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2. Make into Greek:

The Greeks fought with reckless bravery until at length their spears were broken, and they had no weapon left except their swords. It was at this juncture that Leonidas himself was slain, and around his body the battle became fiercer than ever; the Persians exhausted all their efforts to possess themselves of it, but were repulsed by the Greeks four several times, with the loss of many of their chiefs. Fatigued, and diminished in number, the little band of defenders retired with the body of their leader, into the narrow path, where they sat all together on a hillock, exposed to the attack of the main Persian army on one side, and of the detachment of Hydarnes, which had now completed its march, on the other. They were thus surrounded, overwhelmed with missiles, and slain to a man; not losing courage even to the last, but defending themselves with their remaining daggers, and even with their unarmed hands.

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3. Compare the spirit of the Oedipus Tyrannus or other plays of Sophocles with that of the Bacchae with reference to the general attitude of their authors to the received religion.

4. Give an account of either, (a) The origin and growth of the tragic art in Greece; or, (b) The life and works of Aeschylus.



Homer and Aristophanes.

1. Translate Iliad III, 76-91.

IV, 223-239.

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2. Translate Odyssey, VIII, 235-255.

3. Translate, with notes, Frogs, 92-102,




4. Explain exactly the reasons for the 'Wrath' of Achilles, and show how the original poem may have developed the theme.

5. How far do you think the literary criticism of the Frogs sound?

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