MATRICULATION LATIN. SECTION A. 1. Translate into English : Dum in his locis Caesar navium parandarum causa moratur, ex magna parte Morinorum ad eum legati venerant, qui se de superioris temporis consilio excusarent, quod homines barbari et nostrae consuetudinis imperiti bellum populo Romano fecissent, seque ea, quae imperasset, facturos pollicerentur. Hoc sibi Caesar satis opportune accidisse arbitratus, quod neque post tergum hostem relinquere volebat neque belli gerendi propter anni tempus facultatem habebat neque has tantularum rerum occupationes Britanniae anteponendas judicabet, magnnm iis numerum obsidum imperat. Caesar B.G. IV. 22. 2. Account for the mood of, excusarent, fecissent, imperasset. 3. Translate into Latin: (a) That year Caesar orders as many ships as possible to be built. (b) Labienus warned the soldiers to remain in the camp for three hours. (c) Caesar said that he feared the cavalry would not reach the island on account of the storm. (d) When Caesar was setting out for Britain he determined to leave Labienas in Gaul to guard the harbours. (e) The river was so deep that they could not cross. SECTION B. 1. Translate into English: Constitit, atque oculis Phrygia agmina circumspexit 'Heu, quae nunc tellus,' inquit, 'quae me aequora possunt Accipere? aut quid iam misero mihi denique restat, cui neque apud Danaos usquam locus, et super ipsi Dardanidae infensi poenas cnm sanguine poscunt? Quo gemitu conversi animi, compressus et omnis impetus. Hortamur fari; quo sanguine cretus, quidve ferat, memoret, quae sit fiducia capto. Ille haec, deposita tandem formidine fatur. -Aen. II. 67-76. 2. (a) Give the 3rd plur. present indicative active of-do, jubeo, dico, ferio. (b) Give the 2nd sing. future indicative passive of :-do, jubeo, duco, audio. (c) Give the Genitive Plural of :-dea, deus, exercitus, corpus, dies. (d) Scan line 73 in the selection above. 3. Translate into English: Galli, re cognita per exploratores, obsidionem relinquunt, ad Caesarem omnibus copiis contendunt. Haec erant armata circiter milia LX. Cicero data facultate Gallum ab eodem Verticone, quem supra demonstravimus, repetit, qui litteras ad Caesaram deferat; hunc admonet, iter caute diligenterque faciat; perscribit in litteris, hostes ab se discessisse omnemque ad eum multitudinem convertisse. Quibus litteris circiter media nocte Caesar adlatis suos facit certiores eosque ad dimicandum animo confirmat. Caesar B.G. V. 49. JUNIOR LATIN. A pass is required in each section. 1. (a) Translate into English: Vadunt igitur in proelium urgentes signiferos, et, ne mora in concursu pilis emittendis stringendisque inde gladiis esset, pila velut dato ad id signo abiiciunt, strictisque gladiis cursu in hostem feruntur. nihil illic imperatoriae artis ordinibus aut subsidiis locandis fuit; omnia ira militaris prope vesano impetu egit. itaque non fusi modo hostes sunt, sed ne castris quidem suis fugam impedire ausi Apuliam dissipati petiere; Luceriam tamen coacto rursus in unum agmine est perventum. Romanos ira eadem, quae per mediam aciem hostium tulerat, et in castra pertulit. ibi plus quam in acie sanguinis ac caedis factum, praedaeque pars maior ira corrupta. (b) Account for the Mood and Tense of esset, and for the case of gladiis (1. 2), gladiis (1.3), artis, Luceriam. (c) What rule does Livy observe with regard to expressing the preposition before the names of towns? 2. (a) Translate into English: audiit et caeli Genitor de parte serena perque caput Remuli venit et cava tempora ferro 6 nube sedens, atque his victorem adfatur Iulum: macte nova virtute, puer: sic itur ad astra, dis genite et geniture deos. iure omnia bella gente sub Assaraci fato ventura resident, nec te Troia capit.' (b) Parse fully: nube, his, macte, itur, dis. (c) Explain precisely what is meant by bis capti Phryges, sic itur ad astra, dis genite, geniture deos, and nec te Troia capit. 3. What is an epic poem? How many kinds of epics are there? Which kind is the Aeneid? Show how the Aeneid conforms to your definition, illustrating your points by referring as much as possible to the ninth book. 4. Write explanatory notes on meta, fasces, toga praetexta, ientaculum, rostra. 5. (a) Sketch the history of the Samnites in Italy before their collision with Rome. State the cause or causes of the second Samnite War, and briefly relate its progress down to the end of 222 B.C. or (b) Give an account of the wars in which Gaius Marius took part. N.B.-Answer (a) or (b), but not both. 6. With what events in Roman history are the following names associated: Heraclea, Aegates, Insulae, Zama, Cynoscephalae, Pydna? SECTION B. 1. (a) Give the 3rd Person Singular of the Future Indicative Passive of eo and of fero. (b) Give the Gerund of eo and of progredior. (c) Give the 1st Person Plural of the Imperfect Subjunctive of progredior and of volo. 2. Translate into Latin: (a) The Samnites were persuaded not to butcher the Romans in the pass. (b) In order to escape the Romans had to abandon their baggage. (c) He was afraid the scout would not be able to tell him when the enemy would make the attack. the intention of taking the Romans by surprise. The Romans, however, had already received intelligence of their coming through scouts and had taken up their position on the top of a hill. When the Gauls appeared upon the scene and began to open fire, the Roman general ordered his men to let the enemy approach and not to shoot until they could see the colour of their eyes. The result of this manoeuvre was that most of the Gauls. were killed before they reached the Roman lines. 3. Translate at sight: Atheniensibus Sphacteria insula potiri frustra conatis, concilium convocatum est ut quid agendum esset deliberarent. Quo in concilio Cleon, qui privatus modo erat neque omnino belli peritus, eos numquam talibus usos ducibus insula potituros esse affirmavit. "Me duce," inquit, "non viginti dies fore ut hostes resistant pro certo habeo." Summa igitur imperii statim ab Atheniensibus ei commissa, ad sedem belli profectus, adiuvante fortuna, praeter omnium opinionem quod susceperat confecit victorque viginti post diebus Athenas rediit. |