the report for October). The high schools en. rolled 1,393; tbe grammar schools, 35,486; the primary schools, 9,290.

THE TEKMS of service of the teachers in the Milwaukee echools are as below: Less than one year, 13; one year, 38; two yeare, 40; three years, 21; five years, 26; six years, 27; seven years, 11; eight years, 14; nine years, 4; ten years, 4; more than ten years, 21.

TUE INCOME by tuition fees in the Normal schools of this state, last year, was as follows: Platteville, $3,010.21; Whitewater, $3,663 63; Oshkosh, $1,552.47; and River Falls, $2,813.81. Total, $13,070.12. The interest on the Normal school fund loaned was $68,097.92.

PROF. B. M. REYNOLDS, of No thfield, Minn., was attacked last month with a severe fit of sickness, and was compelled to be absentirom his school for nearly two weeks. He writes: “The schools are moving on very pleasantly with me, and if my health returne, I shall enjoy myeelf in them.”

MRS. EMERSON, the wife of Prof. Joseph Emerson, of Beloit College, died Nov. 13:h, from the effects of a difficult surcical operation in taking a tumor from he body. She was a woman of most excellant traits of character, highly es'cemed by her acquaintances, and her death is severely telt.

IN THE publication of the Annual Report of the State Superintendent, the special reports received from the county and city superintendente, ale placed first in the hands of the state printer. A portion of these have a ready been set iu type, and it is hoped that the whole Report will be issued in January.

THE Juneau County Argus, published at New Lisbon, says:

Our village schools are prospering, and while teachers are earnest and energetic in the daties devolving upon them, their labors are rendered pleasant and agreeable by the obedient and studious etiorts of the scholars in the several departments. The attendance is larger than ever bsfore, with a prospect of an increase ia nombers during the comiug wiuter.

SOME committees of the Normal School Board are now making iheir usual visits to the everal Normal Schools of the State. This Board has provided the most efficient system existing in the State for the examination and supervision of its schools. Five different committees visit these schools at different times during the year, and report to the Board the results of their laborg. These committees are as follows: On Employment of Teachers, on Supplies, on Visitation, on Examination of Senior Classcs, and on General Supervision.

THE Inter Ocean says, “Of the four lady candidates for the office of County School Superintendent, in the recent Wisconsin electiode, only one was elected, and she defeated another woman."

No item in this statement is correct. Thero were eight lady candidates for this office, four of these were elected, and no one defeated an. o'her woman.

THE INCOME of the State University last year was $82,950.26. Of this sum, $16,199.29 were realized from the Agricultural College lund; $1,710.00 from the sale of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home; $1,811.58, from studento' fees; $913.57, from miscellaneous source:; $15,015.52, from the University fund; and $11,310 30 from the tax of one-tenth ol a mill per dollar on the assessed property of the State.

SUPT. MAHONEY, of Kenosha county, in eome remarks before an dogociation of teach. ers in his county, last month, said that there are from ten to eleven hundred children of school age in the county who do not attend school. He asked the teachers to observe how many children there are in their districts, who do not attend school, and to report the same to him.:

SEVERAL CONTIES in the State have made arrang ments for the regular meeting of their teachers, in associations, once in two weeks, for the discussion of educational topics. We trust to see work done in this direction, the comicg winter, in more counties than ever be fore. It should be a care to each county superintendent to organize such associatione as soon as practicable, and to maintain them by his special exertions.

THE Platieville Normal School suspended operations the 18th oi last month, for two weeks, in consequence of the sickness and death of younger pupil from diphtheria. None of the students in the Grammar and Normal departments have been attacked by this disease. It seems to be prevailing in several localities in the southwestern part of the State. Tae school will be in session during the holidays, the usual time for the vacation at the close of the Fall Term.

THE REFORM SCHOOL for Boys at Waukesha, Wis., enrolls more than 400 boys of from 8 to 21 years of age. There is a large farm con. nected with the school; also a chair factory and shoe-shop; the inma'es of the institution divide their time between attending school and manual labor. Of course the earnings of the school do not cover all the annual expenses, thair being a deficit every year of some $40,000 to be met out of the State appropr'ations.

PROF. A. F. Noeti is in temporary charge of Caroll College. He is assisted by Miss Kittie North, the Principal of the Grammar Department, by Miss Lois Parke, teacher of Latin, and by Dr. Hugo Philler, instructor of German. Under this corps of teachers, the institution will continue the excellent work which it has accomplished under Prof. W. L. Rankin, the former principal.

SEVERAL, LOCAL PAPERS in the State have lutely opened their columps to educatiobal items, and placed these columns in charge of principals of graded or high schools, and county superintendenis. Iu this way the people become betier informed of the condition of the schools in their own midst, and learn of the educational movements in other portions of the State. These papers add tbus to their own popularity and usefulness.

THE PEWAUKEE VILLAGE SCHOOL is a'ready fullto overflowing. Another room and another teacher are imperatively demanded. Yet the boar I notwithstanding that the people at the regular annual meeting unanimously in. structed them to provide sach accomodation, furnished ample funds to build a new school huusa, and voted money to pay an additional teacher, persistently deprive the children of their dearest righte, endanger their health by overcrowding the rooms, and thwart the will of the whole community.

PROF. 0. W. MOSHER, the principal of the graded school at New Richmond, St Croix county, writes thus: “Since we have occopied the new building, we bave organized one more department, and we now have four schools in. stead of three. The whole school, I think, is in a first-rate condition; and there are in the bigbeot department, at present, ten non-resi. dent pupils - - a fine addition to the school; we are wishing to get this depariment into the line of High School work."

One of the most enjoyable receptions given to ex-President Giant during his stay in Chi. cago, was the one in the Exposition Building on Monday afternoon Nov. 17, by the school children. Not less than 50,000 of these, of all ages, from the wee members of the primary department to :he blushing maidens and stalwart young men of the Central High School, paid their respects to the hero of the Appomattox. In his address on this occasion, Gen. Grant gave utterance to the following words:

" It is the condition of our future success to secure general education. With education un versal, there need be no apprehension of danger to our country in the future. Without education I should despair of the fature of the republic."

THE TEACHERS of the public schools in New Holstein and adjoining towns in Calumet county, organized an association on tne 15th of last month. Wm. B. Minagbin, the county superintendent elect, was chosen temporary chairman. A constitution and by-laws were adopted. At this meeting, the question was discussed: “Is corporal punishment neces. sary to school government?" The Chilton Times says: “The new society is destined to do incalculable good by promoting the interest of the great cause in which its members are actively engaged."

THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT has appointed the following visiting committees to the State Normal Schools for this year:

Platteville - Rev. E. D. Huntley, Appleton; Prof. R. B. Anderson, Madison; Supt. W. A. Jores, Mineral Point.

Whitewater - Prof. T. C. Chamberlin, Be. loit; Prof. M. T. Park, Elkhorn; Sapt. C. W. Rohy, La (rosse.

Oshkosh - Prof. H.C. How'and, Eau Claire; Prof. Geo. M. Guernsey, Platteville; Supt. John T. Flavin, Watertown.

River Falls -- Prof. J. Q. Emery, Fort Atkipson; Prof. A F. North, Pewaakee; Sapt. John S. Dore, Neillsville.

PROF. A. O. WRIGHT, the Principal of the Fox Lake Seminary, announces that he will deliver this winter the following conree of lectures on the philosophy of history:

I. The Causes of History; II. The Beginpings of History; II. The Fur Eyst — the Patriarchal Type of Society; IV. India - the Sacerdotal Type of Society; V. The Orientthe Despotic Type o. Society. VI. The Colmination and Declice of the Orient; VII. The Occident - the Arietncratic Type of Society; VIII. Greece - the Teacher of Culture; IX. Rome -- the Teacher of Law; X. Medieval Europe -- the Winter Time of Christei dom; XI. Moderu Enrope - ibe Summer Time of Christendom; XII. The Democratic Type of Society.

PROF. T. C. CHAMBERLIN, the State Geologist, has the third voluine of the State Geolog ical Survey nearly ready for distribu. tion. It is of the same size as the second volume, issued two years since, and contains about 800 pages. Accompanying it are four. teen new maps, which will be added to the atlas published with the second volume. It treats principally of the copper range in the northwestern part of the state, and the iron range in the northeastern part. It devotes considerable space to microscopic investigitions of specimens taken from these radges and others in the Lake 8 perior region. Economic geology occupies a portion of the work. It will be distributed in the same manner as was the other volume.

SUPT. HOWITT, of Waukesha, publishes in the Freeman of that place, his annual report of the condition of the schools under his charge

for the past school year. This report was made to the county board, and presents full statistics on the points considered. On the subject of school-houses he says:

“Waukesha being an old county, comparatively speaking, the majority of the schoolhon ses are in excellert condition and well furnished; but there is a number of school building, which ought to be replaced by new buildings and well furnished. I would call opon the school directors, parents, teachers, and all concerned, to look well to the danger which may easily arise, from ill ventilated, poor school-houses, and impur water. Do not have your children poisoned with foul water, impure air, etc., and charge their wickpess and death to the mysterious dealings of an inscrutable Providence.

THE EDITOR of the Eransville Review, an old teacher, publishes the following in his paper :

* How many of the teachers in this county Are subscribers for an Educational Journal? Every one ought to be. A physician who tries hs best to alleviate euffering in the most ucce:siul manner, takes two or three or more Medical Journals. A Mechanic that keeps pace with his trade mustatody new inventions and new plans, and to do this he mu-t be a subscriber to, and reader of, works on mechanics. But teachers have an idea that there is no improvement in the methods of i imparting Instruction;

that there are no new ideas wirih studying, and the consequence is seen in the almost alessness of onehalf of our common schoole. Teachers complain of low wages. The remedy is in their own hadds. Make yonrself woriby of better Wages, and the position in wbich to obtain them is ready for you. Among Teacher's Journals ranks among the best, The Wisconsin Journal of Education, published by the Siato Superintendent and his Assistant."

TAE FOLLOWING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS were re-elected this fall : Jesse M. Higbee, Adams County; H. J. White, Barron; Mies Minnie H. Kelleher, Brown; J. C. Rathbun, Buffalo; John G. Fleming, Burnott; Joho. S. Dore, Clark; M. S. Frawley, Dane, 2d District; John T. Flaviu, Dodge; Mise Agnes Hosford, Eau Claire; Ed. McLoughlin, Fond du Lac; Chas. L. Harper, Grant; A, W. Mi.lard, Green Lake; Wm. A. Jones, Iowa; T. P. Marsh, Jackson; D. A. Mahoney, Kenosha; C. S. Stockwell, La Crosse; C. G. Thomas, La Fayette; Thomas Green, Mardthon; L. W. Winslow, Marinette: Rich. G. O'Connor, Marquette; J. H. Rounds, Pepin; D. D. Parsons, Richland; John W. West, Rock, 1st District; Miss Betsey M. Clapp, St. Croix; Jas. T. Lonn, Sauk; Wm. Summers, Shawano; B. R. Grogan, Sheboygın; John Howitt, Wankesha; L. L. Wright, Waupaca; Jae. H. Tobin, Waushara.

SEVERAL NEW COUNTY Superintendents were elected this fall as follows: E. C. Smith, Ashland couaty; W. B. Minaghan, Calumet; C. D. Tillinghast, Chippewa; Henry Neill, Co.

lumbia ; Jas. H. McDonald, Crawford ; C. E. Buell, Dine, 1st district; Chris. Daniels, Door; Irvin W. Gates, Douglas; Miss Florence Tickner, Dunn; D. H. Morgan, Green; C. L. Hubbs, Jefferson; W. G. Spence, Juneau: W. H. Timlan, Kewaunee; C. F. Willard, Manitowoc; George H. Fowler, Milwaukee, 2d district; A. F. Brandt, Monroe; A. Allen, Oconto; John Leith, Outagamie; W. F. Scutt, of Ozaukee'; J. T. McCleary, Pierce; Henry B. Dike, Polk; A. P. Een, Poriage; Chay. A. Morse, Recine; Wm. Jones, Rock, 1st district; John Anderson, Taylor; Stephen Richmond, Trempea!eau; Wm. Houghton, Vernon; Wm. R. Taylor, Walworth ; J98. Pinni. gan, Washington; W. W. Kimball, Winnebago; P. E. Nxsh, Wood.

PROF. W. L. RANKIN, the principal Cai roll College, at Waukesha, the last thirteen years, has assumed the position as a teacher in the Lake Forest Seminary, near Chicago. On resigning the charge of the college, the last of October, be published an address to the people of Waukesha, in which occur the following paragraphs:

“I do most emphatically declare that I co not regret the years spent in Carioll College. They have been full of a rich and happy expe

rience. What I have gained and
would not exchange for the perquisi
fullest oflice in the land, where I (
have a clear puscience and congenial
ment. "With

n this period of twel ve u
years, a debt of three thonsand dol
been cleared off, the current expcr8.
been provided for, the furniture and
ment have been eslarged, repairs au
provements have been kept up, and a ca)
Learly equal to the original debt has
accumulated. Referring to the last an
report of the State Soperintendent of P
Instruction, which lies before me, I find
the receipts from tuition in Carroll Collos
during that year were more than half of those
in Beloit or Milton College, or lawrence Uni-
versity, with all their departments, and about
Dine-tenths of the receipis oi Ripin College;
and here I may say that I have been peculiarly
fortunate in the collection of tuition of my
patrons. My rule has been not to ask one
cent in advance, to do the work first and then
present the bill. Less than 2 per cent. of all
the bills for tuition made out during my thir.
teen years in Carroll College, remain unpaid."

THIS YEAR $933.45 were expended by the State to aid the children under fourteen years of age, who formerly belonged to the Soldiers' Orphans' Home. Each child received $5.00 per month. At present there are only seven such beneficiaries. By the terms of the law the State aid for this object ceases at the end of this year.

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If Bill is sent, $1.10; af:er 6 months, $1.25; at end of year, $1.50. The JOURNAL OF EDUCATION will continue to be issued by the present editors and publishers, as heretofore. Thanking our subscribers for their patronage; our contributors for their interest and their articles, and the county superintend. ents, end many others, for their efforts in extending the circulation of the JOUR. NAL, the publishers will still endeavor to make it useful to the teachers and the educational interests of the State. Address,


A complete record of the Journey of General U.S. GRANT, throagu England, Ireland, Scotland, Franco, Spain, Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium, Swi'zerland, Russa, Egypt, India, China and Japan, with a graphic description Used in Normal Schools, Public Schools, and of the places visited, manners and customs of Normal Institutes in the Northwest". the countries, interesting incidents, enthusi

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copy, bookivor with crayon copies. Address FORSHEE & McMAKIN,

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