Numerology - Meaning of numbers and their interpretation

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R.E.I. Editions, 22 nov. 2014 - 150 pagini

New update edition

Numerology is considered one of the oldest analytical techniques in the world, more than two and a half millennia ago the Egyptian and Babylonian priests used it as a method to get to know others and to understand human psychology. A good part of numerological knowledge is also attributed to the teacher-philosopher Pythagoras, who, it is said, before accepting a pupil in his school, examined him on the basis of his name and date of birth. This numerology manual allows us to know the meaning of each individual number and, in particular:

·        Numerological Divination

·        Pythagorean Numerology

·        Master numbers and Karmic numbers

·        Classical Numerology

·        The Path of Birth

·        The number of the Soul

·        The Person number

·        The number of the ego

·        The number of the Quintessence

·        Life Cycles, Milestones and Challenges

·        Personal numbers

·        The lucky number

·        The lucky date

·        The day of birth

·        The Shadow Numbers 


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