9. In writing a report upon a copper deposit (prospect) near Lake Nipigon, what would you consider the most important points to look into in a case where the deposit seems to have merit as a probable producer? 10. Give an account of the chief accidents and health destroyers of coal and metal mining, and any restoratives you may know. 11. Describe clearly the uses of the cylindrical conical, and Whiting hoists. For what conditions are they suited, and how do they attempt to balance or steady the load on the engines? FACULTY OF PRACTICAL SCIENCE. METALLURGY I. 1. What is Metallurgy? Define and explain the following terms, using the combustion of C to CO2, which gives 8100 small calories, as an example:-chemical energy, thermal equation, thermo chemistry, heat of formation, calorific power, endothermic reaction. 2. What is calorific intensity? Calculate the temperature of the hottest part of the oxo-hydrogen blow-pipe flame. given that the heat of combustion of 1 cu. meter of H, 2613 large cal. and that the mean specific heat of H2O (vapor)=.34 + .00015 t. What are the reasons that this theoretical temperature is not obtained in practice? 3. Describe the operation of making coke in a modern by-product coke oven such as the Otto-Hoffman, and compare with the beehive oven. 4. Discuss the advantage of using steam in the manufacture of producer gas, and explain how the Monde and Dellwick-Fleischer producers are operated to make richer gas than the ordinary producer will give. 5. Describe briefly the manufacture of pig iron in the blast furnace, and show why pig iron is almost always the first product made from the ores. 6. Give a classification of the various grades of pig iron produced, with approximate composition. How are the physical properties of the cast iron affected by Si, Mn, S, and P? 7. Discuss the classification of irons into iron, steel, and pig. Define malleable cast iron, chill cast iron, Bessemer pig, soft steel, spring steel, and wrought iron. 8. Trace the effect of C on steel from .1 to 1.5%. Describe the operations of hardening, annealing, and tempering tool steel. How may the effect of this heat treatment be explained? FACULTY OF PRACTICAL SCIENCE. METALLURGY II. 1. Describe, discuss, and compare the decantation, filter press and vacuum filter methods of cyaniding slimes. 2. Describe the methods of precipitating gold from cyanide solutions by zinc shavings and zinc dust. 3. Given the following ores to be smelted directly in the proportions of one of the former to one of the latter in a furnace working under such conditions that 80% of the S is volatilized : What grade of matte can be produced? How much fiux will be required for a 3000 lb. charge of ore? What will be the approximate charge of coke? How should the matte produced in this operation be finished to make marketable copper? If there was gold and silver present in the original ore, when would it be recovered? 4. Discuss the reactions that take place in the iron blast furnace, showing diagrametically the changes in chemical composition that take place as the charge descends through the furnace. What are the chief factors in the charging and operation of the furnace that affect the grade of iron produced? 5. What is the approximate chemical composition of pig iron required for the following operations: (a) Making chill castings; (b) Making malleable cast iron; (c) The puddling process; (d) The acid Bessemer converter; (e) The basic Bessemer or Thomas converter; 6. Trace the effect of carbon on iron from .1% to 4%. Mention some practical uses of steel containing .1%, .5%, .8%, and 1.5% of carbon, and state how these steels are affected by the operations of hardening, annealing, and tempering. |